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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Jamba

    Wii Speak

    Yeah but why wait? Nintendo have basically told us nothing since christmas. The Wii section of the forum has been so quiet and there has been no real news bar 3rd party efforts. E3 is the big geek out for the hardcore so why are we getting practically nothing? Showing something off in October that's meant to be selling around xmas just isn't going to happen. Any announcements of important developments for 2008 should have happened by now.
  2. Jamba

    Wii Speak

    As I've said with WMP, it will be at least a year before we see any 3rd party announcing that they are using this tech. At least. 1 game for each piece of tech... that's fairly poor going I think. Almost as bad as eye-toy2.
  3. It will be at least another year until we get even an announcement that 3rd parties are taking advantage. I was hoping that this had been in the pipeline for a while and that devs were on board. And we've just had all this stuff about Clone Wars as well... why didn't they tap into that.
  4. Good game guys, I feel tremendously luck that I didn't get killed for not PMing night before last. Had... stuff to deal with. But qudos to my team, Tellyn made some very valiant efforts at the beginning and working strategy with him and chair was really good. Didn't help that the mafia team almost all went MIA for most of the game though! Also Jay actually frogot that he was mafia for a while so that may explain a few things. I think we had more than one very lucky break but you guys all killed Haggis before we could use him as a bait dammit!
  5. Lol... I hope I pass straight away cos I failed my car one twice (first was unlucky and I wasn't ready to re-take it again so soon). I have lots of road experience now and I just need some training and I think that I'll be set. Luckily getting it before the "new" test comes in.
  6. Wow... I'd like to see someone know about your revenge actions and still be your friend. That's pretty malicious don't ya think?
  7. Talking of which, I've just booked my direct access test, so hopefully big bike riding for me by the end of sept! Wooo! Feeling a lot better recently, less peh and more... normal i guess. Stuff's sorting itself out as the shockwaves clear. Not much else to report apart from the fact that I find myself wanting a PS3... I might be ill. Oh wait no.
  8. Come on FF8 fans... I know you wanna say something. Yes she really is a semi-evil schitzo witch with cosmic powers.
  9. Yes that is true but their 3rd parties do make really good games for the system and there is some very interesting design headed that consoles way. Even the little PSN based games are pretty damn good. After seeing that Nintendo has nothing that interests me in the slightest coming for the Wii in the next 12 months then I'm very tempted to get a PS3. It has a growing catalogue of games and a free online service and some very nice features on the way. I don't want to have to pay (for wireless or for the XBL charge) to take advantage of what the 360 has to offer. PS3 will let me do that. Still doesn't stop this guy sounding like a penis though.
  10. Well thank fuck for these guys and the CoD team is all I can say.
  11. Absolutely, I wouldn't be surprised if they try and cause a stir with a few ideas.
  12. *sings* Haaaaaaaappy Birthday to Mundi! etc...
  13. Spot on my cycloptic colleague! What I'm liking is that it will be easier for devs I recon. I get the feeling that all devs have been having to be kinda vague with the movements and like you said, assuming that it was in a certain place. Now I recon we could also have a fighter with finer motion sensing too. Damn, imagine a fighter where if you do the movement more perfectly then the attack is better...
  14. I just thought, I cant wait for the first serious tennis game to use this. This sensor will be able to detect slice shots, drop shots and a WHOLE bunch of information that will stop it being anything like Wii Sports.
  15. Accelorometers can really only measure movement and can only just a direction of movement when used as a group with different orientations, sensing the forces acting on them in coordination. In a basic sense, they can only feel when the move left and right or up and down, they can't sense pitch (very well) or yaw. Actually, 4 sensors would be ideal but hey. But if you put another sensor at the base the rotation becomes much easier to sense. The pivot point is between the sensors, so collating the information denotes the rotation around that point.
  16. Well my name can be Pat Frost. Patrick Frost works just as well but you have that double single syllable, like James Bond.
  17. So do we recon that new Wii's will come with this as standard now? I would think that that is perfectly possible.
  18. I'm a Patrick. And the only thing that I don't like about it is that everyone always, ALWAYS asks me if I'm Irish, which I'm not (cos now you're all wondering). In England, it's a relatively uncommon name and I've never known anyone else that well with the same name. So to me my name means me. Which is great.
  19. SNES, no doubt. That era truly was a renaissance in gaming. I'm still awaiting the next one really...
  20. Congratulations Nintendo. Making the best decision and having the best timing. I'm surprised that people see this as Nintendo "fixing the broken Wii". I just see them as making it have the motion sensing capability that we all dreamed of when we first found out about the remote. Yes they patched it. Why feel bitter?
  21. I know what you mean and I kind of feel the same way. But I need to be able to forget it to a certain level. I feel emotions very strongly and deeply to the point where I often get totally lost in them. So if someone betrays or wrongs me I find it hard to not be enveloped by it because it's done so it never really goes away. It drives me mental and get's me down and I feel tired cos I'm playing over and over again. I need to be able to forget it enough to be able to move on and free myself, to heal and to be able to live my life again. I will never completely forget though. As you pointed out, those kind of incidents are corner stones in your life, they define who you are and how you respond to people. Also, welcome to Pookiablo! Glad to have you aboard. If I was in your shoes, I don't think that I would have been so diplomatic with my "friend". I think the hammer would have come down hard and although I may have come to understand and to some extent forgive him for what he did, it wouldn't stop me thinking that he was a c**k for ever.
  22. Well people seem to have hunches and other reasons to vote for LB which is good enough for me right now. I hope at least one of these two is mafia or i'm gonna have to spend a lot of time scratching my head... Vote: LazyBoy
  23. Nah he didn't ruin it, we kind of found out afterwards but still the memory is attached and every time I see him in the photos of that night I do secretly wish that I could PK Fire his ass into charcoal from a distance. But yeah, that's me kinda hating him back then not hating him now. Does that make any sense? Also, glad to see that this discussion has fleshed out . I was worried by the first page that there wasn't going to be much of a discussion just very , very condensed opinions being thrown around.
  24. I'm feeling better today, not great but ok. Life does just get on with itself and returns back to normal just by it's own accord. Still doesn't feel great though, it's like the feeling when you look outside and its raining. It doesn't make you feel bad, just kinda down.
  25. Ah so I guess you have forgiven her in the end... sad story 'wolf. I had a guy at school who was fun to be around and someone who was very stimulating as a personality (my favourite kind of people) but he would fuck up a lot and do really bad things every now and again. I would be good friends with him for a year and then stay away form him for a year and back and forth. In our last days at school together he did something really bad at my 18th bday and he wasn't even very sorry about it. Later he realised how sorry he was and I did forgive him eventually but this just tipped the balance. I realised that he did do bad things on a regular basis and although he's not a bad guy I just didn't want to be friends with him. I couldn't. It was a matter of self preservation and damage limitation. I don't want someone that distructive in my life, no matter how much good they bring.
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