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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. OK for a start, you keep on saying that you are destined to hurt her. I'd just ask her out man. Be relaxed about it and just have some fun, don't make it into a big deal. Don't think about it so much, just enjoy. And if things get a bit more serious and you are worried that your "problems" will hurt her in the long term then talk to her about it. Express your concerns and then she can make that decision.
  2. Been ill... fever and shit and i hate it. I feel drugged and have been able to do little but gurggle all day. Couldn't even bring myself to Smash Bros.
  3. Odders your little kid is several levels of awesomeness. That really looks like Blenheim Palace but it can't be if you're in "the district". Her little ponytail rocks, reminds me of Tetra.
  4. Well not quite Midlands, north Oxfordshire really but yeah. Parents moved house really recently so yeah, I'm stuck in the countryside without really knowing anyone. Woo!
  5. Damn hope so! I really need this at the moment. After deciding that I fucked my last year at uni and that I'm not going to be a games artist anytime soon, I just need to make some steps forward. Just need to get into the industry and find out what I'm naturally good at. Might be designing actually but that's by the by
  6. Well, I'm dropping off my course and starting to apply for testing jobs. I think that my CV will be alright but it's just a case of getting things started. Job security in the industry is a bit shit but if I can get a permenant contract then I might be able to move out of home sooner rather than later Luckily, lots of gaming companies in the midlands.
  7. But nightwolf hasn't posted any pics recently :p
  8. Yeah, there's that bit fairly near the beginning where you jump down into that dark area and your character starts freaking out and panting while the little girl is running around you and is constantly just out of sight. Freaky as hell. Played Condemned 2 recently and there are these exploding childrens doll baby things. Except that they are kind of alive and all messed up and covered in dirt. They come crawling under things at you at knee height and they make you jump like fuck. Then you pick the up later as weapons, kind of grenades if you will, but you see them held in your hand and you can see theirs eyes looking at you and then they stare all around the place! Really makes me feel creeped out.
  9. Happy Birthday guys! Have a good day celebrating being yourselves!
  10. Dude... creative section Think before you spam-thread-start
  11. Jamba


    Yeah but the world needs people like you:
  12. I was going to suggest setting up a "Get Flink to Belgium" fund. I know the hopeless romantic in me would give you some cash. I recon other people might too if you grovel and look like a lost puppy and so on : peace:
  13. Jamba


    Aimless, I used to be the same and when I'm happy I still am but don't think of it as being in vain. I think of it thusly: Every little nice thing you do is like dropping a stone in a pond (overused metaphor I know...) and what you do affects those around you. This makes them happier which in turn cheers up others. The ripple goes on gradually fades. You're just in a very big pond you know, so the sides aren't close enough to bounce the wave back. Be nice because it's who you are man. 'swat I do anyway.
  14. Fucking hell A_F that looks like an abertoire! (sp?) I'd never get a piercing in a place like that damn... Hey guys, you know that Eurostar to Brussels is only like £30 each way right? I bet travel overall would cost around £100 and you've got a job right Flink ma man.
  15. No no.... it's just murray
  16. Pouty face waving it's arm in the air (ie. saying "hey what about me!" as pouts in japan mean kind of annoyance i think). You get used to Bluey's crazy depictions just like her happy waving arm face: /(^_^)/
  17. Just to put my 2 cents in: I liked this game but didn't love it. Every little piece of genius in it (of which there were quite a few) was quickly counteracted by either dull, diluted areas or very boring and obvious game design. Due to a lack of stimulation I charged through the game and I don't think at any point really did I feel like the game was tempting me to stray off and investigate. It was nice to have some new weapons but honestly I'm getting fucking bored of the regulars. It's no fun getting a weapon that ups your arsenal by pretty much fuck all. It's like getting a crap add-on in Metroid and expecting something cool but to find that it was kind of meeeeeeh instead. Liked the story, liked Midna a lot. Wish they had spent more time developing Zant and Ganon though. They were just kind of there, no real feeling of Nemesis. But wait, they did do that for King Bokoblin (is that it?) so what the hell Nintendo?
  18. All I can say is nope. Think i'll be giving this one a miss for several reasons unless there is someone who trust that buys this and says that its good. I know it's early days but there doesn't seem all that much to it at all.
  19. End of Garden State gets me... really bad sometimes but never enough to cry. Also, how has nobody mentioned when Simba's dad dies! Totally chokes me up when he can't even manage to say "help...." properly cos he's already on the way to misery. I'm with raining on SoaSM, especially when he's so happy to be seeing her in his memories but then she starts to be taken away. It makes me really sad
  20. Hellfire's right. It's like you are already suggesting that games like Soul Calibur had no life in them cos they didn't have online.
  21. I'm quite tempted to go with Zell rather than Lazyboy, he participates less but tbh I've got nothing to suggest much of either of them behaviour wise. Don't know about wildo and Jay, I might PM them to give them a nudge but I don't blame them really.
  22. You see, you would think that they'd put that stuff in the manual!
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