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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Trying too hard. Right person will come along when it happens. Just make sure that you're not a needy arsehole when it does mmmmmkay?
  2. Dont earthquakes happen a lot there? You do live on a volcano island after all...
  3. This thread really is pathetic. It's reactions like this that mean that nobody will make anything but maintstream garbage that never thinks outside the box to make. I'm not going to say this game is good because it's not aimed at me but the intended demographic may love it. You guys just sit here and bitch and moan because no one is making games that are for you. Yes it was probably cheap to make. Yes it will probably be very profitable. And yes Ubi will keep on making them.
  4. When do people think that this will be released? It's one of my most anticipated games atm and I just want to get stuck into it so badly! It's been on the cards for eons... surely later this year in Japan at least... right?
  5. I think you are all misunderstanding me. To achieve it's look required a fair amount of graphical power. Especially considering the draw distances at the time and as I remember, the poly could be quite high on screen at given points. But yeah, maybe I should have said "visually dependent" or something.... u get the point though right? That it was likely to go next-gen on us? And a lack of good game design and some very poor animation. But I have only seen one of their games. Was shockingly bad.
  6. Just trying to cushion the blow Ah well, if they stick to the mechanics then it's got a chance.
  7. Of course they will screw FarCry. Tell me a version of FC that was good when they were dev-ing it? THe original made all of the others look B-list. Don't expect anything but shovel ware.
  8. Guys, cmon lets take a second to think. The first game was VERY graphical even if it was stylized and yes I also think that the change to realism is a pretty stupid. But hey, you can do realism in a stylized way, just look at GoW. But as I said, graphical. And which machine would you choose to realise a visual masterpiece? I wouldn't pick the Wii. Personally, I wasn't getting my hopes up because I haven't seen Ancel do anything respect worthy in a while. Since AC Ubi have been giving ZBrush one massive hand job and I wouldn't expect them to make a high budget game without Normal Mapping from now on. Pathetic effort.
  9. Don't agree with you about the characters at all, most of them were just silly comic book bad guys with no depth and yes Boss was cool to some extent but they did "a Matrix" and made her too "bad-ass" (ie. she just looked emotionless most of the time). Don't even get me started on the main bad guy who was a total rip off of Bison from Street Fighter not to mention one dementional. But hey, these are opinions aren't they? I'm just shocked that you think that MGS3 was better than MGS. To me, MGS3 is totally lacking in substance on every level in comparison. I will agree with you on the End though. He was a very cool idea.
  10. What? You're telling me that you thought that the bosses for MGS3 were good? Bee man, seriously? And you can't deny that the whole game was just an excuse to get from one FMV to another. It wants to be a movie not a game.
  11. There were a lot of things wrong with MGS3s storyline, especially the bosses and just the general level of ridiculous-ness. Although some bits of the game were very good it was crippling flawed to me and many of the characters were laughable. And lets not forget the FMV marathons. The last one was almost the entire reasons why the game was made and to me, that's just poor story writing.
  12. Good work "Nathan". It's doubtful but it would be awesome if we got this before Xmas. It would be on my list for def. Yay for muture Wii exclusives!
  13. "S-E will be suppporting the Wii..." Yeah whatever. Show me the money you wankers, non of this Wii ware stuff.
  14. I would say that removing Israel as a country would be a terrible idea for several reasons, even if we put them there in the first place. American money and education have brought economic prosperity and an amount of stability (in that sense) to the area which would never have happened otherwise. Right now, it also helps the western world keep an eye on some very large terrorist organisations. It's not a particularly happy or peaceful notion but it is still valid. For me, the situation is about dealing with the now. The peace proccess was on track and making some very good progress until key figures on both sides were killed or left office and Hamas were voted in in Palestine. Both sides of the equation are very over reactionary and there is far too little blame put on individuals. For now I would like to see a solid boarder and for the petty terrorism to stop, along with pretty baseless military skirmishes in Palestinian areas. Business does and can carry across the boarded and should continue to do so but everyone in the area needs to start thinking about the future, not just subscribing to their personal feeling in reaction to short term events.
  15. So they can take the piss out of it for 20mins?
  16. Ummm so did they just stop these? Wtf? There are loads of games that they still haven't covered
  17. Maybe we'll see some vids or gameplay footage soon, like at E3? Would be lovely if this turned out to be a Fall release for this year. I love playing horror games during the Winter nights
  18. Well yeah but that's because Nintendo still had lots of games to release in Fall last year. They can't make that many games so just simmer down for now Mr. I-Need-A-New-Nintendo-Masterpiece-Every-Single-Month. Nobody has anything to complain to Nintendo about really it's only the third parties. You won't know anything til E3 ok. Plain and simple. You can winge afterwards if need be but until then you don't know if there won't be lots of games or if there will be. Chnaces are that you will all be extatic for about 2 days and then start complaining irregardless. It's always the way.
  19. Cheers big D, I'll look into that. I was simply expecting that the lighting and atmospherics would be a whole lot worse. If they are not then this is looking more like a Wii purchase. But then again, I have got a 360 for a reason.
  20. That "new" art sucks balls. Looks like an A-level art student having a laugh. I can paint better than that I recon.
  21. I bought the charger set that Gamestation were selling a while ago. *goes to look* Joytech Powerstation. Works well, I've had no problems apart from syncing which is a bi-hatch because the battery covers the button. You need to put in ordinary batts, sync and then switch out. Hardly ever have to do that though so...
  22. I was really looking forward to an action based RPG on Wii and I was very excited that S-E might be bringing to us. In fact, the prospect of this game was one of the reasons that I bought the Wii (let's face it, didn't we all buy the system on promises?). The idea of this disappearing into the darkness actually upsets me quite a lot.
  23. I'm thinking about this one a lot but I'm worried that the experience will just be plain better on an HD system. The motion controls do look awesome but will they really make the game? So far it is pleasingly a yes I think...
  24. I find it funny that people have seemed to ignore the fact that E3 is just around the corner. Nintendo have been repeating themselves tenfold that they will be pulling back the curtain for the near future for the Wii. This may also include a lot of 3rd party games. Can we just have this discussion later in the summer please?
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