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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. WTF?! I'm in a cage now? I'm so confuuuuuuuuuused. But yeah, Bluey has no Wii in Japan so thats out. But I'm still up for kicking your guys asses :p (yaaaar like that will happen ) so I'll be getting my FC out to some of you folks soons!
  2. Some people need to play Condemned and also the sequel I feel, those are crap scary games. Most people I know can't play the game with the lights off. Also, I'm with Ginger Chris in the fact that AVP2 is scary as hell too; Monolith are genuii at scary people.
  3. Hmmm lost odyssey is probably going to be my next buy for the 360 but i'm not really huge on RPGs right now. Smash Bros has been pretty emotional for me. From the Subspace Emissary curtesy of Retro Link:
  4. Well a short video will explain all about my 4 eyed predecessor Ooooh, he's a quick'en! Cheers for the wishes guys, I'm hitting London taaaaaaahn tomorrow so will update you with the level of carnage on sat night
  5. Hey Ine do you get heyfever? I've had it reaaaaally bad this year and i keep waking up every 2 hours or so. It makes the passages that connect your ears and nose swell up and make you feel like you have flu Does this sound familiar?
  6. Yeah or you forget that the game exists
  7. Yeah I guess, but maybe some people should say that a bit more. I'd like threads like this to be more of a list of awesome stuff they has done or momentos to their life rather than a "ZOMG blah person died, he was SHO great". Er, yeah wasn't that dyson though? And come on dude, you're one of the people Bluey is trying to be nice to.
  8. Yeah mate, thanks but I think I'll give it a miss. I need to spend more time in FMII i think anyway.
  9. In light of the last discussion about whether this game is worth carrying on playing, I am actually starting to change my mind. Sorry but I find it hard to keep enthusiasm for what should be a fast paced game when it derails for over a week.
  10. she brought it on herself and just, just like anyone else that i don't know, i don't give a rats ass. If she dies, someone else will make music and fill the void. It's not like we're losing Elvis or John Lennon is it?
  11. Right so this game is officially dead then... great.
  12. Really liking the look of this. This is more my kind of game and I'm very interested in seeing how they implement it and how deep the combat is. Not expecting much as this is just a movie tie-in after all.
  13. Shame that we that it's so far fetched to suggest that only one of those "projects" will be on Wii rather than both. Better not be some kind of Chibi-Dead-Rising or I swear that I'm gonna kill someone. I'm happy to stay on the cynical "Wii game will be mess" line of thinking as it will avoid disappointment. Doesn't everyone else expect this when we hear words like: "Surprising take on next-gen favourite" ?
  14. Can't say that I'm surprised. I think that it's pretty short sighted of people to have bought the freeloader expecting Nintendo to NOT stop it. They have always hated stuff like that and I say fair play to them.
  15. OK so I thought that maybe we could post up examples of alternate versions of fantastic game music. Try and maybe discuss trends and so on throughout gaming history and generally big up your favourites. My favourites I think are probably Tetris, obviously many many Zelda songs and a lot of Gargoyles Quest. Personally, I think that a lot of FF music is overated. Epic and well orchestrated it might be, I'm not sure that it actually adds much. But then again, I can't really talk as I haven't played that many of them. I leave you with a beautiful version of the Song of Storms from OOT:
  16. Yeah I want to finish it too. But if others aren't interested then there isn't that much we can do.
  17. Ah yeah, sorry. Tired am I. Sleep soon I will have.
  18. Vote: Beggilax Thing is, this game suffers from the same problems that every other game does except magnified. The only reason why it gets dull is because you have no info to go on because no one is suspicious. That happens because no one posts. I applaud people like Jonnas who have actually been taking a stab at the people he is suspicious of. If you want the game to get interesting then you have to do it yourself, not just sit and wait for it to come to you. @Moogle: Knowing chair he will probably check out Mr-Paul first.
  19. Sums up my feelings pretty well. It's just a game (not even a game actually just one copy of the game and you still have your save data). No need for the melodrama.
  20. As a personality, A_F seems pretty narcissistic. This arguement has been had on other places on the forum. And yes we should care if he is spoiled, he comes on here talking about his "conundra" which are comparable to "shall I have tea or coffee?" whilst there are others on the boards who have genuine problems. He seems to have no problems of any substance at all, they are more inconveniences. I think that everyone just wants him to show a little humility rather than saying "oh woe is me... shall I take this awesome casual job and earn money I don't need? It would be a bother... Or shall I just relax and enjoy what from the outside seems to be a pretty problem free lifestyle already?" He's just rubbing it in people's faces and they object to that. I don't think it fair to condemn the other forumites for pointing out that A_F can't seem to post without there being an undertone that suggests that we should aspire to be just like him. Most people post things on here mostly because they are either amusing or they genuinely need help (although the "i need a girlfriend" thing gets a bit rediculous sometimes and can often spark off similar sentiments expressed here). Also, many people have good friendships with each other here due to their participation on the forum. A_F doesn't tend to interract with the forum that much and so has not really built up this relationship. So if he starts an "ask the forum" kind of thread, he should maybe do it concerning something that people will actually want to have an opinion on. That's not why people are calling him lazy. People are saying that kind of thing because he seems to think that a job shouldn't infringe on his personal time to such an extent that it is inferred in his posts that his personal commitments should come first and then his job. People like this don't understand how hard it is for some people to get a job (and one as good as this) especially when the vast majority of us have to sacrifice a lot just to hold down a shit job let alone a good one.
  21. There must be a point where she is wasting your time though surely? Some corporate way you can tell her to go away?
  22. Dude, talk to your manager and convince them that she is wasting your valuable time (their money) by constantly calling you. Get management to take her off your hands and refer her to a different department.
  23. Have you actually read what people are saying Sheikah? Why people are being mean to him? I don't think that anyone can be accused of being hypocritical in this instance, unless you mean something else I see nothing wrong with people getting angry with A_F for being an ungreatful little child who thinks that people should just give him money rather than work for it. His expectation are completely warped and as Bluey, Iun and others have said, "stfu and give the job to someone who deserves it you little shitbag".
  24. For opening jars, don't try and twist hard try and grip hard and then twist. Works every time for me. For those artists out there (although you blatantly know this already) don't buy expensive fixative, just use hairspray cos it works just as well. Bluey has an amazing new methos of folding t-shirts btw. I'm gonna force her to make a vid of it on youtube.
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