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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. If A_F actually grew a moustache he could do a pretty good Mario (probably be a better Luigi). You tried it yet dude?
  2. I don't think you're a coward Iun. Committing to someone in the way you have and changing your life to be with them is an extremely brave and noble thing to do. People should respect choices like yours more. It's a shame that things haven't worked out but things will heal in time buddy. *man hugz*
  3. That's pretty harsh. Someone makes an effort to post up news about a game that no one knows anything about and all you've got to say for yourself is "nice try". It's not like Canand made the game or anything, he's just trying to be informative.
  4. Would explain why you like the Dreamworks stuff. I'd see Pulp Fiction if you get a chance, Tarantino is a complete pop-culture whore (although only for stuff from his childhood) but that is one film that I recommend you see for sure.
  5. Woo! Just applied for my first testing job today. Think its Swordfish Studios but it's a bit hard to tell. Going to send in to apply for a Disney interactive one soon but I'm getting mega-mixed messages about what should be on my CV. Really hope that I can get some interviews soon or at least apply for more than 4 jobs this week. We will see!
  6. Er I have no idea what I will be doing by September so I'll wait and see. It'll be a bit of a memory trip for me so I might have to nip down to Werlow (sp?) Park. Haven't been back to my home town in a veeeeery long time.
  7. Yeah, they had actors in who would talk to them and they would speak in riddles and address the player in a slightly pedophilic tone. Deaths were indeed terrifying. Lets not forget the slow dull process of watching segments of the face getting torn off piece by piece. SO CRUEL! Down to the EYES!!!!
  8. Oh I can see the Daily Mail turning "slaying Orcs" into some witch hunt headline about Racism or a class war. Do you remember when they bumped into a real person. I've never been so gripped in anticipation as to what they might say.
  9. Tape I love you.... no seriously... The intro to Knightmare was the sexiest thing in my childhood next to the Thundercats intro. They need to bring that show back something awful.
  10. Actually wansn't meant to be a cheap shot. When I was writing it, I suddenly realised that you actually love all that pop referency kind of pulp-fiction-wannabe thing. Was just realising that that might explain a few things... And the Pixar pop-reference? Can you give me any examples? (also just so you don't think I'm a philastine I plainly refused to watch Cars. Could see it was shit a mile off)
  11. Well, the Pikachu suit is only 1/2 an hour away and I guess breaking into Bluey's house and scaring her mum wooooould start my run on things.... Oh how could you?! I know I'm a bit sentimental and romantic but that just make me want to be violently ill! It's just soooooo.... BLEURGH
  12. Totally disagree. Dreamworks films are all shallow, irritating, cluster-fuck movies that almost entirely ride on pop-culture references (maybe this is what you like about them?) while trying to get a cheap shot in at every Disney movie every made. Technical, creatively and soulfully Dreamworks is a sham in every way compared to Pixar. True Pixar have had some off movies (Bugs Life, TS2 for instance) but they go out to try and make fantastic movies almost every single time.
  13. I personally think that 3D animation is as good as 2D. To me neither is better but for the past 8 years or so we have seen a torrent of SHIT 3D movies. These have all sold well on the gimick that they are 3D and/or they have feature voice actors of grossely mediocre quality but high popularity. For me, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Ratatouile (sp?) 3 classic peaces of animation, real quality stuff. I don't really like to compare them. It's not like I need to choose buying one over the other is it?
  14. Bah, all this talking about my dream has made me go all "missing Bluey"... not a good feeling to be in before I go to sleep! [talkstoself]Come on man! She's back in 27 days! Stop being a big girl![/talkstoself]
  15. Urm just one thing Mike, you might want to make sure that meeting up with your Dad would upset his new wife. Again, what you are trying to do is between you and your Dad and doesn't really include her but still, it's best not to upset anyone eh? I've met up with my cousins recently. We had never really hung out because something happened when my Mum and my Uncle were young (to do with Grandad dying) and it messed my Uncle up so much that I don't think he stopped all contact with the family because it was upsetting him so much. I'm really glad though because my cousins and I have managed to be able to hang out and keep my Uncle out of it so we can kind of stitch the family back together a bit. Such a shame that I will probably never meet my Uncle though, I'm sure he's probably a good guy and apparently I look just like him. Mum misses him lots because he's still the only person that she feels understands what it was like to lose her father.
  16. No it wasn't so bad. It was very peaceful and full of wonder, just like a Guilliermo del Toro movie. The octopus just gave this slight adrenaline rush, more like a cross between excitement and nervousness. Yet at the same time I felt calm and placid. I have a feeling that it might be to do with Bluey but hey. I guess that how relationships feel to me, wonderful and amazing. Yet sometimes they make me a little nervous in a giddy way. But when I'm with Bluey she always makes me feel calm and peaceful.
  17. I had the most interesting dream in a while last night. Me and a group of ambiguous people (who I felt familiar and comfortable with) were just hanging out in this room which was old fashioned and decaying with the paint peeling off the walls but the yellow glow of the old fashioned light made it warm and comforting. I started looking at this little cabinet and everyone circled around as I started to turn this mechanism on the side. The panels and compartments moved, folding in on itself and moving around like a combination of a very slow merry-go-round and a tranformer. The top started to fold out, making it more of a coffee table shape and I could see in the middle what looked like a lamp broken into many pieces with the wiring and tubes hanging out everywhere. And as I kept on winding the handle, the the lamp started pulling itself together, not fitting together like a mechanical device would do but more grew together, like the parts had an attraction. The beauty of the movement of this made me stop for a second, ceasing all movement and made me realise that I was in control of this process. In my fascination I turned the handle the other way watching the process in reverse and then back and forth gently to rewind and rewatch this magnificent ballet of copper, brass and cable all lit by this gentle old bulb. Everyone was as enticed as me and by the time I had wound the mechanism to it's conclusion we had completely ignored that the room around us had melted into darkness, as you would do if you stared at a glowing light the entire time. We now all sat around the round table that the cabinet had become and noticed that we could feel something brushing around our legs and waists. I felt weightless as if submersed in water but not cold or wet. After a short time it became clear that what was swimming around us was a kind of octopus that moved with a gentle grace. It swept between us and was a very calming kind of force yet at the same time I was very slightly apprehensive. I was mystified and enchanted by movement of this creature and its body felt like silk as it brushed in passing. However it was quite large. My mind toyed with, rather than panicked about the idea that it could hurt us but it never once broke above the level of the table (which would bring it to level of our chests and faces) so it never felt dangerous. This was more the feeling of being with an animal that might attack you out of fear rather than any predatory tendancy. One of the group started talking (kind of like a really interesting teacher) about the octopus and told us lots about it. But she seemed insistant on avoiding whether there was any chance of it hurting us which actually made me more worried as it seemed that she really didn't want to tell us. I was hoping that this gentle, silent, floating beast, whose eyes blinked at me with serenity and a deep reverance, could not do us harm. I didn't wasnt this brilliant experience to be hampered by my worrying, I wanted to know that it was going to be ok to trust this creature.
  18. Ummm, this game maybe great when you get your hands (or feet) on it but the animation looks floaty which for a game that is based on gravity and jumps is damn worrying. Also, it does look just like any another skating game so I wouldn't say it exactly eye catching.
  19. Jesus, we only need 7 votes for a majority... come on folks.
  20. Jamba


    Ok the Raid over the river screens gave us some faith but seriously, we've had nothing from this team of any substance for like what, 2 years now? I don't understand why anyone had any faith in them in the first place.
  21. I'd say to do it weekly. But seriously, people shouldn't think about it as a diet. You need to permenantly change your life style and your weight because you will just go back to being the weight you were before. And for that reason, I don't think that people should give themselves targets and stuff. Your aim should be to just trim down no matter what time period you do it in. It needs to be done at a pace you feel comfortable with, its not a competition.
  22. 'swat you get for being a cow! I think you're on to something there though. I feel attached to myself too, I hadn't really thought about it. Hang on... ...do I love... myself? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that can't be right!
  23. Jamba


    I think that most people do things to improve the world around them but everyone has different things that they find more important and so it might seem to you that they are wankers when they aren't. Some people may find that doing the little things like opening doors and being polite help the world go round (for them) but then you may have people who say that that stuff is secondary to say stopping people being unfair. I used to have a reaaaally big chip on my shoulder about unfairness but I found that it was upsetting me so much that I had to let it go. I still get very angry when people who I'd categorise as harmless are left out because they are a bit odd or not funny enough and such crap. Give me a slightly boring yet reliable friend any day over someone who's really funny anytime. For me, I feel duty bound to help people maintain a certain level of "goodness" and I find it hard to like people who go and do something destructive or negative "for the lulz". I would diswade all of my friends from such activities too. On top of this, I would be unhappy with myself if I made anyone's day worse who didn't deserve it. I'm nice to old people for instance because their lives are pretty banal and tedious and I know that they often feel like everyone ignores them. I would be nice to kids and teens if I could do it in a way that didn't make me feel like a pedo. But yeah, I say be nice to strangers (just don't follow them or take sweets form them and so on) cos to me, if we aren't nice to people that we hardly know or are constantly thinking about the worst case scenario then we would never get out of our house. [patrickswayze] Fear! .... Love!.... [/patrickswayze]
  24. Yep, I like my body to be perfectly honest. I just think that it's seen better days. I'd just like to be a more healthy, in-shape version of myself.
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