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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I'll be really disappointed if this doesn't hit Europe. Would make sense surely considering it does better over here?
  2. True... oh you had to go and post Shadow.... I'm all Sega ANGRY now! :P
  3. I'm actually shocked at the premise entirely... why do they keep giving characters weapons and magic when they blatanly don't need them? But yeah whatever, if the game is good then screw the premise, Sega are a prime example of that.
  4. So, no E3 next year then. To answer the thread title, no Nintendo have their head very VERY firmly screwed on. In fact in their conference, they addressed the press present at this years E3 better than any of the other 2 platform holders in my view. They were far morea aware than anyone that E3 had critically changed and responded well to that. My only issue now is that there is no conference during the May-July period where the big titles will get revealed. I'll quote David Perry about the death of E3 as he expresses my sadness quite well:
  5. Pretty much how I feel about it. I'm also a bit confused because it sounds like they have kind of made this have levels and I'm sorry but the graphics are not good. Is the memory so poor on the Wii that everyone has such trouble getting an even vaguely decent texture out of it? Most of the bits in that screenshot look flat shaded practically! Considering that the RE4 engine had some nice lighting and stuff, shouldn't dropping the content into it and coming out with something good looking actually be relatively easy?
  6. Mashup, whats going in dude? So why aren't you engaged now if your so sure? It's not like you have to get married straight after being engaged so what's stopping you?
  7. Nah mutual masturbation rules. Very sensual but it is really better as foreplay. You seem to underestimate how much girls like the lead up to the action of the "doing it" as you so say.
  8. Hey guys to all of you who posted such nice "it's gonna be ok Jamba-man" messages yesterday, many thanks! I was in a really bad mood and therefore wasn't thinking straight so don't worry about me too much, I hardly ever feel like that. I've always told bluey that we can only have what we have and wanting anything different is silly. I just enjoy what we do have, even if it's not a relationship like everyone elses Muchos gracias todo.
  9. Awww Paulie, don't flag now! You have only ONE hour left! Make it count buddy and I hope that you're having a great time. Many happy returns to both you and Ollie!
  10. Just watching Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio DVD. Fucking hell that band are good, they offer so much as a performance and Bruce Dickinson is a total legend.
  11. Yeah people like us can't really ever forget this place can we?
  12. Thanks man, glad someone understands. A lot of my friends from uni keep buggin bluey and saying how much they miss their boyfriends cos they cant see them for like 2 WHOLE weeks. Like jee-erm-gosh why dont you go kill yourself now if you can't tie your shoe laces without your damn boyfriend? Sorry, that's my bad mood coming out. I should sleep.
  13. As Dan mentioned (most) white wine is made from red grapes (viognier is actually a white grape as I remember) and before the fermentation process is started, the skins are removed. In rose, the skins are put back in very late in the casking stages to give a little flourish. You may also see rose wines called "blush". This is produced by actually blending a red wine into a white wine. Works very well with some particualr Pinot Grigios but often can just end up being very ordinary. So yeah, blushes are a totally different process.
  14. Ah sorry to hear Ell, I hate it when someone spoils your day so badly that it really jars you. Had a really big downer in my life recently and have been soaring on a massive high now that everything is better. My work isn't annoying me as much, things with me and bluey are brilliant and have been looking forward to her coming back pretty soon. And just like that, the smallest of things brings on the crushing reality that she live on the other side of the planet and our relationship is mediated through a fucking box. I cant express how happy i am about seeing her when she arrives but I really don't know what I'm going to do when she has to leave again. The idea of having to do another 4 months before I see her again is really getting to me and then another 4 months after I go down for xmas. Fucking typical isn't it. That something so great as me realising how much I really love my girlfriend turns into such a fucking double edged sword and makes me feel miserable as shit. Just had to let her leave for work when I was still upset and I know that she'll be thinking about it all day. I'll blatantly feel better in the morning but I just can't stand how this great feeling has suddenly come crashing down.
  15. Think that Eguchi is pretty right. Personally though, I don't think that AC is a core game at least it's definitely not core enough to satisfy the gamers that Reggie has been preaching that his has not forgotten.
  16. Um yes... yes I do. Thats probably why I drink because I like the drink itself and get quite when my mate gets me a round in and it turns out to be wifebeater. I thought that was my job :p
  17. Jamba

    Wii Music!

    It just looks like a whole bunch of people pretending to be in a band and kind of button bashing... There doesn't really seem to be any challenge just makes you looks stupid so you can laugh at yourself. Also I'm pissed that probably one of the most important modes requires the balance board. Nice one guys. And anyone who enjoyed watching/listening to that crap that was eminating from the speakers while they were playing needs their heads checked. If the staff cant get their acts together and make it sound even half decent, then I'd rather get some 3 yr olds to go play make believe in my living room with some pots and pans. At least that would be cute.
  18. Yeah pretty much. Expecially in a pub. I just dont like the fac that there's no where to hang out in this country as a group of people which isn't really a pub. In lots of other countries in the world, people socialise over dinner at restaurant and go over to each other's houses. In this country, pub is default and no celebration can occur without alcohol. And for those of you who enjoy the social lubrication that a bevee can bring, maybe you should just learn to use your real social skills and then you wouldn't need the drink in the first place. Also I very VERY rarely find that drinking can actually make a good night better than it was ever going to be.
  19. Yeah but its the default. When the N-E meetup was getting organised, the only thing that people wanted to do was get pissed up in a park. It's the perfect excuse to not DO anything interesting at all. Sitting in the pub bores the SHIT out of me most of the time.
  20. Now you see to me, the "drinking to have a good time" thing seems stupid. Why does everyone seem to need the excuse as a way of having a good time? Most booze that gets served in bars tastes like piss. Does everyone really need a coupla pints to feel losened up enough to enjoy themselves?
  21. It was fun tho cos you and Ine seemed to believe in chair so much! We couldn't possibly kill you cos you were on our side in a way :p
  22. Oh dear... i've a feeling that we are not being honest with ourselves. For instance, who actually liked alcohol the first time they tried it? Who had to force themselves to really enjoy it? Before you enjoyed it why did you drink? To get pissed. Not to get completely wankered off your face but definitely to get drunk to some level or another. I like alcohol because of the taste of it now and very rarely get drunk because I drink like I enjoy it. I think a lot of us drink for no decent reason.
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