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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Jamba

    Only Me!

    I'm glad to see that the good sages are still here. I'm happy that there are people around here that are still keeping things respectable :P Oh dear... Sounds like we need a new take on the written RPG games. Wonder if something more DnD based would fly well.
  2. Jamba

    Only Me!

    I went the Gumtree route (which was actually quite a minefield). But at Birkbeck you're best looking more north really. I'm quite deep into West London unfortunately But most of the big Unis are in more of the North area so there will be a crap load of people looking also. Birkbeck is right next to ULU (University of London Union) and I'm sure the vast bulletin board, let alone the one at UCL Union just one street away, will have plenty of names and numbers. And to the rest of you.... I'm glad that I can help in a subject that I was never any good at :p Nice to meet you too! You'll see me around. If you hear me and Hellfire screaming at each other then don't worry. That's just what we do. I will be coming back to nail your asses as Mafia though, I'm on form again.
  3. Jamba

    Only Me!

    Really? Ah shit... I don't even get the perks of being single! Why whats going on? You have a place but no flatmates? Or are you just looking to move into town?
  4. Jamba

    Only Me!

    Yarp! Cookie for Rummy! Sega wa quite simple really. Website -> Job listing -> Application -> Interview I was living with my folks before hand and working in N. Oxfordshire. I had to move to get the job but seriously, you don't really need any qualifications per say to get the job. Just knowledge, a good working attitude and a love for games really. Empire Total War atm.... was on Football Manager before. Obviously I can't really answer any questions about either without risking my job, not to mention the other projects that are in my office right now. I can feel you itching to pick up your notebook Nathan! :p
  5. Jamba

    Only Me!

    I'm glad somethings don't change. But yeah, I feel all and stuff now. King_V's all growing up (and as I think I read has gained certain "tastes" for things that got described in a way that you don't want to read while eating food). Nice to see all the old faces on the thread too! And blow me, do I see that we have yet another regularly posting female among us? -I think they're... y'know... organised-
  6. Jamba

    Only Me!

    Hey buddy! Nah I is back. Won't be on as much as I was but I was missing being here. But had no intermenets dammit! Yep I'm testing at SEGA. Bottom of the food chain entirely right now, I'm on my second project right now and will likely be on a 3rd by Feb so yeah, my CV is racking up quickly. I'm living in Ealing which is the nicest bit of London I've lived in so I'm not complaining but I have zip-all cash atm. Not many friends so far either in this neck of the woods and I forgot that when you're 20 something, in a new town, working full time AND have no money that meeting new people is v v v difficult. Plus, the recent climate has not made me "whooo-happy" obviously. But I'm good, my head is just about working.
  7. Jamba

    Only Me!

    Yeah apart from my now NOT girlfriend leaving the forum! Yeah I started my job at SEGA (yes technically it's all in capitals) and had to move into London which has been raaaaather an expensive manueouve (sp?) I had a bit of a homing situation at first but that got sorted. Then an internet providing problem persisted but now I'm all set up and whole again (y'know bar the girlfriend thing...)
  8. Yes that's right kids... I'm finally back. I've been dwelling in the land on nada-interneticus for quite some time! But thanks to getting paid and all of these lovely things that come from having a job, I'm can gaze upon these shores once again. So cmon... speak up you scoundrels! What's been going on.. tell me the news
  9. Yeah but you are taking away a liberty by doing that, stopping them from having any sex life at all. Just because they like kids doesn't mean that they don't like anyone else. They might be married or in a long term relationship. Personally I think that it's cruel and I'm guessing that it's irreversible?
  10. Je has a sig, don't have time to mod it into the right file size cos. It's the same one I've had for a while ... but yes... pedos...
  11. That's exactly how I see it. It's barbaric expecially when they haven't actualy DONE anything yet.
  12. Wow, onto chemical castration straight away? Surely getting some help to help mute the urges would be the first step?
  13. Thats Kermit singing "the cow jumped over the moon" and it all getting out of control as I remember. I never really got to watch Sesame Street but I remember that when you were ill and had to come home from school, it was the ONLY thing that was on television. The entire rest of the day was void of stimulation.
  14. I find it strange. I know what was my first memory because I was aware that I didn't have any conscious memories before that. I had affinities to people and objects but no recollection of any events happening bfore the morning of my 3rd birthday. I remember waking up and feeling bored and that I wanted to leave my bed which was actually a crib I think still. My mum came and got me but the next bit is a blur. I remember going downstairs at one point and then further into our house and there were loads of people there for my birthday. Everyone was happy and having a good time and it was sunny outside as it is 99% of the time on my birthday. I remember there being music and a girl my age wanted me to dance with her and I remember feeling uncomfortable because she seemed to know me but I obviously had no memory of her. My birthday cake was white with blue piped icing. It had a set of plastic trains running across the topeach carrying a candle. I also remember nipping in when everyone else was outside to steal a bit of the icing off the corner. Was a good day.
  15. The only reason why it's not racism is because people move around a lot now. I didn't like the look of this thread from the start and it's taken less time then I thought it would for someone to make a hugely prejudice comment that would spark an arguement. *promptly leaves thred*
  16. You must taste the bitterness of coffee to know what is really in your heart! :p
  17. This and HotD are my top awaited games right now. The originality of the design and execution really seem like it's going to have a distinct feel that everyone will remember for a long time. Kind of like how Beyond Good and Evil did.
  18. Does anyone think that keeping the HWYD thread closed might be a good idea? Discussion in the other threads has been more lively and that thread does constantly fall into the same trap.
  19. Just watched the GC trailer and I still think that there's a lot that needs to be addressed in the game and some of those may be symptoms of what the engine can genuinely handle. For instance, the environment textures in the entirety of the trailer were shocking and that maybe down to a lack of resources through the engine. But hey, it does seem to have a really fun kind of feel to it and something about it is REALLY reminding me of the way Perfect Dark played.
  20. That's kind of why I mentioned it. It sounded like you were reacting to something that someone had said and if that was the case, you had likely misunderstood a comment as nobody seemed to be debating whether the act was bad at the time. I guess to simplify the entire arguement though and hopefully hit the nail on the head I should put this question to the floor: Is it fair to condemn or demonise someone solely for the fact that they are attracted to children, even if they have not acted upon it?
  21. Wait a sec... so if it's not biologically productive then it's wrong? I'm guessing that you believe homosexuality is wrong too then?
  22. Yeah Mario Kart is a pretty good idea, I recon. How about Brain Academy? Have a Mii for each of your customers, make it part of the experience.
  23. That's fine, I'm pretty much the same. To me that's just curiosity really whereas nowadays the slightly pre-teens know exactly what they are after and to me that's a different thing all together. They are after something that they understand very little about. At least if you are experimenting then you kind of learn as you go.
  24. By the way, I think I might run with the ball on something blender cleverly hinted at earlier. I society to blame in anyway for making children seem more sexualised? I personally think that kids are tremendously more flirtacous (sp?) in their attitudes and dress then they ever were when I was younger and it's something that I actually get quite angry about. It sets up lots of kids who are still totally naive to being sexually active at an early age and I would go so far as to claim that people WANT to have sex at an earlier age then they wanted to in the past.
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