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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. I'm also playing through SMB 3 (before the trial runs out). I feel like its one of the few NES games that holds up. It really is a classic and its perfectly playable today.
  2. Capcom announced Ace Attorney 1/2/3 for Nintendo Switch at TGS just now. Its also headed to PS4, Xbox One and PC
  3. I've not tried any of them online, but I've been hearing that a lot. River City Ransom particularly seems to suffer the most.
  4. I signed up for the 7 day free trial. It seems if you have some credit on your eshop account (enough to cover at least one month) you can sign up to the trial that without having Credit Card information saved. I unchecked the renew option right away though.
  5. New update just hit: It looks like you can share your digital games among more then one console now: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/22448
  6. If they care enough to charge for it, then they should be offering something comparable to the standards the other consoles have been doing over a decade.
  7. Me too. I remember when I got my Wii U, a year after launch and was playing through Mario 3D World. I died on a stage and the Continue screen had Miiverse posts scrolling the top and bottom of the page, from other people who were also stuck on that level trying to find a particular green star. I clicked on one of the messages and it was a string of people all helping this guy find it and all the posts were posted within the past 5 minutes. There was something very cool about seeing that a bunch of strangers were all playing the same game and same stage, all helping each other out at the same time. When it was integrated into a game like that, is was awesome. Like finding messages in bottles in Wind Waker, the graffiti in Splatoon (which is kind of back now in the sequel) or messages showing up in levels in Mario Maker It was far from perfect, but they could have improved upon it and made it a really valuable feature. Instead they axed it
  8. I agree with all of this. If they had bought back stuff like Miiverse and other things that directly impact or improve the online component of the Switch then I would be fine with paying for it. But by the looks of things, they're not. Also, I am not a fan of the idea of paying for a service while having some kind of blind faith or hope that they might improve it in the future, rather then them having those features ready one day one. Especially after all this time of supposedly working on the thing. Nintendo have never paid attention to having an online service on the same level's as the other consoles in all these years, but somehow managed to pay attention to the fact that those companies charge for them, so they decided to do the same without even matching what the others have to offer.
  9. As much as I don't like the fact that Nintendo are charging for online, I accepted that a price tag was on the way and figured I'd be paying for it when the times comes. But I had also assumed that the service itself would be improved by now. But it hasn't. Which is why, to me, the extras are distractions as I only care about is the Online service itself. If I had not spent the past year or so playing Splatoon 2 regularly, building a rank and whatnot, then I would shrug with total indifference to them charging online and just not care. It would be like them announcing they're charging people for playing their 3DS online from next week. It dosn't matter how cheap it is or if they throw in some roms of their oldest games, it simply wouldn't be worth it.
  10. No, I don't think what they are offering is worth paying for and I don't personally care for the extras you get with it either.
  11. I agree with everything you've said here. The other consoles have had a better online service for over a decade and have enough improved upon in in that time. Nintendo have actually gone backwards since the Wii U. This is how I see it too. They should keep the basic online service free and offer their Netflix style NES games service separately. If they beefed it up by adding SNES games, it would be more then worth it.
  12. I bought this LAN adptor last year and would highly recommend it. It made a huge difference to online on the switch for me. For example, my router is in the same room as my switch and yet with the Switch's WiFi normally gets 2 bars no matter where I move it to. There is nothing else in my room that should be causing any interference with the signal so i have to assume its the Switch's wifi that's the cause. Another thing is I used to get disconnected quite frequently in Splatoon 2 and have issues with latency mid-game, I never have that problem now at all. Also the internet speeds when using WiFi were 1/4 of what they should be (you can run a speed test in the Switch's menu). USB adapter seemed to fix all of that.
  13. If I remember correctly, the first Katamari was never released in the UK. We actually only got its sequel, We Love Katamari on PS2. So I think this is the first time we get to play the first one. I absolutely loved the sequel though, as well as its soundtrack. I'll certainly be buying Reroll when its out
  14. I like that they are adding more NES title on top of the original 20 but I still only really care about the online service itself having some kind of improvement, which it isn't.
  15. The official tumblr for this game has gone into more detail of the overall future for the game as far as updates are concerned. Splatfest seems to have been changed significantly in how they are worked out now: https://splatoonus.tumblr.com/post/178056143339/starting-with-ver400-splatfests-in-splatoon-2 They also said that the next stage that will be added in October will be the last one. The game will continue to have new weapons added until December. And that Splatfest's will continue until July of 2019. Also, anyone that signs up for a 12 month Nintendo Online sub will get a download code for some exclusive gear: https://splatoonus.tumblr.com/image/178056634639
  16. Very happy about Animal crossing, Luigi's mansion 3 and Katamari.
  17. Someone on Reddit has translated the family plan FAQ page on the Japanese Nintendo site. It's being assumed that the US and EU versions will work the same way:
  18. I'd rather it remained free for the entirety of the Switch's life span as I don't think what they are offering is worth any price (based on what we know right now)
  19. Yeah hopefully they will announce a few extra's for online outside of what we know, because so far the three things we get (cloud saves, NES games, eshop discounts) don't actually improve the service itself. At the very least they need to add some way for us to communicate with people on our friends list. I'd even take some kind of auto-invite option that you can ping to people you know.
  20. Was just reading about this, as one of the Epic games devs posted this on reddit: link
  21. you're right actually. I really don't know why it wasn't like this already.
  22. That's crazy. Splatoon 2 is the one game I would have expected above all to have cloud saving. As far as I know, your gear, level and rank are not saved to your online account. It's all on your local save. So if you lose that save file for whatever reason, you lose everything...
  23. Yes, I had that on my keyring for years: I remember a few issues later they gave the CD soundtrack to street fighter 2 as a cover gift as well. It was pretty uncommon to get any video game soundtracks back then at all, so that was pretty cool too.
  24. Yeah its a shame because when Nintendo magazine system first launched, it was pretty great. Being that it was run by the same people that run Mean Machines. I'd genuinely look forward to each issue because I enjoyed reading it. But I remember around 1995/96 a lot of the staff moved on and the guys that replaced them turned the magazine into something that was quite embarrassing to read at times. I remember their running joke was to refer to the Playstation as the "greystation" because of its "boring games". N64 magazine was always great though. They seemed to have decent attitude with what was going on with the N64 at the time. They loved Nintendo but wouldn't play down the droughts or the lack of third party games on the console. They made the best of it with these features in the back of the magazine each month which I remember being hilarious
  25. I actually like the look of it lol but you are right, most people will want to play smash with a GCN controller. Although I think a pro-controller will be fine for smash brothers
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