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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Very happy about this, I absolutely love Street fighter 3 and Alpha 2, and pretty much like all of the others.
  2. Yeah I think most of the games I played were Film vs Film.
  3. You're right, that is pretty insane and it probably does signal these games coming to Switch at some point. I'm not familiar with the Shield but unless that remote works like a Wii remote, I have to assume they have a version of Mario Galaxy running without motion controls, which is interesting to me.
  4. Since they already did two recent-ish Mega Man games with 8-bit graphics ( 9 and 10), I'm glad they are not going for an 8-bit look again. I would have preferred 16-bit era graphics but I like the way it looks.
  5. I have had to set up profiles for PSN and Xbox Live for myself and my nephews in the past year or so and most usernames I could think up where taken, so I ended up having to compromise and add numbers or extra letters to the end of them or use one of their suggested alternatives, which I find just as hard to remember as a Friend code. So I don't personally mind FC's, but ideally with the Switch, they should let us search for users via username as well as by Friend code. Similar to how you can search for a user by their profile name or their user ID on Steam. Another thing Nintendo could do is set up a hub site similar to the Mario Maker Bookmark site they made a few years ago for that game, so we can just copy and paste the URL to our Switch profile page and people can add you from there. Also some form of communication between friends would be nice too, because right now it's all a little pointless if you can't even send an invite to a friend for a game of Splatoon 2 or something through the console itself.
  6. He's a former WWE Wrestler although I think he's been reviewing tech for quite a while between wrestling gigs. It still messes with my head when I see that wrestlers are into video games, even though... of course they would be, but I'm mentally stuck thinking about wrestling from the late 80's early 90's. It would be like finding out Macho Man was really into Chrono Trigger or The Ultimate Warrior was a Bobble Bobble fan. All that said, It's pretty common to see wrestlers talk about their other interests and set up their own YouTube channels about them now, like Xavier Woods has a popular gaming channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwi2PtiKDhg
  7. New Episode up:
  8. Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is 30% off
  9. Yeah if they ever did a HD port of this game and its sequel I guess they'd have to. They could map the spin attack to a button but I'm not sure how they could handle the pointer controls for shooting and collecting Starbits.
  10. I hope its ok to bump this topic but this amazing game is 10 years old today: Not sure where the time went, it doesn't feel like 10 years at all to me but I plan to replay this game again to celebrate it lol And I think this was one of my favourite moments in the game:
  11. I collected all 880 moons today so I am pretty much 100% complete, as its unlikely I will grind away trying to get the coins i need to buy the remaining 120 moons to max the counter to 999, unless someone finds a super easy way at some point but the reward doesn't really seem worth the effort. I thoroughly enjoyed the game from start to finish but I still prefer linear Mario games to the open world/ Mario 64 style games like Odyssey. So I have to say Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and 3D world were better games for me. This game was so much fun though and I especially loved the post-game stuff as well. It was like completing the game the first time was only half of what the game had to offer. I loved the New Donk City festival, the extra kingdom they unlock after you beat the game, how great some of the costumes look and how much fun it is just too explore at your hearts content. A few minor things: I wish New Donk City had been a little larger. You can pretty much run from one side to the other in no time at all and I was hoping for a larger city to explore there. I also think it would have been nice if costumes had some actual gameplay perks to them. For example if Mario is wearing the snorkel costume he should get slightly more oxygen when he's swimming underwater or the Snow costume should make him slip less on ice, since those boots have studs on them. But overall, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I am actually hoping it gets some kind of DLC in the future.
  12. https://www.resetera.com/posts/734626/ serves me right for posting it lol
  13. Yeah I'd imagine so. NicoNico Video has been available on the Japan Eshop for the Switch since mid-July. That said there was a rumour the other month that the Netflix app is ready to go and the only hold up was Nintendo: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/09/rumour_netflix_app_ready_for_switch_all_it_needs_is_nintendos_go-ahead
  14. Although that last time I checked, Hulu is unavailable for the EU, this is still good news as it's hopefully a sign that some of the other popular streaming services will come to the Switch soon as well (like Netflix and Amazon). I wouldn't mind the WWE Network heading to the switch as well.
  15. It seems a new patch rolled out for this overnight ( 1.3.3) which adds a new quest called ‘Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I think you can some xenoblade armor from it, but I've not checked it myself. Also this:
  16. When you're selecting a costume in the wardrobe, you can press Y and it'll randomly pick two different items for you. It seems to randomize it again anytime you die as well Unrelated to any of this, I just found out you can have multiple save slots (up to 5) in this game. For some reason its tucked away in Options>Data Management. All this time I was assuming I'd have to make a second account to start a new file without erasing my current one
  17. I signed back up last month and have been making my way through everything WWF did in 1992. I will always enjoy watching the Royal Rumble from that year as it was one of the best PPV's of that era. It was also fun to watch through SumerSlam 92, which was held in Wembley Stadium, as I'd actually never seen before. I'd forgotten what a big deal that was at the time and how cool it was when various WWF Superstars came over here to promote it. It just a shame there isn't any of the smaller shows like Superstars of Wrestling, Wrestling Challenge and Prime Time wrestling that helped further the storylines along between PPV's. For that year the only non-PPV shows they have are two Saturday Night Main events from the start and end of the year. So you miss any build up for new characters that showed up between Summerslam and Survivor series, which is when guys like Razor Ramon, Yokuzuna and Nailz showed up. I also didn't know the Ultimate Warrior had left the WWF before the PPV aired, and as a result he was replaced by Mr Perfect
  18. Miiverse was really good when it was integrated into a game like Splatoon or Mario Maker. I remember using it for Mario 3D World when I first got it, to help me find the last few stars I needed. I really liked the way they had messages from people relating to the stage you had just completed or died on, scrolling past the top and bottom of the page on the score screen. I thought it worked really well because at a tap of a button you could reply to a message you saw or leave one for others to see. I used that to get help on a several of the harder to find stars and it felt great to have instant help from a friendly community that were all playing the game at the same time you were. Also there were some amazing artists on there, every game had some amazing drawings on its respective Miiverse page and it was always cool to check that out. I also remember switching on Splatoon the morning after Iwata had passed away and seeing the hub area covered with graffiti and messages all taken from Miiverse in tribute to him Miiverse was a pretty good feature and its a shame its not being continued for the Switch.
  19. Looks like its down now, there is a Thank you message and an image made up of smaller Miiverse posts: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/en/
  20. Today is the final day for Miiverse. I believe it will shut down 10pm uk time
  21. A The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Explorer’s Edition will also be made available complete with a 100-page explorer’s guide and a two-sided map for $59.99. It’s worth noting the expansion pass is not included.
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