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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Just revealed on the Nintendo Treehouse stream
  2. The Amiibos look pretty cool
  3. haha Mario odyssey looks awesome
  4. !!! Metroid Prime 4!
  5. oh man, rocket league
  6. Watching the Bethesda Press Conference just now and they showed Skyrim has amiibo support:
  7. because the trailer is for Super Nintendo World Japan and the artwork seems to be for the Universal studios Florida version
  8. Sad to hear this. As well as Batman he was very entertaining in pretty much everything he did. Not sure if anyone has seen the pilot for a show he did called Lookwell! for example, which was pretty funny. Also, one of his last roles was reprising his Batman role for an animated film that came out last year which I really enjoyed. I believe they were in post-production to a sequel to this film.
  9. Seems you can play any game you want from a library of NES games as long as you have a subscription: ^via kotaku ^from IGN
  10. Nintendo just put up some details about their paid online service for the Switch. Right now its just the US site, I'd imagine the EU site will have details in the morning: http://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/
  11. It might not be the official way, but its more then likely the only way, as its unlikely Nintendo are releasing their own headsets. I also find it unlikely that HORI would have made that extra box unless they needed to. Also, those headphones are going to be available as in-game gear: I can't imagine Nintendo would put the HORI headset in the game if they had their own headset on the way as well.
  12. I've been watching people play it on Twitch, it looks like it would be really fun with a group of friends.
  13. Lasertime is probably my favourite podcast, @Josh64 explained it pretty well in his post (pretty cool to hear someone on this forum listens to that show). I pretty much listen to everything on their network. Talking Simpsons, ThirtyTwentyTen , Vidyagame apocalypse and VGMpire which is about video game music, with each show dedicated to covering music from one game series. Cheappopcast which they cover that months WWE events, Cape Crysis which is now on hiatis but was about comic books and their patreon exclusive show Bonustime Other non-lasertime podcasts I listen to are, Richard herrings Leicester square theater podcast Comedy podcast where Richard herring interviews a comedian or comedy actor each week. He uploads video versions of the show on youtube. Steve Austin Show and Steve Austin Show Unleashed I used to watch WWE a lot back in the 90's but I've pretty much lost all interest in the current product, but this show is great as Stone Cold gets on a lot of old timer's from the past as well as people he worked with in his heyday. You end up with a nice casual interview talking about the era they wrestled in. The Adam Buxton Podcast Adam of Adam and Joe chatting to different entertainers and comedians. I also listen to a couple of podcasts that are just recordings from regular radio shows: The Danny Baker show. from BBC 5 live. Airs every Saturday on 5 live at 9am. They normally have a set of ten things to talk about that they put out to callers, then a half hour interview at the end with either a sporting or musical guest. Iain Lee on talkradio Standard call-in show but the callers he gets sound like the kind of callers you'd hear on a GTA radio station or Down the line. I pretty much find myself laughing at most of what Iain does on his show, but he also gets a lot of great musical guests from the past for interviews. He also does a spin off podcast called Down the rabbit hole which is pretty good.
  14. I hope its ok to bump this 7 year (!) old topic, but I finally played through my copy of this. After playing through the HD version several times since it came out, I never got around to buying this version until a few years ago. And then when I tried to play it, I had it crash on me a bunch of times, having the restart the same level's over and even had a debug menu pop up one time. That was on my Wii a few years ago but this week I decided to play it through my Wii U and didn't have any problems (outside of a couple of in-game glitches). I actually think I prefer this version of the game over the HD version, as it has a lot more character to it and has a lot more fun with itself. For example, one level i was walking through what looked like the offices of a game developer that had some arcade cabinets in its lounge area. Ghosts burst out of them that look like 8-bit sprites, making the kind of noises you'd hear from an Atari 2600 game. There's nothing like that in the other version. Another thing I preferred is the dialog. Although it is mostly the same recordings that the HD version uses, I also found that in a few cases what the characters were saying made more sense because of what they were doing at the time. I also noticed quite a few times character's say something (which they also say in the HD version) but its followed on with even more dialog and a proper more intelligible response from another character, which doesn't happen in the HD version. I also remember some of the previews before the game was released suggested the game would have less dialog then the HD version despite being the same story, but this isn't actually true. In fact, this version has a lot of extra dialog on top of everything from the HD versions. My only gripe is with the controls. Controlling the proton stream with the Wii remote works fine, as its just basic pointer controls. However, once you've worn a ghost's meter down, it gets locked to the stream and you are supposed to quickly swipe the Wiimote in certain directions to wear down a second meter before you can trap it. Generally I would have to try and slam the ghost into whatever direction the game asked me to three times before the game actually recognised what I was doing. It really became tedious, simply because it wasn't working and you would have to slam a ghost into a wall at least three times before trapping it, so each slam takes several tries before it worked. I guessing the PS2 version is better if it has a control scheme like the HD version. Anyway, I felt like talking about this old game because despite its faults it was actually a lot of fun. My original intention was to try this game out one last time as its one of the few games I own which I've not finished or even played much, plus I'm a huge Ghostbuster fan and had played through the HD version again recently. I ended up really enjoying it
  15. Just a short teaser trailer at the moment but a full trailer is being released in little over a weeks time Press Release: I'm very happy to hear this, the first game was easily the best Lego game and had an almost Nintendo level of charm to it. Weirdly I was playing the first game just last night for the first time in a couple of years and thinking how it should have had a sequel. Hopefully everyone from the first game is back, like the Xmen and Fantastic Four for example
  16. This is the information I've wanted the know the most about this version of the game because I enjoyed MK8 of Wii U at first but the balance just killed my enthusiasm to keep on playing. At times the game seemed very unfair with how heavily luck seemed to play a part in whats going on. I mean, luck as obviously always been a factor in Mario Kart games but I felt it was at its worst with MK8. It wasn't even just a case of being a sore loser, i felt like even winning had a very hollow feeling to it because more often my victories felt like they were more about luck then skill as well. It's good to know its more balanced in Deluxe.
  17. Nintendo have revealed some details about DLC pack 1: http://zelda.com/breath-of-the-wild/news/expansion-pass-dlc-pack-1-detailed/
  18. I much prefer the directs over the live conferences. I rarely watch any of the conferences live now, and just watch them on youtube later on so I can skip through the filler. Never cared for the audience applauding a bunch of games too. With a direct i get to see everything without any technical issues, awkward pauses, people introducing people...who then walk on stage just to introduce someone else, unnecessary celebrities appearances and all the other guff those live shows give us. And from Nintendo's perspective a direct gets just as much coverage as a conference does, so its a win win situation.
  19. Yeah I watched it today as well, absolutely loved it. It felt like a fitting sequel to the first one. It's one of my favorite MCU films already
  20. Yeah I think with this being an upgraded port, its fine having them all unlocked at the start. I do like having characters to unlock in games though.
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