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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. NES sometime in the late 80's. I got the pack in with TMNT: (not my picture)
  2. They've added a lot more to this then the direct revealed, although mostly small things, they're pretty cool. For example, you can place the flat screen TV on top of tables in your home: People have found out a few other minor things, you can shake tree's while holding a fishing rod or bug net now. New villagers don't move in on tiled areas and you can customise the 3DS item by taking it to Re-tail and put any image's you've drawn on it like a faceplate.
  3. Loving the new update for this. I never really stopped playing this game but there hasnt been much to do in my townfor a long time, so having some new content is awesome. I took a few screenshots today: Also, i got the 3DS item straight away. Then spent a good half an hour or so playing Puzzle league Also, You can sit on rocks now
  4. For those that missed it:
  5. I was disappointed with what I saw. I don't care much for the portability feature of this console as its a feature I almost certainly will never use, and they had to make a bunch of compromises to make it happen. Sorry to be a downer but it just looked bad to me.
  6. I was reading up about the way Kate Mulgrew was frosty towards Jeri ryan after watching through Voyager and its a shame. There is a interview from a year or so ago from some comic convention with Garrett Wang he tries to talk about the feeling on set and gets very emotional about it: A real shame things turned out that way. Although it sounds as though they are all friendly to each other now moved on. Yeah I'm with you on this, I wanted to see their home life after making it back in the final time line, although I can't really imagine how they could turn that into an episode.
  7. I think because then they would almost certainly have to make compromises on things like battery life, which obviously effects the handheld side of this device. If the thing is a handheld console first, then they would most likely prioritise battery life over power. This is why I i dont really want a hybrid console in the first place but if I have to choose, I want a home console first. The Wii U seems to be coming to an end and they announced that they plan to support the 3ds for longer so I guess I it is time for a new home console.
  8. I've been messing around with New Retro Arcade Neon for the past couple of months. The recent update which added attract screens was a great addition. It really brings the arcade to life: They also let you add individual audio files to play from each cabinet, so it sounds authentic too.
  9. ah crazy, I didn't know any of that. I was annoyed they took Kes out of the show, because I felt they could have done a lot more with her character over time. I also didn't particularly like her return in season 7, when she is old and bitter and wanted to destroy Voyager. I mean, if they were going to dump a character like that, at least let us assume she went on to something positive rather then just randomly turning bitter for no good reason and wanting to destroy all of her friends. Probably one of the few things I really didn't like that happened over the course the series. In the end though, I liked Voyager a lot. I liked how the crew became less formal with each other over time, which made sense as that's what you expect from a bunch of people that, as far as they know, are going to be living with each other for the next 75 years. I also really loved when the show had fun with its self. Like the Captain Proton episode or the one where the Doctor is day dreaming: I can't decide if this is my favorite episode or the one I linked before in my previous post, but i absolutely love this scene and a few others from this one.
  10. I watched through all of Voyager over the summer and was pleasantly surprised. I can see why people were disappointed with it as, it doesn't really do much with the premise of the show. But as I went into watching it knowing before hand not to expect anything along those lines, i had no problem with it. The show wasn't as bad as its made out to be and I ended up really liking a few of the shows characters. Namely the Doctor and Janeway. I'd say I only really found the ending a little disappointing. Mostly that its all rushed into the last two episodes. I would have liked a slow build over the course of the final season but again, the writers didn't seem interested in doing anything like that. For what is is though, i think its a decent show and I'm a little sad there are no more episodes left for me to watch lol This was one of my favourite scenes.
  11. yeah I find Giantbomb Endurance runs really entertaining. I just watched through their Shenmue playthrough over the past month, i think that comes to 24 hours in total Metal Gear Scanlon was also fantastic, that must have come to over 100 hours, as they played through Metal Gear Solid 1,2,3,4 and 5
  12. Well, they discontinued the iplayer for the Wii in February 2015 so at least the Wii U was out already by this time. I'd imagine with there being so few Wii U owners in the UK and with less and less of those people using the console as the months go on, hardly anyone is using the app for them to justify keeping it running. I wish they were keeping it running for a little while longer though. At last until the NX has a version of the app.
  13. The BBC iplayer will be discontinued for Wii U in January next year:
  14. Japan is getting the Famicom Mini: Games included are:
  15. I genuinely love this. Especially at 2:01 and 2:40
  16. First episode of the new series aired tonight, anyone watch it?
  17. In case anyone missed it, Mario made an appearance in the Olympic closing ceremony, during the hand over section with Japan/Tokyo: [tweet]767529432655560704[/tweet] Complete segment here: [tweet]767529677955018753[/tweet]
  18. This the same for me. If they had an account system, I'd keep my standard 3DS to use outside and buy a 3DSLL for home. Also, I was kind of hoping this would get a UK release:
  19. oh man, I'd love to see that. What an absolute joke that the WWE did nothing with him, they gave him awful gimmicks like being the Miz's stunt double and he turned that into one of the most entertaining things about Raw for months. If that wasn't an example of "reaching for the brass ring" then I don't know what is, and yet WWE fire him anyway. He's right.
  20. Since I saw the rank more recently then you and you were ahead, I think the win should go to you. I can't fully remember how the last couple of games went after i checked Splatoon.net but I still think you should get the win
  21. I didnt realise it resets at 11am uk time, I assumed it would reset at midnight. The last time I checked, which was around ten minutes to eleven, you were still ahead of me by one point, but it ended for the map change over before I could check the final score lol Shame it doesn't log the previous weeks score, was fun though!
  22. Yeah some fun games today. One of those was a little odd though, we had someone on my team that just stayed in the spawn point for the the entire match, walking around slowly lol
  23. Had fun playing this for a few hours just now. @Pestneb joined me for loads of game too. Taking a break for now to get something to eat lol
  24. Thanks for the games @Pestneb and @dazzybee. I tried to join ranked but it wouldn't let me, probably because seconds later the map rotation thing kicked in, then it said you were all offline. Here's the site: https://splatoon.nintendo.net/schedule
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