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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Very tempted to buy re-buy Splatoon. I already own it on disc but I play that game so much I could probably save my drive some wear and tear by getting a digital version. I assume it will be able to read my save file.
  2. Very tempted to buy re-buy Splatoon. I already own it on disc but I play that game so much I could probably save my drive some wear and tear by getting a digital version. I assume it will be able to read my save file.
  3. Yeah looks like the next Splatfest is the final one. I'm actually a little surprised, I assumed they would keep those running a little longer. http://nintendo.tumblr.com/post/146709910839/splatoonus-weve-had-15-inkredible-splatfests
  4. I play Splatoon pretty much every day and Mario Maker a couple of times a week. I've not finished Zelda TP yet so I'm playing that when I have time. Other then that I use it for Netflix, Amazon video and YouTube a lot.
  5. IGN live stream host mentions a lot of details just now as he got to play the game before hand. He says the Wolf Amiibo keeps save data from Twilight Princess HD and how many hearsts you unlocked in the Cave of Shadows. Swiping the Amiibo in this Zelda game gives you a Wolf companion that will stay with you until it loses all of those hearts. You can bring him back 24 hours later by scanning the Amiibo again.
  6. sorry yeah. Its a lot like Harvest Moon with a lot more added to it. Giantbomb did a decent Quick Look on the game when it came out:
  7. http://stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-coming-to-consoles-q4-2016/
  8. I went with Team Space, won almost all matches too. Congrats Team World
  9. Yeah, I've always used the Aerospray and its been fun holding onto a Kraken and unleashing it when someone thinks that they've cornered me.
  10. The Sheldon's Picks Vol. 2 update is live. 9 remodeled weapons and some new gear. Online feels great right now because everyone is trying out the new stuff. Reminds me of the first week this game came out. [tweet]740475090597478400[/tweet]
  11. The Mario Sunshine Battle Arena he's designed for mario kart 8 is very impressive. I'd love MK8 to get battle areas like that. The Animal Crossing Fishing stuff seams neat too. I've always wondered what software he uses to make this stuff, it looks very nice.
  12. I'm really reaching here but its that the screenshot they show is from Kalimari Desert. Kalimari. Calamari Callie and Marie So maybe they're adding those two as playable racers? The Amiibo's are out soon too, so maybe it ties in with that.
  13. UK trailer, with Dan Akroyd cameo at the end: I think this is the 5th thing that the Reddit leaked synopsis mentioned that has been right.
  14. Sheldon's Picks Vol.2 releases on June 8th Also, Today marks One year since Splatoon's release
  15. Never played a MH game before, but those look fantastic. I have to buy this... oh hell
  16. Yeah I've kept all of my gaming magazines. Nintendo Magazine system and N64 magazine are the mains ones, with random issues of CVG, Gamesmaster and Edge.
  17. New international trailer: I think this one is better then trailer 1 and 2.
  18. Yeah like the new version of the GB tune in this. I also don't mind the new car, Slimer or most of what I'vs seen... I just haven't found anything in the trailers funny.
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