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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Although Reggie was a little more direct in that interview, the answers to a lot of what was being asked are too ambiguous and i find it quite frustrating. This all reminds me so much of the period of time before the Wii U's launch. Yeah me too. At this point I'm taking their less then straight answer as a No. I'm hope I'm wrong though!
  2. Exactly. With Microsoft and Sony, you have a pretty huge list of games that use online. I don't like paying for it but at least with their consoles, you know there's at least 20+ titles a year that use it. Plus the other bells and whistles that come with paying for a subscription. I believe Xbox Live gets you two free Xbox One games and one Xbox 360 game a month, as well as deals in their online store. With Nintendo we have the age old worry about third party support. If by some chance the Switch ends up with Rocket League, CoD, Overwatch etc, it would be worth it, but I have zero confidence in that happening. I get the feeling Switch is going to be the same as the Wii U. And as much as i have played Splatoon, i would never have payed a subscription for the privilege of playing that game and the occasional game of Mario Kart 8.
  3. Something a few people noticed about New Donk City
  4. I just..can't understand why they can't have a simple bluetooth headset for the switch. I don't believe their laughable reason that its because the headsets are "bulky". I doubt a single person reading that finds any of the headsets for the ps4/Xbox One bulky and of course, those consoles offer simple earbuds with built in mics as an option anyway. I don't even use voice chat in games and I think its completely stupid they won't support a basic feature like this. Overall I think Nintendo charging for Online is actually a pretty huge mistake. They simply don't have the reputation to take their online services behind a paywall. If they had built a relatively large library of games that use online gaming over the past 5 years or so and added more then the basic features to these games that do use online, then it would be a different story, but they simply haven't. They have for the most part, done the bare minimum when it comes to online gaming and now they think they can charge for it by throwing in an 30 year old NES game for free, for a month. Also, imagine if the Wii U had charged for its online service, with its low number of games that actually use online...how many people would still be playing Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 today? I'd hazard a guess that it would be very little.
  5. No. The only game that interests me is Zelda, which I can buy for my Wii U. I was interested in buying Mario Kart 8 but its not out until Spring and all signs point to them charging full price for it, which if they are, then I won't be buying that too. It pretty much just leaves Splatoon 2...although Nintendo charging for Online has even made me want that a little less.
  6. I'm confused as to why this is $40...its seems me to be a port of street fighter hd remix that was released on Xbox 360 in 2008, but with added Evil Ryu and Ken?
  7. I'm not too bothered by that as the game already has 48 tracks included
  8. Yep. I mean from my experience with Nintendo, i only ever play a couple of their games online over the course of their console's life span. With the Wii it was Mario Kart and with the Wii U it was Mario Kart 8 for a while then Splatoon. Nothing else. Remains to be seen if its the same for the switch, but I've always felt Nintendo's online should be free because of how fleetingly they even take advantage of it,
  9. Yeah me too. Funny enough, Sonic Adventure started trending by the end of the conference as a result:
  10. Announced on the Nintendo Switch stream:
  11. Finding out that Splatoon was awesome was probably one of my best moments on the Wii U for me. In the year or so before the game was released, I had zero interest in the title. I didn't think it looked bad or anything, it just didn't look like a game I would enjoy. As a result, whenever I would catch the Nintendo Directs, I'd skip through any talk of Splatoon or if I was watching live, I'd open another tab on my browser and read something else while that segment past. The game really didn't appeal to me at all. Then about a week or so before Splatoon was due out, Nintendo released that Test fire demo, which they would let everyone play online for around an hour or so at a set times. I don't think I'd had that much fun in a video game for years and found myself wanting to play more of it when the test fire was over. I bought the game when it came out and have clocked in over 500 hours since then. Its only in the past few months I've stopped playing, but I'm sure I'll return again at some point. Overall, for all the negativity that surrounded the console, I actually liked the Wii U a lot. I feel it holds some of Nintendo's greatest titles and I've used my Wii U on a daily basis since getting it. Mario Maker is incredible as is Mario 3D World. I just wish the console had had more support,both from Nintendo and third parties and maybe it would of had a longer and richer life span. I'm a little gutted that its all coming to an end, as the Switch looks kinda terrible to me, but I'll keep an open mind until after the presentation. I know that its very unlikely I'll be buying a switch in the first year
  12. Merry Christmas
  13. I finished through all 4 Season of Star Trek Enterprise. I feel like the show improved over time, although I didn't care for season 3 much, as it seemed to be the writers trying to deal with September 11 through Star trek, with a miserable 24 episode long story arch of earth being attacked and Enterprise out for revenge, but I enjoyed Season 4 and felt the show had got decent enough for it to run longer then it did...however, that final episode might be one of the worst finales to any TV show I've ever seen. I don't even have a problem with there being an episode of Enterprise told through the holodeck on TNG. I actually like the idea of an episode being told this way and then having those events help Riker make a personal decision 200 or so years in the future thanks to what he has seen, is actually pretty cool. But, having the very last episode of the show told this way felt very wrong to me. You are seeing characters for the very last time, but there's Riker just chilling out in the background watching it all and distracting you from it. It also meant most of the cast were hardly in it. Also the needless death of Trip too. Completely unnecessary to kill him off and we've seen that character get out of far worse situations in the past. There wasn't any time for any of the other characters to reflect on his death outside of Archer and T'pol chatting about it for barely a minute.
  14. Old news but I thought I'd post it in this thread in case anyone didn't see it in the Switch thread last week: http://stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-console-release-dates/
  15. Disappointed the Wii U version has been canceled, but I can't say I'm surprised.
  16. I moved onto Star Trek Enterprise and I'm little over half way through Season 2. I don't know what to make of this show so far. I like some elements of it, like snooty Vulcans that think they're better then humans and the funny tensions between them and the earthlings they meet. Archer is a decent captain and I really like Trip as a Character too. But so many of the other crew have so little character to them, such as Malcolm. He just seems to be a very two-dimensional stereotype. Everything is delivered with a stiff upper lip and..that seems to be all there ever is to him. I'm sticking with the show until the end though, there have been a couple of good episodes and I really appreciate that they have had events carry over and effect what's happening in following episodes. Such as having a mines attach to the side of the Enterprise, one of them blowing up and the other injuring a member of the crew when he walks on the outside of the ship to disarm it. The story was self contained, but the following episode had them now have to deal with their damaged ship that can't travel beyond warp 2 and their tactical officer in sick bay. The the episode after that had them trying barter to get some fuel, again because of the events of that earlier episode. It was the kind of thing I expected to see in Voyager but never really happened.
  17. Wasn't sure where to post this, but I think this ties in with the Famicom mini so it should probably go in this thread. Nintendo Japan have uploaded pdf's of Game Manuals for the Famicom: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/clv/manuals/ja/index.html I assume the US and UK sites will have their own versions of this soon UK site has a interview with Miyamoto about Donkey Kong: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/News/2016/November/Nintendo-Classic-Mini-NES-special-interview-Volume-1-Donkey-Kong-1152552.html
  18. Yeah this is how I remember it too. I grew up in the 80's and early 90's and like you said, its not that Nintendo wasn't popular, its that they were not as popular as Sega. I recall hearing that a lot at the time and anecdotally more people owned master systems and Megadrives then NES and SNES's in my school then Nintendo consoles.
  19. I used to get the Club Nintendo magazine in the post. I remember it had a cheats and tips section with maps and I think it also came with a small poster aswell? I still have most of my issues somewhere in my home. I vaguely remember having some kind of card but I can't remember if it looked the same as the one you posted. It looks familiar though. I remember I was a little obsessed with this magazine, because it was pretty much the main place I found out about new games at the time, so I'd sit there reading it over and over again when a new issue came out. If I remember correctly, they stopped it here when Nintendo Magazine System launched as that was the official magazine so there was little need for Club Nintendo after that.
  20. Yeah that game was so difficult to get through. I actually got pretty good at it though, even getting through that water level that @Ronnie mentioned without losing any of the turtles. I kind of forced myself to keep playing the game refusing to accept that its bad, even though it clearly was, because my young mind had decided that a TMNT NES game would automatically be the greatest thing ever. In the end I could make it to Shredder but I never beat him. lol yeah. Also Michelangelo holding the wrong weapon.
  21. Yeah I've not had much chance to play the last few weeks, I've started playing Team Fortress 2 again and a few other games. I'm sure I'll be back at Splatoon at some point sooner or later.
  22. NES sometime in the late 80's. I got the pack in with TMNT: (not my picture)
  23. They've added a lot more to this then the direct revealed, although mostly small things, they're pretty cool. For example, you can place the flat screen TV on top of tables in your home: People have found out a few other minor things, you can shake tree's while holding a fishing rod or bug net now. New villagers don't move in on tiled areas and you can customise the 3DS item by taking it to Re-tail and put any image's you've drawn on it like a faceplate.
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