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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. House update from me. Our mortgage finally got approved yesterday! We've really had to jump through hoops with NatWest to make it happen, providing all sorts of documentation to get it sorted. Didn't have to do anywhere near this much for our current property, but this one is more expensive so it kind of makes sense. The flooring has been picked in the new build, having a crap laminate for free downstairs provided by Bellway. Yesterday we found some porcelain wood effect tiles on sale in Wickes that we want for the whole downstairs, including kitchen, hall, livig room etc. £5 a box for 11 tiles. The whole box covers one square metre. For the entire downstairs its cost us £200 for the tiles. Only nipped up on the off chance to get a single wall tile to see if it would work in the kitchen and saw them! 3 trips back and to home later and they're all in our garage waiting to go in the new house. Seems silly ripping up new laminate that they're putting in for us, but it's not our taste (it was the best one of a bad bunch), and they wouldn't laminate the kitchen or downstairs toilet too so that will be lino which again, is not what we want. So that'll be one of the first jobs we get done. Completion shouldn't take too long now. NatWest have already valued our new build and searches are done, just waiting for that to happen on our sold house by the buyers which is happening Wednesday. Can't believe it!
  2. Not good news for the X, which seems destined to fall on its face anyway. I had a look at the new dashboard on the BETA program yesterday at Mike1988UK's. Looks much better but still seems like Microsoft are intent on taking some steps forward and even more back. Pins have no been reduced which is one of the things I use a lot on my One. There's a nicer menu now when you click the home button, similar-ish to what PS4 has. Lots of other little tweaks that look pretty good. You can pin individual friends to home now so they become almost like a card or page to scroll through. Gives info on what they're playing I believe but Mike didn't check with a friend who was online. It did show an achievement I had pinned somewhere on my profile from RE Revelations 2, which was odd! Looking forward to trying it out when it rolls out in Autumn anyway. But PS4 still so much more slick in day to day use.
  3. I love this game so much already and only just got to chemical plant act 1. It's just sublime. The music though. I didn't think the soundtrack could get any better but it is just so on point and I have my Switch blasting out as loud as possible as I play.
  4. I'll be Switch and PS4. I'm a whore for Sonic so will definitely want a copy for Switch for lunch breaks next week and PS4 for trophy goodness.
  5. The update came out for PS4 and One too. I am currently playing it (again) on PS4 despite basically kicking right off over it when I played it on the One. I guess I just like torturing myself. I'm enjoying it a lot more this time, but it's only because I know how to do certain things that I didn't on my first play through. I'm up to world 4, so don't know if I'll benefit from the updates now, as most of the annoying stuff they patched (gloomy gem grotto), I've already done, but I'll go back and see. Controls and camera feel tighter, there's a dedicated move list now upon start menu which is good and those damn voices have been cut out more which makes it more tolerable. The totals menu is now really fast to navigate through, another of my annoyances from last time, and there are very clear signs on how to get to the next world, something that I spent a lot of time scratching my head over! So far so good.
  6. AHH I love this design! Won't pick it up though.
  7. Nice thoughts H-o-T. It's on my to play list once I have gotten through Yoshi, another one which I am very much enjoying. I played the demo of Pikmin and I really enjoyed it so it's a must buy for me. Will be sure to post some thoughts once I've bought and played it.
  8. Couldn't resist. Downloaded the demo on my old 3ds before deciding to get 2dsXL and when it ended I was like noooo! Checked Argos to see if they had it and saw it on offer, seemed silly not to walk away without the 2dsXL in the bag too.
  9. I slagged 7 off to high heaven before I played it and when I did I took it all back. It still remains one of the best games I've played all year and it really does go back to its survival horror roots. The fact that it isn't third person very quickly fades away to insignificance as the story and gameplay grip you. But it could have easily not been a RE game. Until the ending. And the DLC should also explain a lot more when that eventually gets released too. Apologies for slight off topic.
  10. What with revelations coming for PS4 and Xbox One this month too, August looks set to be one delicious month for my gaming tastes. So looking forward to this.
  11. Both great games. Revelations 2 is great. So so pleased about this! Yasss Capcom.
  12. That looks amazing. I would also fume about that little stunt with the taping.
  13. Thanks Eenuh! And tell me about it. I said I didn't want to go through it ever again when we bought our current house but here we are again lol. Thankfully the couple that bought it are first time buyers so no chain (hooray). They're both just lovely too. Lady is expecting a baby in January and it's the perfect first little house really. We have our mortgage appointment on Wednesday so fingers crossed all goes as we hope and we can celebrate. We've had a mortgage in principle type thing but not an actual offer yet as not been able to go that far until we had sold. :-)
  14. So 6 days later... We sold our house. For the full asking price! Its all go now!
  15. Hmm I don't know which one I prefer (colour I mean). I think the white is nice but part of me is more drawn to the black. If I played my 3DS more I'd justify it but I haven't turned it on in a loooong time.
  16. House ended up going on the market yesterday. Had a call this morning to say someone's coming to view it tomorrow evening. He's an investor looking for property to buy so no chain, which would be perfect. Don't want to get our hopes up but keeping everything crossed. Had another viewing today but they didn't show up and then the estate agents called saying they put an offer in on another house so wouldn't be coming. This was after telling us they were coming on three occasions, each one having a different time slot attached to it. Good old swetenhams.
  17. As I said in my post, we don't get to choose it's Bellway that make the decision who sells it due to easy move scheme.
  18. So we had Swetenhams estate agent out to take photos and description of our house to list it for sale last Wednesday. He knows the score and that we need it sold ASAP. Still not on their website or RightMove for sale. Going to be kicking some ass tomorrow morning. We bought our current house from them and they were shite then too but it's Bellway (the new home suppliers) who requested we sell with them through the easy mover scheme. So still waiting. Fingers crossed we get a buyer and can get this new build!
  19. Just finished The Order 1886 on PS4. Found it dirt cheap so thought I'd give it a go as I always wanted to play it. It's a gorgeous looking game, one of the best looking games I've seen (in parts), very visually impressive. The gameplay itself left a little to be desired. It was all a bit 'Uncharted' with running into a room full of enemies, taking cover and clearing the area. Thankfully the story was pretty good which I enjoyed. Just got one last chapter to replay as I missed some collectibles in it and the platinum will be wrapped up. Onto the next one!
  20. My BF and I have owned our home for 18 months now, and he's ready to buy somewhere new. I'm happy enough where we are but he wants some place bigger where we can actually fit a dining table and room to have people over for food etc. I'm down as I've already told him I'll only move if the third bedroom (we have 2 currently) can be a full on games room. Which he's agreed with. We want a new build. I know they come with all sorts of problems of their own (as if house buying isn't bad enough) but we're not even sure if we will get the house we want as it is dependant on a number of things. We have no option to add additional extras which you normally get the luxury with in a new house, because it's already built and they're currently finishing off the inside. The only thing we can pick is the flooring. All the bathroom tiles and kitchen was pre-chose. Thankfully, we love what they picked which is a relief as next door to the one were looking at they've picked in that too and it's awful. It all hinges on us selling our house now. We have enough equity in it for our deposit even if it sells less than we hope, and our figure is realistic anyway. We have had all the valuations done and gone through mortgage advice / agreements in principle but it all gets halted until we get a buyer. Our house goes up tomorrow but the agents have already got people waiting to buy a house in our area so they've started making them aware it's going up already We have 4 weeks to sell otherwise we reduce the price and that's when we start getting uncertainty creeping in as we then wouldn't have our deposit for the new build if we reduce too much. We haven't got too much in the way of savings and the sensible thing would be to wait until we'd saved and buy in a second phase next year. However, the house we want is one of a kind and they're only building one on the while estate. It's a three bedroom town house with a master bedroom with en suite in the roof so perfect for two gay guys who don't want kids haha. As it's already built and no one has bought it yet, we get the luxury of bargaining with them and they've already agreed to carpet the whole house for free wherever we want it in whatever carpet we choose. Were also in talks to waive stamp duty so all we will be paying for is solicitor fees (my other halfs mum and dad use someone for their businesses and property who will not charge us full cost and they've agreed to very kindly pay it) and to buy the lease hold so it's free hold. It seems rushed and feels it a bit too, but it's only due to the fact we won't have another opportunity for this particular build and we really want it. Need our house to sell in 4 weeks and we should be set. Thankfully, as were going through the easy move scheme, the company we're buying from pay our estate agents fees, so that's also covered Decided to just go for it, let fate decide if it is meant to be but fingers crossed it comes off. If we find a buyer in four weeks we could be in it in august! Madness.
  21. Each to their own! I thought the last one was sublime and it looked incredible, but it's not for everyone! Hmm now I wanna play it again...
  22. Ratchett and Clank?! What?! I love all the R&C games!
  23. I think I'd rather just use my 'phone' app within my phone and physically call someone if I want voice chat. At least then we don't have to be in the same lobby. Also, when I call someone with my phone, I can turn my screen off AND I can do other things whilst chatting! Fancy that, Nintendo! It's a complete mess.
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