That is all.
Edit: I can't even remember what storyline I'm referring to in this post, but I'm guessing that's probably a good thing!
Sword and Sworcery was also released on the PC and that worked fine, so there's no reason it couldn't work on the Wii U.
Though I think wanting it to be released on the Wii U because the gameplay is all about tapping on things is a pretty boring reason. The gameplay isn't even good. I liked the game overall, but the puzzles were literally just about finding out what thing you needed to tap on to proceed.
I could definitely see Okami working well, though.
d) None of the above.
But if I was getting a Wii U, I guess I'd get New Super Mario Bros. U. I have no interest in any of the other launch games, but I can't resist Mario. I wouldn't have anyone to play co-op with, though, so whatever.
Please Serebii my baby, Serebii.
But no talking. If you mention Nintendo I will cut your penis off.
The way you phrased that makes it sound like you've been experimenting with men lately. Tell us more!
I'm intrigued by the fact that there's going to be a PC version. I had no idea!
I guess I don't have to choose between waiting until I get a Wii U or buying the (at least graphically) inferior 3DS version anymore.
Edit: Oh, it's already out in the US? Interesting...
I love ONM. He tries to make the point that Americans have been giving the game a lower score because the game is set in London, but instead it comes off as British reviewers giving the game a higher score because they're so excited to play a game set in their capital.
Also, "subscribe of".
I'm getting it, but I'm a bit more wary than you. Reviews like the PC Gamer one don't exactly make this sound like the sequel to Blood Money that I wanted.
I saw one person ask a guy who'd reviewed the game if it was really true that everything you've done up to that point in a level resets when you load a checkpoint, and he said that it was, but that's really only an issue if you go back. And why would you ever want to go back?
... In a Hitman game.
There are games that have been removed from Xbox Live and PSN, and you've always been able to re-download them if you've already bought them, so I doubt this will be any different.