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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I thought handhelds were for playing on the toilet?
  2. There are games that have been removed from Xbox Live and PSN, and you've always been able to re-download them if you've already bought them, so I doubt this will be any different.
  3. *Isn't planning on watching the episode until tomorrow or Wednesday* Oooh, a new mention!
  4. Magnus


    Harder than the bonus puzzles in Pullblox? But those puzzles almost made me lose my mind. "Not another tower! NOT ANOTHER TOWER."
  5. You may as well put a gun to Miyamoto's head and pull the trigger, Darkjak!
  6. Ugh, online achievements. It bugs me that my completion rate in Revelations is significantly lower than Brotherhood simply because that game has a bunch of online trophies when Brotherhood had none. Not that I care about achievements that much, but it makes it look like I put less effort into Revelations. I'm playing Crysis 2 right now and that has a great online trophy - you get it for playing an online match six months after your first online match.
  7. I guess the Wii U just isn't good to develop for.
  8. Magnus


    I doubt it, since Pullblox puzzles would be completely ruined in Fallblox.
  9. I expect I will play this just as much as I played Wii Sports. So maybe once, if I can find someone else to play it with. Bring on Pikmin 3, I say! Nobody liked Wii Play, Aneres. Stop trolling. :p
  10. Congratulations on correctly guessing that a game that was released to rave reviews over a year ago would be good.
  11. I like the snow and dirt biomes.
  12. Man, I hope you're talking about Mass Effect 3. The first game takes a minimum of three playthroughs to get all achievements in.
  13. Maybe he was kidnapped by an ape and needs someone to rescue him.
  14. Olivia's been a guest on The Bishop and Bishop Show this season. I assume she'll make up for her uselessness so far this season at some point, or they may as well have left her encased in amber.
  15. It's totally going to get delivered to another Daniel who lives in Default.
  16. The Xbox 360 is basically a PC, while the PS3 has a very different internal architecture, so developers tend to find the former a lot more familiar. I'm guessing it probably takes some effort to adapt 360 games to work on the PS3 because it's so different, but this is, what, the sixth Call of Duty game on the PS3? There's absolutely no excuse for a bad port at this point. Edit: Oh, and the PS3 version of Bayonetta was outsourced, so that's another reason it was so bad. Saying the PS3 "isn't a very good console to develop for" is pure fanboyism, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Zechs.
  17. Well... a) I am well aware of how a lot of developers have had issues with porting games to the PS3 because it's so different from the 360, which is essentially a PC, but this is largely a thing of the past, and the only other recent example I can think of is Skyrim, and Bethesda is infamous for releasing buggy games, and b) You can rant about how hard porting games to the PS3 is all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you said this: ... Which really isn't the same thing as saying "lazy port" at all. Except that's not what they did, is it? They developed the game with the 360 version in mind and rushed out a lazy port. They need to hire better programmers if they can't do a good port of one of the best-selling games of the year when other developers are fully capable of releasing good PS3 versions of their games.
  18. *Puts on tinfoil hat*
  19. Yes, blame the PS3 for Activision/Treyarch developing their games for the 360 and lazily porting them. Let's just ignore all of the games that are as good/better on the PS3. Someone should tell Naughty Dog that the PS3 isn't a very good console to develop for! Nintendo >>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft > Sony
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