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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I think you should touch up the fur a little bit.
  2. I'm pretty sure it's a descendant of the main character, who pays Abstergo to relive the memories of her ancestor. Something like that. Those extra animuses aren't just for multiplayer anymore! Anyway, that thing Cube said about the reviews is funny when the two most positive reviews on Metacritic call it "as fully featured as any console game" and "another excellent console-style release", but I guess it's more fun to generalize. I really like this backhanded compliment from another review, though:
  3. Now imagine if this was your fifth Assassin's Creed game. :p
  4. Play it on your 3DS? Sleeping Dogs is great, by the way.
  5. ... And so did you?
  6. Are you sure your cousin isn't a pickpocket?
  7. Fixed that for you.
  8. If you're trying to make me more interested in the game, it's working!
  9. Maybe it's only available between 11 PM and 3 AM.
  10. I think they should just re-release Blood Money. The rest of the games aren't really worth playing again after that game, anyway. They could call it the Hitman Ultimate Collection.
  11. It's annoying how they keep re-releasing the series, but always skip the first game because it was only released on the PC. Not that it's the best game in the series or anything, but still. Calling it a trilogy feels a bit like releasing a Star Wars Trilogy with Episodes 2-4. It'll be worth getting for anyone who missed out on Blood Money, at least. Contracts is also pretty good. And I guess anyone who enjoyed Absolution might enjoy the awful Silent Assassin with its useless disguises and lack of save points. :p
  12. Well, if you're not really interested in games with a story, there's little reason to play Mass Effect, I guess. There are way better action games out there, and it's the writing that makes Mass Effect stand out. Oh, well! At least you don't have to suffer through the ending. :p
  13. Mass Effect is good, but there are more fun ways to go blind. The games are a mix of third-person cover shooter and RPG, so they're not very text-heavy during missions, but you can spend quite a lot of time between missions talking to people and learning more about the Mass Effect universe. Except the first game, where the first several hours of the game are spent walking around talking to people and then your squadmates run out of things to say halfway through the game. The sequels are more balanced. If you like BioWare RPGs, there's no reason why you should miss out on Mass Effect. And if you've never played a BioWare RPG, this is a good place to start, as it's by far their slickest and most accessible series.
  14. I will wait until Daft has done that and eat him.
  15. I plan to watch them all at the same time.
  16. Magnus


  17. As long as you weren't an immigrant or gay. Apparently he really liked cats, though.
  18. I used to make Mass Effect jokes, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
  19. Wikipedia says December 7th, so I just assumed that was correct. Anyway, a developer shutting down wouldn't impact the release of a finished game as long as the publisher is still around. Edit: Oh, I see what you're saying - that they may have shut down the studio before they finished work on the Wii U version. I wouldn't worry yet.
  20. Well, they don't burn every copy of a game when the developer shuts down, so yes.
  21. Magnus


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