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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. It's because of the rekar.at thing Bob mentioned. It adds some sort of frame on top of the upper third of the page. If you're on Firefox, you can scroll up to the top of the page, right-click and select Inspect Element. There'll be a blue box at the top of the page that says div#ny. Click the arrow, then Delete Node and it'll remove the frame. The only problem is that you have to do it every time you visit a new page. :p
  2. Searching Twitter for 'not homophobic but' is funnier.
  3. Man, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with the HD remakes these days.
  4. I thought Stacking was pretty boring. *Rebel*
  5. I used everyone in all possible combinations. Have to get that affinity up somehow.
  6. Just like you could always not play them in Mario Kart Wii. Oh, except they were all over the place anyway. You just know that if there's a playable Mii, at the very least there'd be a level in arcade mode where you have to fight twenty of them in a row.
  7. Three things I absolutely don't want to see in this game: 1) DLC 2) Miis 3) StreetPass (if used to unlock things that can't be gotten otherwise)
  8. Ezio is boring, but then so is everyone else in Assassin's Creed. Except Haytham and that guy who writes the codex entries. This game should star a Brit.
  9. Ezio is boring, but then so is everyone else in Assassin's Creed. Except Haytham and that guy who writes the codex entries. This game should star a Brit.
  10. Or maybe it's one of your favorite games, but you know it's not one of the best games! Oxigen Waste would be proud.
  11. This is like reading the IMDb boards after a new episode of The Simpsons. "Fireworks?" "Yeah. Everything in there is a prop we'll need for tonight." Even the laugh track didn't seem too enthusiastic about that joke.
  12. I used to find this annoying, but meh, I'm pretty much over DLC at this point. Let them do whatever they want... I just don't care anymore. I didn't even play the free Assassin's Creed III DLC despite playing the PS3 version.
  13. I think Just Cause 2 is very overrated. I did have a lot of fun just messing around, but eventually repetition set in and there was just nothing else to the game. There were only seven main story missions (with a story that I'm not sure if it was a parody and supposed to be bad or if it was just plain bad), and being forced to go around causing chaos got really boring after a while. Once you've destroyed one base, you've destroyed them all, and what's the point of exploring when everything looks the same? The side missions for the criminals were equally boring, especially the nine identical missions where you take over bases. At least when I get bored of messing around in Grand Theft Auto (and at least those games have more interesting maps), I have a decent story and fun missions to get back to.
  14. Iun and Goron, sitting in a tree*. Happy birthday, Goron Three! *Iun wishes.
  15. *boxer briefs
  16. Yes, the first game in the series is indeed a good place to jump on board.
  17. Maybe she thought they wouldn't appreciate her underpants.
  18. Well, it'd be hard to throw a shoe at them if they didn't go to their concert.
  19. Persona 5 will probably be on the PS3/360, as that's what Catherine was released on. I'd love to see it on the Vita, though.
  20. Well, yeah. That's where the LEGO is.
  21. Presumably because LEGO is awesome. Or he has a kid he's never told us about. Chained up in the basement.
  22. The voice acting is awesome and you will grow to love it or die trying. You need to play until you get to the next area in the game, as that's when you really start to realize how impressive the scope of the game is.
  23. An Xbox Live Silver member who's an avid fan of PlayStation Plus and plays 50+ games a year! Some of that business could be Microsoft's. In fact, some of that business used to be theirs, but then the exclusives dried up and Sony started giving away games for a nominal fee. Well, I'm still fully intending to play Halo 4 at some point, so there's that, at least.
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