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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I'm sure his face is red as a beet right now.
  2. Sounds like Darkjak wants this game to be America's Army without the Americans.
  3. Those screenshots can't be from Battlefield 4. They're not orange.
  4. I timed it and it's actually faster than going to the grocery store.
  5. They're $25CDN on VideoGamesPlus. No idea what shipping would be, but it wouldn't be anywhere near $160, anyway.
  6. You can still buy new copies of the Atlus games on the PS2 that Ghostlight published in Europe, so I wouldn't worry too much about Devil Survivor: Overclocked becoming hard to find. Of course, watch it become super rare just because I said that. :p
  7. I guess it's decided, then!
  8. The gold files are really terrible when it comes to spoilers. I recommend only reading them after you've reached the puzzle room after the one you got them in.
  9. That's really an unfair comparison since you will never be able to see Super Mario Galaxy through the same haze of nostalgia. Also, Shorty was being sarcastic.
  10. OH MY GOD I HATE STATUS EFFECTS. I've been trying to beat the same boss in a JRPG for the past four hours. The problem isn't that I'm fighting three characters at once and that all of them have attacks that deal massive amounts of damage. Or that one of them has an instant-death spell that targets my entire party. Oh, no - the problem is that one of them has a spell that causes random status effects to my entire party. Nothing like doing sort-of-okayish only to lose control of your entire party and being able to do nothing but slowly watch them die (I say slowly, but it only takes one or two turns).
  11. You mean they didn't get the original voice actors back so they could stand around and get paid to do nothing?
  12. I wish the whole game had been 2D. And I guess Duckworth is a midget in the remake.
  13. Sounds like the Groovitron in Ratchet & Clank, except not as cool.
  14. Is there a rule that says they have to give us a bland Lord of the Rings game every month? Really pleased about Okami HD, though. I've been wanting to replay the game ever since playing Okamiden last year. I've already played The Cave, so I'm not too interested in that, but I thought it was pretty fun, so it's well worth downloading if you haven't played it yet. I've also heard good things about Thomas Was Alone. I'm really tempted to go through Virtue's Last Reward again just for an easy platinum trophy. It'd be really easy to do while watching television. Hmm.
  15. Freudian slip?
  16. Lies. That's clearly Ben Reilly.
  17. That depends on the penis, surely.
  18. You can have lesbian sex with a blue alien.
  19. Not when you can order it for a third less from any British online shop.
  20. Kav's the kind of person who reads Judge Dredd and doesn't realize it's supposed to be satire.
  21. Hahaha. I assume this is a brilliant attempt at showing that while it's okay to hold stupid opinions, maybe sometimes you shouldn't voice them.
  22. Luckily for him, he'll have more time for Nazi salutes now.
  23. I always read the posts, too. Nothing like schadenfreude to make you feel better about yourself.
  24. The way you talk about the story in Ocarina of Time makes the sequence of events sound so absolute - like Zelda gets captured because she just wasn't a good enough fighter, and not because Nintendo wrote the story that way.
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