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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Isn't it? THREE DAY BENDER. Still drinking. Lots of drinking. BYE!
  2. Pidgeons fly at 60mph?! That's insane. But yeah - 4gb? They were truly never going to win that competition, were they.
  3. Saw Død snø (Dead Snow, duh) at the cinema last night. A nazi zombie movie that was a little too self-aware, being very referential to the genre as a whole, with characters vocally comparing elements of their situation to Halloween, Friday the 13th, Evil Dead and Brain Dead. Bunch of med-students go stay in a cabin for no real reason besides because teh film needs people in a cabin miles away from anyone. Nazi zombies (complete with nazi gold!) come and start giving them all this hassle, yo. Pretty much... It. Gore was good, the zombies didn't look ridiculous, but the set-up took too long (we just want the zombies!) and the actual zombie stuff was probably only 30 mins long and not really anything we've not seen before. But I've seen a norwegian zombie film and you haven't, so ner.
  4. Damnit! Forgot to check my other x11 team for about a week -- missed out on an 6-skilled 18 youth!1!!2!£!"4!"£!! FUCK. Anyway. Got my crazy game tactics for tomorrow all sorted. It definitely won't be 0-0 or 1-0 this time!
  5. Nice one dudes Now, where are our babies?
  6. FLOORED. I mean, surely that makes more sense to you?
  7. I don't really have anything to say, except I think your pope quote is shit.
  8. not really my personal opinion, but I figured it would fit in well with this whole 'let's mention every childhood baddie we can' thing. I hate how we don't have a universal way of writing INVISIBLOL.
  9. So I think I may as well resurrect this thread; anyone fancy a game tomorrow daytime/evening? Perhaps focused on getting people achievements they need, otherwise just for funsies? My gamertag is jayseven NE, and I'm up for a game whenever I'm online
  10. Will the facial recognition work with TWINS!?!!?
  11. ReZ; can we ask if anyone failed to send in their PMs?
  12. ... I think my work made me get their credit card today. I didn't really know what i was doing until they were all "oh and the interest rate is really good!" ... Yeah. Gonna chop it urp when i get it.
  13. Well I had Blue, Yellow and Silver, but I couldn't name more than, like, two pokemon from Silver/Gold (Togepii... Suicune!) and, er, yeah.
  14. I just watched Scrubs season 8. Less of the sillies, and more of the self-awareness, and too-little-too-late development of secondary newbies (besides wossisname who was engaged to elliot in previous seasons. I mean, if they had done it from the 4th season we'd have a stronger cast by now). I think the pacing was odd, and the actors were noticably uncomfortable in the first few episodes, and I don't think there was really a 'memorable' episode this season. The janitor's wedding was a nice segue, and seeing Sean again was cool (but again, too late in the season to develop). Definitely not my favourite season, but I suppose it was, in its own way, consistent in quality. Not sure what to expect with the next 'revamped' season.
  15. Errr... I know nothing about pokémon... Am I at a disadvantage?
  16. Just finished a near-8-hour bonus shift. I've got about three new scars from it, and I've mastered precisely how to avoid doing work every now and then. Still not sorted my hearing aids out thanks to work stealoring my hours, so I've got to go to hospital tomorrow and at least see if they actually did transfer my records from brighton (as they said they were going to do when my aid broke about 5 weeks ago... but then they said they'd send me an appointment as soon as it was done, so clearly they forgot all about me), if they didn't then I may be forced to wait another two/three weeks for a proper appointment. Awesom. Especially because people at work are, often, a bit oblivious about me even being there. People tend not to bother talking to you until you've spent two weeks working, and people still call me Chris. Mind you, I don't know 75% of their names. Aside from the life-shrinking world of work? Getting pissed. That's it. Had to miss out on a few nights out (pretty much every night before I have an 'early' start, people are going out...) but i'm gonna rest my feet up and shout at some dweebs on XBL tonight. Congrats dude DAMN YOU CUBE STEALING CTG'S HOURS?!!
  17. Interview meee :P Interesting results... My defense is probably one of the tighest in teh league. I got two players in teh x11 and got manager of the round ReZ vs. Dyson was interesting - dyson pitched an odd side, looking to just keep his form up rather than really go for the three points. I highly doubt he'll treat me to the same honours next week!
  18. If someone (ReZ?) could text my my result tomorrow so i can also pass it onto Haden, it'd really be appreciated!
  19. Go as a zebra crossing. Would make for an awesome evening of pictures.
  20. Don't say such things, lest you are prepared for the consequences!

  21. I've listened to Daisy at least 5 times now. It's... still growing... but I feel I can comfortably say it's their worst album yet. There's too much weaving of 'symbols' between the songs (boats, beds, fire, stones) that is too obvious and to no gainful end. They rely on repeating choruses/verses more than I'd like, and there's probably only one song where Jesse gets anywhere close to the self-loathing rambling that he ought to be famous for (that "I am the mountain that was moved~" one). More than any other album (besides arguably YFW and The Smiths,) there seems to be a lot of influences pouring out of these songs. From Modest Mouse and Nirvana to more contemporary Manchester Orchestra and, dare I say, Biffy Clyro and Lost Prophets? Less of the latter, for sure. I hear that BN wanted to focus on recording more gig-friendly songs (by writing a 1 and a half minute song and then just repeating all the verses at some point), yet tehy also want to tour less (even though tehy've got something like 30 US gigs planned before teh end of this year). Personally I think their best songs are probably the least gig-friendly ones, yet the most emotionally strong ones. So yeah. Definitely their worst album so far. ... anything by Legion of Doom, really banging bass, and a core that's so hard that diamonds melt within earshot. Good angry-stare music. Yes, I basically only ever mention the two above stated bands along with MWY. Shrug :P
  22. I've listened to it about 3 times now (it's quite short! I can listen to it one-and-a-half times on the way to work), and yes, it's growing. At The Bottom sounds very influenced by their recent touring friends Manchester Orchestra, and the album as a whole is louder, heavier and less angst or lost as the previous albums' tones were. There's one song I facepalm at -- that one where the vocals flicker on and off rapidly so you can never quite tell what it is that is being sung. Bit pretentious and, honestly, grating to listen to. But more listens are needed!
  23. That utterly sucks man. You're certain you've done all 4 campaigns? I've been struggling to get some of the special infected achievements - 100 yard drag with the smoker, kill all survivors as a tank, incapitate a survivor who has entered and left the safe room. I'm over half-way on the 56k zombie kills, though!
  24. Man, if I were allowed to give infractions for ignorance, then choze'd get at least four in this thread alone.
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