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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I hope you're aware of your own self-irony. Which I guess wouldn't make it irony... You stick with your starbucks. I'll stick with my meditating.
  2. Sounds pretty awesomepic! But -- wasn't tehre supposed to be a whole bunch of people on these boards going to some sort of theme park thing? Did you be mean and not invite them? For shame for that, but for glory we need pix.
  3. Well the general consensus is that nobody since the Buddha has actually achieved enlightenment, so generally trying to get enlightened is striving for perfection. All capitalism tells us to do is if you buy this, you will be one step closer to perfection. And by perfection, we mean that we promise to bring out the next step to perfection at some point in the future. I see we're playing a quotation war! But your Wildesques actually do nothing but sound like they mean something. That quote suggests both "if you don't at least try for perfection, then you may as well be dead" as well as "if you have already attained perfection, then you may as well be dead, because you're not trying anymore." While you are convinced that you will still have this hunger for MOAR, you aren't questioning why? THAT is the important question. Why are you hungry for that new ipodwhateveritisnext? WHY? WHY are you not content with the one you have? What's that? Oh, the new one offers an extra 200GB of music? Oh, well that sure is a big number! That's a lot bigger than the big number they told us was the next step to perfection two years ago! So now you'll be able to carry around four lifetimes worth of music instead of one? Sweet! Oh yeah, totally. It's in the choice we have as human beings that totally defines us as alive and totally awesome. No. It's not. The vast majority of choice is false. We go from the "you can choose between what you have (which last year we told you was the next step towards perfection) and what you don't have (which is the ALL NEW IMPROVED FLAVOUR next step towards perfection)" style of choice to... well, a genuine element of control would be nice. Really the choices you are presented are no different to one another. By saying to you "hey, dude, so, like, we have your entire life in our hands, right. So we're gonna let you choose whether we do A or B with it. K?" Where is choice C? Why can't I have my own life in my hand? Why can't I choose something not on the list? Ok, so that bit about choices was trying rather quickly to bridge the gap between the typical "oh look A NEW BETTER FASTER STRONGER ET CETERA SOMETHING OR OTHER I MUST I MUST I MUST HAVE IT" to general "oh look WE'RE TRAPPED INSIDE WALLS EVERYWHERE. THE SKY IS UNTOUCHABLE. I AM NOT FREE" kinda rant. Sorry. POINT: You will still hunger for MOAR. Is that your fault, or 22 years of advertising-led humanity's fault?
  4. Lol. Dude! Enlightenment is essentially a state of pure peace. Translated into modern lingo for people who think peace is sitting around being bored and stuff; Peace Is Happiness. If you are happy all of the time, then what comes next is of no importance whatsoever. As teh cat and teh alice note in teh book (roughly!); "Oh noes! I HAF CUM TO A FORK IN DA ROAD! Wich wai do I go?" "Where do you want to go?" "I don't Knoooooo!" "Then it doesn't matter." If you are enlightened tehn you find endless, endless joy in what you do, no matter what you do. If you rely on Supermegastation1080 then... well you aren't going to be happy if you don't get it, is all you think you know. It is your consumerist mind which is even making you think that there has to be a next or a better. If the world's technologies froze today - if we could no longer consume more, then what would happen? If more is not possible, could you be happy? If yes, then why hunger for more?
  5. Good points dude. They all point to the general 'must-follow-what-the-majority-thinks' agenda that all the big awards shows seem to have these days. Really, us coolsters should stop even noticing the oscars/emmys/MTV awards.
  6. I don't think I could recommend one thing enough; try the demos first. There's not much worse than following the hype of other people and finding that you never have that desire to actually play the damn thing. EDIT: O yea. AND BRAID MOFO.
  7. ^yeah pretty much what I did. I was trying to get it for a few games, and when I did it was amidst a flurry of "ohshitohshitohshit" auto-shotgun rounds. I think you basically need her to turn her head as you're really close, while she turns real red. Poke your gun in her eyeballs and BLAMMO! Job done. There are two that I'm kinda-trying to get -- they're both versus ones; Drag a survivor for 100yards (madness) and incapacitate a survivor after they've left teh safe room. The latter is definitely possible and I've come close a couple of times, but the former is rather more down to luck (being a smoker in a massive area, for one!). Kill all 4 survivors in one life as a tank? I came real close. Got three DOWN, but was on fire and the other dude had legged it. Finding that I get kicked a lot trying to play on expert live, so I doubt I'll ever do any campaigns on that difficulty without patient amigo at my side. When's taht new campaign out again?
  8. I saw in the paper that some people have sex with children, but I still don't stick my penis in babies. Yes, "but that's not the point," I know. But we're not the guardian
  9. http://www.mycarsucks.com/photos/Very_Lucky_Dude.htm Watch it thrice without smiling. Dare you. http://toursfromabove.com/aerial-virtual-tours/new-york/
  10. Supernatural Season 5's Opener Schwiiiiiing! It's baa-aack So; last season basically had MEGA COOL premise, and really failed to capitalise on it, or improve drastically on season 3's genius filler episodes. I wasn't hugely impressed with the season's finale, so I guess I'm still a bit tentitative about season 5. This season basically extends on the promise of the previous season, with Mark Pellegrino (you'll know him, kinda, as Jacob from Lost's finale), or Paul from Dexter, or as That Dude Again in a bunch of other shows) co-starring for (oh, thanks for that spoiler, IMDB).. er... Notasmanyepisodesasiwould'veliked. Well here I was about to go into how genius a cast member he is/would be! Sigh. WELL ANYWAY YEAH.
  11. Shame BSG and Breaking Bad didn't do better, really, but I think they've been well represented at the awards in previous years anyway. Timberlake for an emmy!? Crazyshit. I guess awards shows are really just about complaining about who didn't win what.
  12. Infraction issued for quite obvious reasons, really. No, don't let him infract me! :P I've been listening to a lot of Caravan, Supertramp, Talking Heads and Frank Zappa recently. The latter two move me with their wit and quirky perspectives, while the first two are emotional seismetrons that lift my feet and raise my hopes for teh day. A Seismetron is an artificial embodiment of a seismic wave. I just made the word up, I think, but it's a keeper.
  13. LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION! Argument: Material goods (their value, their worth, their control over you) vs. The Point Of Life (feelings, experiences, discovery). Synopsis: You're living the lie. Things could be better. Things should be better. Essay to expand on these points: Fuck that shit. I'm tired.
  14. So if the average male walking speed is 3.5mph, then how far do I walk at work? I did a six hour shift, with two 15-minute breaks. Let's estimate that I spent a total of 30 mins standing around doing nothing (it's very busy), then that works out to around 18 miles, including the walk to the station and back. Yesterday I did an 8 hour shift, which is closing in to a marathon. Of course, the flaw is I don't know my walking speed. if it's 2mph (a big difference) then I've still done a marathon in two work shifts. The week starting the 21st I'm working 36 hours. So my question to you - how far will I have gotten by xmas? London? Paris? TEH MOOOOOOOON?!
  15. I think they're less 'average' and mostly more 'awesome'. EDIT: Oh I've just gone to the Top list, and they're distinctly more average (but still awesome -- the word bed actually looks like a bed. I never noticed before!), and amusing because they're truer to life than FML.
  16. What about Sussex Uni
  17. Stuwii. If you make another post in this thread that in any way bears a resemblance to the last 12 posts you have made (where you've basically said you spend your days masturbating to the new muse album, and your nights crying because there's only one new muse album, then your weekends you set up that stall outside your house with a sign saying "Muse Is Awsum Fan Club for Winnars" and a clipboard for people to sign and join your club but nobody does because they're freaked out by your crazy stare and endless scream of sheer excitement, and you will spend all your money that you get from the job centre on new copies of the album because you still haven't figured out a way to wash off the semen on your previous copy without somehow tarnishing the disc itself, and each christmas you will stab yourself because that's all i can think of. You. Being stabbed. It's probably more of a christmas present for me than you, I suppose, but I guess I just hope you'll remember it's the season to give and all everyone wants is for you to give your life away, because frankly it's probably not worth all that much anyway and everyone says that charity is this really nice thing that totally gets you into heaven, and because you're either going to stab yourself or get stabbed by me you may as well do it yourself in order to avoid that certain, special level of hell that satan himself cried with joy in producing, where you're probably going to go. Wait- what am I talking about?), THEN I will infract you. Oh yes. Please.
  18. Hello Shamus! Nope, I don't remember you. Sorry. But then I piss off from here from time to time. MORE APOLOGIES. MORPOLOGY.
  19. Will someone hit dan? I fear he's stuck on a loop. In fact, fuck it, I'll hit him tonight. On the ass. While I pound him hard. Gay? LLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL. So yeah I'm still drinking. Just went and bought twentyeffingfour cans of blackthorne. Going t'shorty's tonight to game-up with the nami and the Dare. Then work early tomorrow so I'm going to be fail and leave too early tonight, or stay too late and kill myself tomorrow.
  20. Well to be fair, they were fairly wild tangents that I thought were individual-thread-worthy, but I was too lazy to 'thread-rip' them. You'd need Eenuh too, for the nami bit!
  21. Read back over the last few pages. Those topics came up!
  22. Vote: Ganepark... I was out last night so I didn't get to use my role at all. Tsk.
  23. Crazy game tactics TOTALLY PWNED DYSON. Hahah! Seriously - nearly every single one of my players performed two bars above what tehy're supposed to be. Dyson's team... well genuinely, I don't understand how it's doing so well :P It's poo!
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