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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. So as I mentioned before, as part of my "nobody gives a crap" season of HWYD posts, Hot Girl was working today, on my day off, with co-workers telling me yesterday they were going to try and get something happening between us. Good news is she's talking to me right now on facebook, which means she isn't totally wanting to distance herself from me. She wants me to teach her how to juggle. PHASE TWO PHASE TWO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS PHASE TWO?!
  2. Are aliens from space? (the answer to both is 'sort of, I don't know, and it depends')
  3. People like the idea of having a bi partner for the sole possibility of having a threesome. INTERNET FACT.
  4. Mate, it won't hurt you to grease her with smug cutesy compliments :P "aw baby you know you're my world" and all that nonsense. The cheese is part of the fun. *grumbles about being alone*
  5. Whatever you do, just avoid making any self-aware "oh I had to write a speech and this is the best i could do lol" stuff. Just give a speech. Much mroe memorable that way.
  6. I thought saying your sex was epic was a compliment? You suck.
  7. I DON'T think I used underline before, and I dunno if my font change was obvious, or if it even does anything. I'll just quote everything said so far;
  8. uno dos tres quatro cinco cinco seiz? Ocho, nueve, diez?
  9. Well I guess this is THE THREAD OF RANDOM, so I'll just do that instead. Invent random COnvert with lies add some gay and beans then give up hope and cry a little more, now THE END
  10. Ok so I got 6 beans in total. I don't really know how they're clues to other beans *shrugs* Remember that time we had sex, ReZ? That was epic. Unlike this. .
  11. Damn, I was so sure I'd get at least one bean with that. Pooh.
  12. I am the cookie factory, and I'm constantly trying to get y'all teh FUCK OUTTA MY INNARDS. I have some spies on the factory floor that do my bidding.
  13. all your beans are belong to us. Omgwtfbbq, lol, roffle, I'm totally playing now. I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm just gonna copy what I see dun, innit. lotsofbeenz. Bodacious. Beans, beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot. Hold on ReZ, I'ma let you finish in a sec, but I just wanted to say that chairdriver's mafia thread was the best playground of all time! Kindney one help me? 321, 123... Outta thyme. *confused still*
  14. So you said 10 players in teh first round? Can I plai? Epic whinzaphon, etc? *has no idea*
  15. haha :P I'll tell you now I'm not playing the way I've ever played before. I'm pretty much two games away from resigning myself to relegation. The odd thing is my players' match fitnesses aren't as low as I thought they'd be, in general.
  16. I wanna play! I don't care how it's played out though If it was done via PMs then surely we'd just see the end result posted in here? I think Spoilers give other forumites a chance to see what they're missing out on, and I think we'll be grown up enough not to 'cheat' -- and 'cheating' isn't really that big a deal with the game.
  17. Had a good sleep, went to bed at midnight and woke at 11 ^_^ Currently sitting cross-legged to get pins and needles, to get the day started on a fun note. God knows what I'm going to do today. The temptation to go and buy some booze, then play xbox all day, is rather grand! Feminine wiles! She will win you through your curiousity. Be careful!
  18. I think OP had it covered -- We'll see some of these folks again, maybe as patients, or maybe with House as an outpatient returning from time to time. I can see the next few episodes being humorous due to the Old Krew not really knowing how to take House being happy and stuff, but I'm almost dreading the shift back to Patient Of The Week. Hoping they can mix-it-urp.
  19. I keep changing my tactics for my next match against Haden... I think they're pretty stupid as they are right now but it's certainly a fuck it mentality I have now.
  20. Dude. That's awesome :P If you're not careful you'll start thinking about her too much, and conniving your next conversation! You totally can! I watched every single DVD in our flat, plus downloaded what must've been a solid month's worth of TV shows in my last year at uni. ... Yeah so I'm having to re-do that last year... but it's totally possible.
  21. I think there's no way that my colleagues could better my own attempts at getting with this girl, therefore it is most likely that they will only hinder my sloth-like attempt to woo the girl. Several scenarios include her being forced to confront her 'feelings' for me, and quickly realising she thinks I'm ugly and freakish and that I remind her of cabbages, and she hates cabbages. Yeah basically that. Self-loathing, my brothers.
  22. So you have a direct issue with the fact that I drink a lot, and that I often appear to be self-imressed at such a feat? Are we being rhetorical? Was there any need for you to post your last two posts? No, it does not :P It's a bit of an urban myth, this. Most likely any such hallucinations caused by Ambsinthe (Back In The Day) were from whatever diluting properties added to the drink to maintain low production costs. The wormwood properties are minimal, and Absinthe isn't really banned in any country anymore, besides those that ban alcohol in general. It's basically just a strong spirit that is 'hip' and 'cool'. Drink it! :D:D
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