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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Sooner than that...
  2. You're missing out on teh scope of story telling if you can't stomach anything more than bitesize snackery.
  3. Fuck's sake, you two.
  4. Just got round to watching this. I think that yes, it has cottoned on to the suspense-drama schtick that we've seen in Lost and Heroes, but it's an age old formula that is perfectly competent as an entertainment medium. Yes, the episode struggled to really grip beyond the gimmick of "zomg FUTUUR!" but I think the show will be capable of entwining us with the general whodunnit element as it grows, rather than simply ".. so will it be as it is seen?" (because honestly it will be, duh). The dude with the star tattoos and the dude in the baseball stadium will surely be key focuses for a while. Beyond that I guess is simply; if it was a man-made situation then why do it, and if not then why did some people not black out? Personally I think the dude at the baseball game was just at the game to ensure he would be seen by camera. He wasn't wearing team colours or anything. I felt the 4400 vibe after watching it, too, and that show managed to go beyond the initial zomg situation. The FBI dude clearly hadn't solved the matter at hand, so once we get to april 30th that'll still be a focus, as well as this shady secret bunch of Dudes behind it. Future seasons? If this is a man-made power then maybe other instances, or maybe a more controlled version of it (perhaps it was an experiment gone wrong -- meant to be focused on a few individuals rather than the world?), so we'll have, like, Secret Agents Minority Report/Timecop styleee.... who knows. Just rambles.
  5. I was gonna ask hot girl out today, but didn't get a chance to talk to her. And now I've settled back into the bizarre method of ignoring her, because I can't hack thinking I might be attractive in any quantity whatsoever. A depressing day, for several stupid reasons. So I'm going to give myself a hangover tomorrow as punishment. Not only do I have a 9.30-2.30 shift but I gotta go to job centre, and the hospital, and phone a bunch of people and things and shit. And yeah. Just generally feel puny and overlooked. Best-friendless and unwanted. A lot of it is down to my lack of hearing aids at the moment. I basically can't overhear anyone's conversations, can't interject, can't retort without asking them to repeat what they said three times. Basically I'm stripped of my wit and bereft of compassion. Underpayed, overworked, broke, unshaven, hungry and alone, and no way out for another month. This fucking sucks. To the hangover! *cheers*
  6. Yeah I found the new episode distinctly uninspiring. Clark leaving those 'calling cards' everywhere was irritating, and I think generally the focus was off CK and split too much between big Z, Loui-lou, &c. But the premise for the season is brimming with hope, and I found it refreshing (in a... dull way, I suppose) that they didn't go mega-sooper over-the-top with the season opener. Restraint is a good quality for a show to have. But I think I would've liked the opener to be a sorta Batman-Begins/House-S06E01/2 style 'what he did in the interim' instead of just having CK spouting all this "I WARE DA SIMBLE EEVREEEE DAAIIIIII!!!" nonsense. Felt weak and forced. But as I say, I think the season as a whole is promising. So long as they keep lana the fuck away. Please.
  7. Arthur who? Oh wait I remember the adverts now. Gotcha. Useless post ftw.
  8. Woke at 7am, went to work, got home at 3. Job done. Only... got my paycheck and it's only £300... i'm in arrears with rent... Argos pay two weeks slow. BUT! Job centre sent me a letter saying they wanna gimme some money soooo... ELLIPSIS OF LIFE!
  9. You're a medical marvel!
  10. I've conceded teh least. Clearly our positions show that it ain't all that impressive this year :P
  11. Worst reason to not listen to a band ever. Slowtotheparty DAN! Why a 'junior' massive? What happened to them? Well besides the fact that none of the original sugababes are in 'sugababes' anymore? I mean surely you can understand why it's ridiculous that they're still hogging the name n'all. Admittedly, The Blonde One has been in it since they were any good. Don't worry people - I'm freaking myself out too.
  12. I also agree with the statements that everyone sane agrees with. I also find the need to post such thoughts, because they're clearly interesting and further the topic greatly.
  13. Yeah dan also has Gaids. Why are you people not listening to me?!
  14. Third Rock From The Sun had a 3D episode, and the DVDs came with 3D glasses
  15. ^that's what I've been asked for... I mean, there's only so much I can say as a friend, amirite?
  16. My mate told his employer that I'd be his character referee. What the fuck do I say?!
  17. I also like taking my axe to small children's heads. And taxidermy.
  18. Dan's got gaids. Congrats ash and Flink! I am currently too tired to feel envious of your better pay, hours, and benefits.
  19. Yay for space exploration, boo for shelling the moon
  20. From teh poster/this thread I get a 4400 vibe... I guess I'll go watch it now and see!
  21. It's probably too late now, but surely by going to the gig, even alone, you're more likely to make music-loving-friends than if you don't go?
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