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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. This be the cheapest way... http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/3514596/Xbox-Live-4200-Points-Card/Product.html 4200 points card, generally if you buy M$ points through your 360 with your credit card the rate is about £20 = 2000 points so thats £1 per 100 points, but if you take that link I posted, on Play their 4200 points cards are £32.99 so it pays to buy them in bulk, unfortunately they are out of stock atm but thats your best bet, either that or finding two 2100 points cards really cheaply.
  2. That seems a tad stupid... surely if you had too many items which then doesn't let you save you would WANT a warning? yet they removed it, odd decision.
  3. No idea as I don't own the game either way though it sucks because your only real options are to play it all in one sitting or wait until the devs realise they have screwed up and eventually patch it.
  4. Either fudged dlc or poorly placed save / respawn points.
  5. I don't agree, but you don't care, so it doesn't matter still looks fine though for a random pic.
  6. I think it's a nice list of achievements as they all sound fun to get rather than just a grind, well maybe a few are a bit grind-tastic but overall they just sound fun.
  7. Hope everyone having a good day, just a quick heads up in case anyone wanted to watch it and forgot or whatever, the New Wallace and Gromit is on now.
  8. I've got my attempt saved in three different formats (.wav .wma .mp3) just need to know which one to send and where to send it to.
  9. I'd just like to take this oppourtunity to wish everyone at N-E a very... Merry Christmas! Use this thread to post similar festive messages. : peace:
  10. If it's audio only then I'll give it a go, tbh I was put off by the video part Idk why >> anyway I'll try out one of those pro programs you listed and see what I come up with. *edit* ok it's done! what format do you want it in and where do you want me to send it to Eevil? Talk to me!
  11. Well, you can, if the game is crap then it's crap, the accessory that comes with it just softens the blow if it has other uses seperate from the game.
  12. Meh a lot of the stores like this have been asking for it for a while by keeping most prices as high as they can, still it's always sad to see job losses happen but people will buy from wherever is cheapest, simple as.
  13. Awesome you bought it! I'm sure you won't be dissapointed with it D_p.
  14. I found them both to be repetitive, but I found Numb slightly less dull :S I don't mind LP but I don't really like them much either but Numb seemed to know when to stop whereas the other one didn't IMO. Anyway I've become so Numb to this match so that's my vote.
  15. Awesome DLC tomorrow... Foo Fighters Pack 1! - This is a Call, Times Like These and DOA Nice to see they chose three decent tracks too ^^ though of course there are always more that I would have chosen anyway woot! Oh yeah and there is also... Rockin' The Holidays 2008 pack - Hanukkah Blessings, Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You and Blue Christmas. A pretty damn fine week for downloads I must say.
  16. 3. Brawl - so much Nintendo awesomeness on one disc 2. MGS4 - so much quality Snakkkkkkkkkkkkke on one Blu-Ray 1. Rock Band 1&2 - so many astounding tracks on two discs and a hard-drive.
  17. Hmm so Edge = 5 IGN = 9.4... so that basically means it's a 7.5 game if taken as a rough average.
  18. 12-12? then it's a complete non-match or... everyones a winner! or something... meh w/e if thats the final score I'm not gonna argue. : peace:
  19. Meh Blink182 are ok, or rather were... can't say I ever seriously listened to them or took them seriously when listening to them for that matter, some of their songs I found entertaining though liks M+M's mostly for the line "Sometimes it makes me want to laugh, sometimes it makes me want to take my toaster in the bath" but otherwise they're nothing amazing IMO.
  20. Back on topic, I was allready pretty dissapointed as when I read the title I thought it was gonna be a DMC game lol anyway it's got potential I guess but either way I'm not really bothered.
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