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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=9328&C=Froogle&U=9328&T=Module something like that should do the job, then you'll just need three stereo leads, one to go from the bos to your speakers then one each for your pc / tv to go into the box, something along those lines anyway.
  2. $00pah Nin10d0h! http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/476976
  3. What kind of setup are we talking about here? would need to know what kind of speakers and what you need to put through it in order to provide any solution that may help, post a pic or something if you can or just a link to the same set of speakers that you have, if you just want to know if you can get something that splits two sources into one input then I'm sure it's possible.
  4. Let it Die but then you allready knew I would vote for it, 'tis a decent track but probably only one that you would really love if you allready liked the Foo's I could also say the same from the Goldfrapp song except I didn't like it much at all :/ I've heard Goldfrapp before, some I like some I don't. I love Let It Die, not as much as some other Foo's songs but still it gets my vote because it's awesome.
  5. S.C.G


    pic related... (sorta) :P
  6. Diary of the Dead An excellent return to form for George A. Romero as a director and a thoroughly entertaining film which is superbly shot and scripted, it's just the right length although the ending was deliberately abrupt and does leave you wanting more, nevertheless still really good stuff. 8/10
  7. Yep it's this forums one and only Arab Freaks birthday today so... Happy Birthday! enjoy your day.
  8. the number 23 A thought-provoking film that's well written and has a good twist at the end. 8/10
  9. That's terrible it mentions in the article that his son had a history of seizures so it may have happened at anytime anyway but STILL he was only 16 :/ I feel bad for John and can't even contemplate how bad it must feel to lose your own son, R.I.P Jett.
  10. Cloverfield Watched it last night because I ahdn't watched a film in ages and I just wanted some kind of epic but not quite in the conventional sense and this just happened to fit the bill. I love the way that it's all shot through someone filming it all on a hand-held camcorder, and everything was paced just right, sure it's still predictable in it's plot somewhat but it never ceases to entertain. It has the atmosphere etc and while you are never truly on the edge of your seat (even though you kinda are) you just want to keep watching to see what happens, the end is kind of half-surprising, but not really, but still really good, it's just one of those films you need to watch to appreciate, it's not mindblowing but it is brilliant for what it is, yes it's only about an hour and a half long but it's pitched and paced perfectly. 8/10
  11. Just watched the Foo Fighters live from Wembley 2008 (I know it's not really live but w/e) really good stuff, the band played a good few fan-favourite tracks with some lesser known ones too, but it was just awesome seeing them perform clearly loving what they do and the crowd loving them for it, Dave Grohl really knows how to command a crowd, the performance of Everlong was quality. Ok I'll shut up now... >> 9/10 (also I know it's not really a tv show just highlights from a one-off gig but w/e I enjoyed it and I don't watch much else on TV, kudos to all of you who watch whole series of stuff though : peace: )
  12. Actually I heard that the GHWT set feels cheap in comparison to the sturdier RB set, and the Pedal slides about and is really lightweight, I'm gonna go for the RB2 instruments when they come out as they improve upon what is allready the superior setup. Also I'm not bothered that the optional extra plug in pads only mimic exisiting colours as the only thing you're 'missing' is an extra pad thats in GHWT, 5 is enough anyway, why the hell would you want six?
  13. Good albums, not so much stuff I listen to all the time but they are nice to listen to now and then, Viva le Vida and Spaceman are the two best tracks on the albums respectively imo.
  14. Happy New Year Kneeeeeeeee!
  15. That... looks... awsome ^^ it reminds me of Sonic Unleashed's graphical style which I loved.
  16. Yeah it's just cos I'm a LBP noob lol I'm enjoying it a lot more now that I understand it, and sure thing Tapedeck, I'll add you next time I play it. : peace:
  17. Lol thats awesome, M$ using part of the PS3 to make the 360, then again it's something Sony are no stranger to, the original Playstation was co developed as the SNES CD drive alongside Nintendo.
  18. Ok lame title but there are still five hours left of this year and thats plenty time enough to wish Portlett a very Happy Birthday! I hope you have had / are having a good time, New Years eve, not a bad day to have a birthday on. : peace: also a happy birthday to any other members celebrating one today too.
  19. Lolz I got two of those for the same price (£17 or something for both) on Play a few weeks back.
  20. Tbh I hope it doesn't come out till the end of 2009, the more time spent on it the better as I think it will need it... the stealth bits could be iffy unless they are done right, everything else sounds about right apart from the title, they should change the name but it has potential and for however good the original was it could still have been better, so as long as this sequel improves upon what was already there then it will be a success. *Edit* also I don't care if Elena is in it or not or Sully for that matter, sure Elena & Nathan there was "chemistry" 'n shit but he could easily be a Bond like char with a new female in each game, theres nothing bad about his character, just nothing amazing either... funny at times but he feels like a "Template-for-a-hero-Character" so I guess it would be nice if they fleshed out his personality a bit more this time around and as for Sully he was ok but I found him annoying at times. >> *runs or whatever*
  21. Ah right, in that case I may give it yet another try later today lol and on the visual aspect, I kinda agree but I can see that a good deal of work has allready gone into it as there are a good deal of varied textures. *Edit* ok it seems I didn't realise a couple of things, firstly I didn't realise that you could angle the trajectory of the fire from the paintinaitor >>' secondly it took me a little while to realise that the green spots were actually life bars and not one hit K-O lol anyway once I realised these things I completed it nps and got a trophy for being among the first ten to complete a community level, yay. Nice work Dwarf.
  22. Tried it again, same problem, I can't shoot the mouth bit because I can't get onto the ledge thats level with the mouth and enables you to shoot the target inside it, so I think the ledge needs to be easier to get onto IMO as otherwise I just can't see it working :/ I can see how the rest would work once that first switch is pressed but I just can't get that first one which should be easy I know but... just... isn't.
  23. But because it's on a disc as a RB lite game, it will get reduced eventually so you'll be able to get some dirt cheap decent tracks plus I assume achievements too?
  24. Yeah for all 33 tracks or something, which isn't so bad if you want them all... it actually works out cheaper than it would cost you in points I think.
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