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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Yeah, shame about the software though, seriously I've barely bought any PSP games, theres just not much on the system that really "grabs" me, my DS on the other hand... I have stacks of games for and have found many of the games very entertaining from start to finish. So the PSP hardware wise can do more yes, UMD movies? no ty I'd rather watch them on the big screen where they belong (plus many UMD films are overpriced) Music? got an iPod, portable web browser? handy but only used a few times. The only other thing is the graphical capability, sure a handful of 3D games look and even play very nicely but the rest of the machines Library seems to be mostly ports of exisisting PS / PS2 games. Now the DS may be graphically inferior but genuinely I've had a lot more enjoyment out of it, it has 3D games too, from the start it had Super Mario 64 DS, a port yes but a worthwhile one, Metroid Prime Hunters which was technically impressive when it was first release if only not as good as the console versions, Mario Kart DS speaks for itself, and games like Zelda and Ninja Gaiden were quality and thats not even mentioning the tonne of decent 2D games on it. Sure the PSP has it's own original titles, Loco Roco etc, it's just a shame that it didn't have a lot more of those and was less plauged by ports, it's all very well having the hardware but using it correctly is another matter, still they seem to be learning that now at least.
  2. S.C.G


    It has enough depth and it's a solid part of the package, just as the drums / guitar are, I prefer singing in RB to Lips, but Lips is still a great laugh when playing your own songs, In fact I'm gonna play it now for a little bit.
  3. Good to hear! it took them long enough a lot of places in the high street have been decreasing the amount of shelf space they dedicate to the Playstation PORTable with even some independant retailers stopping stocking titles alltogether cos sales were so bad. Hopefully they will get it right this time.
  4. These days I get about £50 - £80 spent on me I guess at Christmas? £50 from my parents, I've allready had that actually, as it was cash and so I decided to get a digital camera with it as I found one for half price (£50 down from £100) and has been saying I would get one for ages lol so seemed sensible. The other £30 ish will be from the few close relatives I now have left and my brothers, I think I've actually spent about £80 on presents this year lol so I guess it kinda balances out. Seriously though I have pretty much all I want atm (not in a spoilt way or anything either, just contented with what I have really) so I am happy. ^^
  5. I downloaded and completed it in about 15 mins... it's not shite, I enjoyed it just that I won't be going back to it. Seriously though anyone who has about 15 mins to spare should download it, it's a great laugh and it has T-rex's! that eat trucks! and stuff... >>
  6. Free AND easy achievements? I'm in.
  7. I assume the one in the link counts then if thats the one that's at number 3? I'm not gonna bother unless it's properly counted, if it is though then nps and I'll purchase it in a heartbeat, The Fish, confirmation please?
  8. It might look good but I bet it falls short somewhere in the gameplay department.
  9. My List... 10 - Guillemots - Cockateels 9 - Kings of Leon - Use Somebody 8 - Kanye West - Welcome to Heartbreak 7 - Interpol - Mammoth 6 - Keane - Perfect Symmetry 5 - Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye 4 - The Killers - Spaceman 3 - Snow Patrol - Disaster Button 2 - Foo Fighters - The Pretender 1 - MGMT - Kids Predictable list? I care not... this is what I like next years list might be quite different though as I plan to be more open in what I listen to, I've seen a few artists posted in here that I may well check out but for now, the aforementioned list is based on what I've listened to a lot of and enjoyed this year.
  10. S.C.G


    Fair enough : peace: I'm not great at the instruments in RB either, probably why I prefer the singing and I can gold star a lot of them on expert now, I do like to "have a go at the Guitar and drums sometimes though as they are a lot of fun.
  11. S.C.G


    Granted Lips isn't exactly brilliant for it's songlist on the actual disc (far from it) but the feature to sing along to any song you have is a rgeat laugh and it gives you an idea of what it'd be like to sing certain songs. Rock Band beats it hands down though as I still prefer the way the vocals are implemented into that game and also seeing the words, vocal pitch etc, all I'm saying is that I prefer to sing songs that I like in Lips even without lyrical prompts than mostly songs I know I don't like in Singstar, makes sense to me at least. Yeah there may be a few out of the 500 combined songs from Singstar series that I may like to sing along to but that hardly warrants purchase, anyway I wasn't saying Lips was better from the way the vocals etc come together, I know it's just a clone with some fancy Mics thrown in. Thing is though when using your own songs on it, if you know the words anyway then it's still good and you do get some sort of rating at the end of it (you get rated better if you sing in pitch but can still get points for ad-lib as it is called Freestyle mode) I still much prefer Rock Band though over all purely vocal games.
  12. No need to give up on the whole industry, just the (mostly) shitty pop / reality tv part which I agree is an atrocity.
  13. Yeah but iPhone is mostly a bit of a non gaming platform, yes there are games out for it but they are mostly just ports only warranted by the fact that there is a tilt sensor inside it.
  14. That site accepts PayPal too, and it's only 49p so I may well go for it.
  15. Lol I'm not really bothered either way tbh... I already have MGS4 on the PS3 and it was awesome, if it came to the 360 I might buy it again but I'm not too fussed, tbh I'd like to see a more classic top-down Metal Gear but with upgraded gfx obviously and maybe a cutscene here and there, the DS is perfect for it or even make it Wiiware, won't happen though so w/e.
  16. Metal Gear Touch for iPhone... meh, I doubt it will sell a lot and it will probably fall short in some way like Portable Ops did.
  17. S.C.G


    Meh, give me singing in Rock Band any day, also Lips which allows you to sing any song that you have on your Hard drive / iPod / PC.
  18. If you do it over the phone this never happens.
  19. As long as you say that it's definitely the three red lights and that the console won't even properly turn on then they will ask no further questions, also mention that it's the third time it's happened and how dissapointed you are and you may even get a free game or something as well for your trouble, maybe not though but hey worth a try.
  20. Even if it isn't RROD, just tell them it is, if it needs fixing it needs fixing, you shouldn't have to foot the bill for repairs after shelling out on the console.
  21. Congrats Dom ^^ seen the pics you posted of the special edition, I guess it must have been promptly been devalued when you have it a good "spraying" upon it's arrival glad you're enjoying it though.
  22. QFT! it is pretty funny, Dyson posted it a few pages back but it warrants posting again for anyone that hasn't seen it yet... YouTubed it for you. : peace:
  23. Hmm fair enough, is the main character / story as generic as reviews have suggested though? Also apparently you don't get to interact wth much of the scenery this time and then theres the crappy point and click map that replaced the originals explorable one.
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