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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Mine is still "order placed" they won't ship it today even if they could, tomorrow maybe...
  2. S.C.G

    Wii Music!

    I'm not marking it down, just saying. Ok I didn't know it was that big lol fair enough still though I truly hope it's a title that keeps peoples interest, I'd want something that will last for £35.
  3. S.C.G

    Wii Music!

    I guess... but not if the Wii had a HDD. >>
  4. Hmm may keep an eye out for those, also *prepares to be possibly flamed* I have yet to download a PSN game yet >> just so much out on the 360 atm but maybe when it gets quiet (or if it does) I may start buying stuff on PSN.
  5. S.C.G

    Wii Music!

    Fair enough, as long as it's still good and people who purchased it will geta reasonable amount of enjoyment out of it, thats good enough for me.
  6. ^^^ Hmm do those cymbals come with the RB2 kit as standard then? it looks like the cymbals are just shortcuts to the other drums... what about if in RB3 they start using 4 pads the 3 cymbals and the pedal? wouldn't the cymbal then be different colours... might get confusing. :P Unless they then released little coloured rings to go around the cymbals for those who choose to purchase them early (assuming there is one pack with and one without, not including the mega uber £200 + one) just a thought anyway. Also what happened to the two pad and three cymbal kit that I know I have seen and was convinced that was the new set... **Edit** The Colour and The Shape is up for download! fuck yeah! **Edit-Edit** Sheesh, this thread has been dead for weeks >> (or at least ti seems like weeks) this is the second time I've deleted my post to bump it, anyway as RB2 is almost upon us (this Friday) I felt it time for it to rise to the top again (instead of languishing at the bottom of the page) For anyone who's getting RB2 you might be interested to know that it is now IN STOCK on Play.com, this is quite early for them and if you have pre-ordered then your order should be at least order placed by now, fingers crossed though that anyone who buys it there will get it a day or two early : peace: which is great news if you can put down whichever of the many 360 games that have come out recently. XD Anyway I can't wait for this. ^^
  7. S.C.G

    Wii Music!

    I don't own the game Daz but just skim-reading over your complaints... TWO player Wii balance board drums? I'm assuming that would require TWO balance boards and tbh a lot of Wii owners won't even own one... so that one seems a no-brainer. Video editing... Idk, it doesn't sound like something Nintendo would include in a game like that, not that it's not possible, maybe they were being lazy, Idk... all other complaints I can kinda understand I guess but not this one... No DLC... tbh I thought that was the whole point of it, that you just created your own music in it, fair enough you can't upload 'n shizzle but I gathered that this was more a game that you kind of mess around in with family / friends. It's like the anti Rock-Band / Guitar Hero and while I applaud Nintendo for creating an alternative, I will still stick to the rythym / action games that I know and love and really only for two reasons... 1. from what I've seen, could this not have been done on Wiiware? yes I know retail = reaches a greater audience but when a lot of people are divided in opinion when it comes to the end product does it actually matter that much? (I guess it does but anyway) at least it looks a lot better than a lot of the stuff we have had on Wii recently, anyway failing that... 2. I can't help but feel that it's slightly overpriced? yes I know that Rock Band costs like £100 for all three instruments but that is kinda justified, as for the game, RB costs like £35 but it's worth it for the tracklist and features... Wii Music sounds feature light from what you have described and as for the music yes I can see great scope for creating musical pieces with it but I also agree that it would have been greater if you could at least save them, but Nintendo have chosen how they want to do it, so I'm not complaining it's just how I see it. Basically if it was a budget title I would probably pick it up, but as it is I'm not sure if it's quite justified but I hope that everyone who purchases enjoys it. ^^
  8. Speaking of PS3 exclusives, aside from the obvious obligatory Killzone, Resistance sequels and all that jazz... is there anything exclusive coming that's y'know, a bit more original? I'm finding less reasons to justify owning a PS3 atm, possibly mainly because there is so much out on the 360 but when things start to cool down a bit I may think about getting a new exclusive PS3 game, just wondered if there was much on the retail horizon that might interest me.
  9. ^^^ I lol'd ty Rez, I feel less insignificant now.
  10. Odd......... Congrats HoT ^^ got many more Achievements to go?
  11. It's a hell of a lot different when you are actually playing it though I went into the game pretty open-mindedly, expecting references to the old games with a few of the old mechanics but mostly an entirely new experience and I wasn't dissapointed, still loving it. And yes I adore the original BK... was one of the first games I bought for the N64, but games companies change sometimes and so do their franchise's so depending on your stance you may love it or hate it but it's definitely a decent game Imo.
  12. Recharge them with the Play and Charge kit but don't try and disconnect the controller before it's finished charging, maybe it needs a full charge after not being used for so long, not sure.
  13. S.C.G


    Happy Birthday Moogleviper! Don't drink too much Kupo. =*^_^*=
  14. I want my damn code lol >> c'maaan Play sort it auuught! Anyone else pre-order from Play and NOT get their code yet?
  15. If it was just America then *shrugs* doesn't affect me... I bought an LG monitor once, was reasonably priced at the time a few years back, I just use it as a secondary monitor now but yeah anyway it certainly wasn't extortionately priced at time of purchase.
  16. Dodgy batteries maybe? unlikely but possible, try non rechargables in them.
  17. The Legend of David 1... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/469219 Parody of Ocarina of Time, damn funny.
  18. Lols personally I think they are bullshitting you... they could easilly open it no matter if there was some sort of daft rule against it, the sky won't fall down or anything >> anyway I hope you manage to get your copy today Cube.
  19. I ordered from Play but they haven't e-mailed me my code yet just the e-mail to say when it was posted... what gives? I've seen other people in this thread who ordered from Play have theirs, hours ago too >> they had better send it lol I pretty much pre-ordered as soon as it became available.
  20. IGN review is up... http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/928/928479p2.html 6.7 :/ I know it's only a score, but I read the review and it really doesn't sound that appealing anymore, I have it pre-ordered atm, that may change depending on other reviews, it just seems like an empty sequel from what I've been hearing of it lately.
  21. QFT! I'm not sure if I agree with the list, also it's to do with singing ability? but what if I look at the list and think meh.. that person can't sing >> it's entirely subjective surely and therefore pretty much meaningless, unless you agree with it.
  22. Mine was posted 15 mins ago apparently, not too fussed when it arrives but I am glad that it's been sent. : peace:
  23. Possibly... Play sent me Gears 2 and it got to me within 24 hours, so we shall see... but yeah I won't get it before Friday, but then Idm as I kinda have Fable 2 to complete and Guitar Hero : World Tour to rock out to and Pokemon >> which I've recently started playing again. Banjo can turn up whenever.
  24. Packing...
  25. Obama VS Mccain. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/468592 The new version of the presidential Pokemon battle, funniest one I've seen yet.
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