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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Ty for that Dante, tbh when I heard that song on the Radio I thought it a little too different to actually be by Beyonce, pretty shit that she stole it tbh as the original version is much better, doesn't really matter in the end to me I guess as it's not the kind of music that I would rush out and buy, but for the people who originally wrote the song it must be pretty bad, still at least they will get publicity out of it and maybe BC the original artist will get a proper career out of all of this.
  2. Just viewed it, sounds good... for a Britney song not my cup of tea though...
  3. Happy Birthday Nintenchris! ^^
  4. Yeah fuck the AU (and to some extent UK) reviews on IGN tbh, afterall I think one of those gave Banjo a 6.0 or something? anyway, I reckon the game is easily a 7.5 probably and it could have been an 8.0 + had they taken out the were-hog and put in double the amount of racing levels oh and if they had tightened up the controls it might even scarilly have got a 9.0 + anyway I'm still getting it for the promise it has shown for the series from what I've heard.
  5. Can you rip and convert all of the tracks on the RB1 disc for use with RB2 on the Wii version? As I was pretty sure that you couldn't... there is also a wealth of DLC that has been readily available on Xbox Live for ages that Wii owners will be missing out on also unless Harmonix decide to backtrack with their DLC. Also no cross compatability with instruments from other games, unless you buy that extra add on for £15? from Datel or w/e... also RB/RB2 is a game all about audio and while it may not matter for some people I would take Dolby Digital over Pro Logic II any day, granted if you don't have a setup / system that can decode it then it doesn't matter but if you do then you will easily notice the difference. Just small things I guess but they all add up and so for me, Xbox 360 is the platform of choice for Rock Band games.
  6. Lols it wouldn't surprise me if that was true actually... with regards to the thread title though, t'is sad that the kid died but damn, he should know that anti-perspirants need to be used with care, what he did was effectively solvent abuse, albeit unintentional. :/
  7. I remember once when I was in school ( I don't know why I did this ) I gave myself a freeze-burn with a deoderant >> I know it was stupid but at the time it made sense lols it made this kind of mark which then kind of bubbled :S it was quite painful after a while and it felt liquidy to the touch so one day I just popped it and what looked like deoderant came out of it but in liquid form, I never did it again and I wouldn't recommend it. Also I have know Idea why I am sharing this, just seemed topical is all...
  8. skim-read it, I did... godd article btw but it doesn't tell us anything that we don't allready know... *goes back to playing on 360*
  9. I view it as an achievement that you would just get if you played through the single player a few times and played the multiplayer regularly each night for a few months or something, then suddenly one day "Doink! Achievement Unlocked" so it's one to get as part of playing the game normally rather than spamming parts of it repeatedly just to increase your kill count.
  10. Hellfire, that collection is epic, serious props. : peace:
  11. It's just down to personal taste, I'm liking the album a lot more now, it's just that yes Hot Fuss was awesome when it came out but now relistening to it, I only truly love half the tracks, the style of Sam's Town just worked a lot better I thought... Anyway if you loved Hot Fuss and still love all of it, then chances are you will really like Day and Age so don't be put off.
  12. Killers track pack!!11! *instadownloads* nice selection Mr Brightside = win, Spaceman = my favourite off their new album, better than Human tbh Smile Like you Mean it... now I would have switched that for Sam's Town... then you would have one epic track from each of their main albums, but I guess they may have more packs. ^^ Anyways, even if it was just Mr Brightside for 440 M$ points I would have still downloaded it without question, me = right now. <<< lolol I'm Smiling like I mean it. **edit** just sung them all, god damn that was fucking epic fun! ^^
  13. I've bought more stuff recently but I just cba to post it all, though I really should... >>
  14. The Killers new album Day and Age... Better than Hot Fuss... worse than Sam's Town... I reckon I like half of the album on initial listen, Hot Fuss I used to like more of it but when it comes down to it I only like half of that one too >> but Sam's Town I pretty much loved all of it and still do. Anyways in summary, their new album is good but if your gonna purchase it, I wouldn't expect it to be as good as Sam's Town, I didn't and I wasn't dissapointed. Oh and even though it's not counted as a proper album, more a collection of B sides and remixes, I still love Sawdust. ^^ **ninja-Edit** I love the boxart though...
  15. Happy Birthday Pedro! ^^
  16. Aww Daft that sucks seems that both systems have their issues, so much more so than previous generations too, my Wii has never gone wrong but thats besides the point sometimes I miss the simplicity of the 16-bit era... at least consoles lasted you a lifetime back then. Anyways as for the thread question, I'd still go with getting the 360 fixed and getting a PS3 for Christmas, best of both worlds. : peace:
  17. Woo! my copy of RB2 arrived today currently exporting songs from RB, next step will be downloading the twenty free tracks from the code on the back of the RB2 manual. And then it shall be time to rock! : peace:
  18. Did it go wrong recently? phone up M$ customer support, tell em it's RROD (Red Ring of Death) and get it fixed fro free, then you can still get your PS3 for Christmas (assuming they have got you one and enjoy the best of both worlds. : peace:
  19. Why? if they can release it for free allready then it should be ready to put up as a general release anyway lolz.
  20. Lol nope it's ok I know, I just want the game as it looks fun PLUS you can use your own music with the game and it will score you on it, hopefully with lyrics too, either way I'm still getting it. But I'm more excited about RB2 ^^ only a matter of hours or a day or two now as mine has been posted earlier today, can't wait.
  21. My copy of RB2 has been posted along with Lips (the game that comes with two Mics) ^^
  22. ... Gentleben! a Happy (30th) Birthday to you!
  23. Post some impressions for us if you can please Dom, I'm really unsure as to whether or not I'm gonna get this now after the varied reviews it's recieved, looks ok though.
  24. too true lol there are some games that I'm interested in from the ones you listed... LBP maybe when I've finished some 360 games, Valkyria Chronicles... a possibility, Afrika seemed intruiging when it was announced but it's not on my "must-get" list, but yes I will be buying some of the big exclusives as and when they come out. Mainly though for multiplatform games I tend to go for the 360 versions simply because there isn't much difference between the two and I prefer the controller... one thing I will say for the PS3 though mine has always been a lot quieter than my 360, mainly because it's off most of the time lols. In all seriousness though out of the four PS3 games I have bought I have enjoyed every one of them and I look forward to enjoying a good few more. : peace:
  25. Elefunk maybe... Castlevania I would get on XBLA if I did though, but yeah God Of War 3 is definitely one I will buy.
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