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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. It is ending... *plays dramatic Halo 3 piano / violin music as everyone and everything is creamed upon by Dom* ...this is the way the world ends.
  2. F.O.B... I know it's "rubbish" but as strange as it is I like it because of that, it's likeable rubbish... I gave T.A a chance too but to me I just didn't like it at all and not in a good way either. So yeah, my vote = Fall Out Boy.
  3. lol when I first saw that for a second I thought it was a screen from a DS game. XD
  4. Yay! epic goal Dyson ^^ (I don't even like football or the games from it but I can appreciate the achievement)
  5. Sonic Unleashed almost falls into this category, except half of the game is fun, the Sonic bits the Werehog bits probably fall into it though because they are almost fun, just too frustrating at times. NO WAI!!11! METROID IS TEH BEST GAME EVAAAARRR!!11! [/Joke OTT response] In all seriousness the Metroid games are excellent, I accept that they aren't for everyone though, one aspect that lets them down somewhat is the story as it never quite gives enough, the way it's told through finding logs etc is good though. Everything else from the atmosphere, controls and the overall experience are brilliant though, the only other downside is the back tracking which again you either like or loathe. Interesting viewpoint though darksnowman, even if I don't agree with it.
  6. ^^^ Lol that was epic Dyson ^^ I probably should have thought better of drinking a cuppa while watching it though, almost splattered tea across everything within a metre radius.
  7. New flash on Newgrounds starring Mr Game and Watch... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/471975 Short but sweet.
  8. True but dear god, who the hell is going to want to actually buy Imagine Babyz? I seriously hope it bombs in sales despite it's ok-ish review, this is not what I bought my Wii for. Fair enough it's not aimed at people like me but I just hope there aren't enough people out there who actually buy it and like it otherwise they'll have another sequel of it on the shelf next year and more cash in their pocket to just plough into other format titles like Beyond Good and Evil 2... now the putting the money into games that are destined to be hopefully decent like BG&E2 isn't so bad, but it's not really that great a prospect for people who just own a Wii.
  9. They are? O.o in that case, as long as the game stays on track, I'll definitely get it.
  10. QFT! they should bring Crush 40 back in for the next Sonic game, though maybe have a mixture of Rock-ish tracks and the ones featured in unleashed because some of the music in unleashed like on the African type level was pretty awesome too in it's own way.
  11. *do-dodo do-do dodo do dodo do do, do do do dodo do do *squawk* *do-dodo do-do dodo do dodo do do, do do do dodo do do *cheep-cheep-cheepcheep-cheep* Agreed, it's awesome. ^^
  12. Can you feeeeeeeel life, moving through your mind? Ohhhhhhhhh looks like it came back for morrrrrrre yeaaaaaah! Can you feeeeeeeel time, slipping down your spine? Ohhhhhhhhh you try-to try-to ignorrrrrrrre yeaaaaaah! But you can hardly swaaaallow, your fears and paaaaain And you can't help but follllllooow, It puts you right back where you caaaaaaammmmmme! *nyeow-eow-eow-eooooww* Live And Learn! Hanging on the edge of tomorrrrrrow! On the words of yesterdaaaayyy! Live And Learn! If you beg or if you folllllowwwww You may never find your waaaaaaaayyyy *nyeow nyeow nyeoweow nyeow nyeow dun dun dm dm dm dm dm* Live And Learn! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah! Live And Learn! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah! *dn dunun dn dn dunun nyeow nyeow nyeow ny-nyeow ny-nyeeeeeeeeeow!* I think it went a little like that although I can't be sure...
  13. Banjo > Mario 64 > Tooie & N&B > Sunshine "corrected"
  14. Placebo no more needs to be said...
  15. Slither... not an amazing film, not a bad one, just pure, relatively mindless entertainment. simple as.
  16. Happy Birthday triforce_keeper! ^^
  17. Imo Banjo Kazooie > Nuts n Bolts > Tooie though tbh N&B and T are about equal, both have their good and bad points, but the original Banjo Kazooie? better than both easilly.
  18. smash the small round windows in as Kazooie on the ship and look inside the large metal containers that are on the docks (you can swim inside those that are open but there is one you have to enter from above) also a lot of the porthole windows can't be smashed but look closely and the ones that can be smashed will look slightly different to the one's that can't, and there are probbaly more than you think, hope this helps. Hmm thats Treasure Trove Cove after you defeat Nipper the Crab but yeah, those are also ones that some miss in that level, especially if they don't know how to defeat him, though it is easy when you know how. *edit* just seen that you noticed it was the wrong level, anyway, note locations for some of the more harder notes should be posted here anyway as some of them are real sods to find lol.
  19. Almost done with this, just the quiz and Grunty to go, otherwise I have 100% of Everything.: peace:
  20. XD Idm... I have all three consoles and I'm not exactly zealous about owning any of them (just that the 360 is my console of choice mainly) I've played MGS4 and I enjoyed it a lot at the time, but looking back it was still ever so slightly overhyped, sure if they ported it to 360 they might need to adjust the textures to make it fit onto "X" number of discs but really there isn't a tremendous difference in graphics between the two systems, anyway we shall see.
  21. it's blatantly Metal Gear - something for 360 as the last bit in the green lettering is the inside bit of the ring of light, it's most likely just MGS4 on 360 with extras.
  22. ^^^ it was an original interpretation though and it was composed so technically it is... also, any chance of a mod changing the thread title as I'm sue it's "composition" not trying to be a grammar Nazi or anything it's just bugging me and probably others too >> Anyway, nice work Edjamakated, not really my thing but you obviously enjoyed making it.
  23. That was a quality cover Tapedeck ^^ if you're thinking of covering any more new Killers tracks I reckon Spaceman would be epic, anyways very nice.
  24. Kinda assumed cos it kinda sounds like a womans name anyway not that it matters cos regardless of gender, he's still wrong, yes I know it's just an opinion etc etc but wtf? 4/10 >> like I said before the only good thing that will come out of these review is that Sega hopefully won't add anything like the werehog stuff to Sonic games ever again, not that those bits are bad but they aren't good either. :/ Still as far as the Sonic action goes, it's the best it's been in a long time so as long as they keep the Sonic bits like that, I'll be happy, one minor criticism though... the plane level? wtf... just pressing a sequence of buttons = fail I wanted to fly the Tornado II just like I could fly it in Sonic Adventure and the Bi-plane in Sonic 2. Other than that, Sonic is back on form.
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