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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. For now... it's the first sign :/ they all die eventually... every single one of them.
  2. Anyone know what Tomorrow's DLC is? *Prays for Foo Fighters* **edit** Amongst other stuff their are two tracks from Silversun Pickups! <3 Melotonin Well thought out Twinkies Very nice indeed ^^ will tide me over till Lazy Eye which is in Rock Band 2 : peace: only one minor complaint though, I would have liked to see Little Lover so Polite in the dlc as well, but there is still hope that they will release that somewhere down the line. Anyways woot for Silversun Pickups!
  3. Rofl, this thread is made of awesome : peace: as for me... never ever... everererer..er..er.. maybe... >> but probably not ^^' (at least not that I remember) but yeah... oh watch this! it's both related and funny. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/462115
  4. FF7 -- I like it here http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/464360 Simple concept, but damn amusing.
  5. Damn straight (sheesh I can't believe this thread has reached 1000 pages) still lots of games I'm looking forward to though, Gears obviously, Banjo, Guitar Hero : World Tour, Roack band 2, Lips... T'is gonna be a good month for games.
  6. Hmm still not convinced on the headphones thing... but they certainly have their place and as for the lack of PLII, it is something that I would miss as I have a receiver that will decode it, that said though it's still not as good as Dolby Digital which most 360 and PS3 games have as standard.
  7. ^^^ Meanwhile though, prices on Play.com seem to be about the same...
  8. Happy Bearthday Coolness! ^^
  9. Ah yes thats right, I was thinking of Glorious... also a stunning track. As for the new album... all thats known atm is that it's in production afaik, which is good enough for me. ^^ Panic at the Disco... interesting, heard of, heard they are good but never really properly listened to O.o may see what all the fuss is about. I thought you might like the location lol it just seemed right somehow, so I changed it.
  10. You too Dyson? I got those same shivers when listening to it earlier and yep it was a Japan only bonus track on Black Holes and Revelations, but damn... what a track!
  11. Fair points... I still don't think Keane are bad though, however they aren't my first choice either but I do really like them, and yes I agree that a lot of recent albums from many bands could be better and that greed is involved but they are still good and definitely not unmemorable... just not as memorable as they could have been. Snow Patrols earlier albums, some parts of them I prefer, because the songs are quirky and different... recent Snow Patrol yes they do sing about more familiar themes but they still do it well. Musical maturity I think is something that admitedly I could work on but I'm certainly not completely immature I know what I like and in the case of many bands I still prefer their older work as it is better but I just think in some cases i'm more accepting of their change or maybe more forgiving even though I know I perhaps shouldn't be so in that respect maybe I am a tad immature. I just feel though that on the subject of bands motives to go mainstream, people can complain or criticise bands for it but it doesn't change the fact that they are still gonna do it so... I just like to enjoy what I can from each album when it's released thats all. Criticism and credit where it's due, it's just nice to have some sort of equilibrium where possible even if it is slightly bias. ^^
  12. Vertical Horizon - Everything you Want is an excellent choice of track, nice one JohnSt.
  13. I've listened too all of Keane's / Snow Patrol's albums properly and relistened to them recently, heres my opinion from the perspective of how they have changed... Keane - first album was decent but overrated... yes they were something different at the time and that should be applauded but listening to the album now I only truly love a few of the tracks on that album, Bedshaped will always be awesome. Under The Iron Sea - the follow-up album, better than the first in almost every respect, the new direction worked very well indeed and they crafted a very decent album with some brilliant tracks, more so than the first. Perfect Symmetry - again a new direction, Spiralling (1st single) is a quality track but it's style is different from the first two and that may have turned some people off, basically it works but it's not the best track The Lovers are Losing (2nd single) sounds a lot better than Spiralling to me, it has a lot more to it and is a fine example of their latest work, Perfect Symmetry (most likely 3rd single) Exceptional, it's easilly the best track on the album, it has a nice vocal range, classic Keane Piano with new undertones, a sustained energy throughout the whole track and an awesome finish, overall the album is almost as good as the second but has a few songs that are some of their best. When it's all over we still have to clear up - decent album from Snow Patrol as it has a lot of decent tracks but also a lot of experimental ones, not to say that experimental isn't good cos it is and it works but it just means that quite a few tracks on it aren't quite as memorable for me until I listen to them again... but it's a solid album. Songs For Polar bears - again with the random but more memorable this time, I espcially like Star Fighter Pilot and Mahogany, those are easily the best tracks on their for me, more tracks on this album and some quirky names such as When you're right, You're right [Darth Vader Bringing in His Washing Mix] classic. Final Straw - yes this is where they start to become more mainstream but it happens to all bands and at this point a lot of people love them for it and some choose to hate but I really do not know why :/ it has some of their best tracks such as How to be Dead, Spitting Games and Chocolate which I love. ^^ Eyes Open - Again even more mainstream but it really doesn't matter as by this point they have found their style, no longer do they release 14 - 22 track albums, it's down to just 11 but they are for the most part quality, You're all I have is an excellent opener, Chasing Cars is really good, Set the Fire to the Third bar is an excellent Duet with Martha Wainwright and is one of my favourite tracks from the album Headlights on Dark Roads is quality, there are more tracks on that album that I like but those are my favourites and it is a strong album. One Hundred Million suns - only heard Take Back the City so far and it is a decent track, certainly not terrible as it has been said, yes I know it's just peoples opinions but still... I maintain that it is a decent track and theres quite a bit I like about it, not their best work but it's still very good, it won't be the best track on the album and I am confident that they can deliver again. The main issue I see here is that when bands start to go mainstream, they end up losing some fans but gaining more, it's a fine balance thats required, personally I still adore Snow Patrol, both old and new, old for the quirkyness and new because they have found their style and more confidence comes across in their vocal style, some bands just get cocky but I don't think Snow Patrol are... yet anyway. Needless to say I can't wait for their new album to arrive in a matter of days.
  14. Lols... Rock Revolution got rated 3.0 on IGN : peace: http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/922/922468p1.html I'm glad because I wasn't convinced that it would ever be as good as Rock band / Guitar Hero from the start and it just seemed like a quick cash-in to me, and it is as well. And no I don't care that Konami did the whole Guitar game thing first in Japan with Guitar Freaks, fact is they went for the cheap option rather than releasing a Guitar / Band Freaks game in the UK and it's bombed, so yeah... Rock Band / Guitar Hero all the way. ^^
  15. Possibly... one think I did notice is that recently it has got a lot faster, I still haven't updated my Wii since that update that blocks the Freeloader i.e I don't have it I'm really just waiting until an update comes along that I actually need, I assume once that happens I can just download the latest update right? and I won't need to get all the ones I (purposely) missed too... >>
  16. I love MGMT too we seem to share quite a lot of our musical taste Dyson... Muse, Keane, MGMT... what else do you like? personally I'm eagerly awaiting the next Snow Patrol album, really love them. ^^
  17. Probably also due to the introduction of points card for the DSi as well Shino, so I'm assuming you will be able to use one card for either console.
  18. No PLII? insane... on the 360 all games are Dolby Digital as standard and yet the Wii which is capable of the inferior but still decent PLII then chooses not to support it for a game which would benefit from it? Lazyness... Also not sure if I agree with the headphones comment, if you have a decent speaker setup then playing with headphones is completely redundant unless your headphones support something thats equal to the audio standard that the game your playing, plus if your playing online and want to use a headset it makes it impossible. Back on topic, Disaster looks good but not good enough for me to rush out and pay full price for...
  19. Time to put a call in to your work Union perhaps Adam? (assuming you have one) cos that's not on...
  20. Oh I see, yes it makes sense now as I remember her posting about it a few times, hmm bit of an odd thing to remove? would have been easier for them to have just left it in to give players the extra option and an extra challenge... I can't say I really used the feature myself but I can understand her annoyance at it's removal :/ something they could patch maybe? They probably won't but they could in theory surely...
  21. Continuing the Bond theme... I watched Casino Royale (the recent one) the other night, bought it on DVD months ago but y'know... anyway it t'was good, one of those films where you just enjoy the ride, it's predictable in places but nonetheless good, a decent debut for Daniel Craig as Bond. 7/10
  22. The tracklist isn't that bad... just that it isn't that good either, especially when you compare it to Rock Band 2's setlist as most of the decent ones in GH:WT are either also in RB2 or have been in RB1. It's still worth it to me though as the instruments seem a bit better in GH:WT (more realistic drum setup, plus that touch pad on the guitar looks cool) it's music creation tool looks interesting also plus it has Assassin! I know RB2 has it also but tbh the sooner I get to play new Muse tracks the better. ^^' Hmm also Letty... whats this controller support bar you speak of? is it something on the new RB2 drumkit that holds a microphone or something... if so I've found an even better solution on Play.com... http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/5747423/Madcatz-Microphone-Stand/Product.html A microphone stand built for use with Rock Band / GH:WT holds your mic and any controllers you happen to have lying around, I've ordered one as it's a good idea for a nice price, the postage alone would probably be steep for ordering something like that from anywhere else that doesn't have Free postage so I reckon it's worth it.
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