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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Sometimes Y... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/478669 'You can alpha-bet on it'
  2. These arrived in the post today! ^^ Sega 32X - Boxed and complete - £50.15 Ninja Gaiden Ryu Hayabusa figure - £9.99
  3. I never took the story in Gears seriously, it's just an excuse to pwn as many Locust as possible, thats where the appeal lies, the action, explosions and set-pieces and when it's all done theres an (apparently) engaging online experience to be had which I've only played a few times but I can see the appeal.
  4. Voting for Tori Amos because it would be amusing to see you do this even though I know you won't because it's not physically possible to consume a conventional hat but... how about a paper hat as a compromise?
  5. Happy Birthday Flinky! ^^ the guy who's 'better than a bulllllet being fiiiiired!'
  6. I'm gonna vote Tegan & Sara because I only really like the tracks from FOB's Infinity on High because they aren't really good but funny... hence I like them but not in the conventional way, anyway, with that said, I didn't really love Call it Off but it was nice to listen to even though it's not really my thing.
  7. I hate the end boss... I can get to the third bit before the Sonic bit, you know where the boss is throwing stuff, the first and second waves of stuff are dodgeable so nps there so is the fourth and sixth I think, I can counter most without getting hit, the beam always gets me a bit though >> but it's when I get closer like a few boosts away there doesn't seem to be enough time to counter and so I always end up getting pwned :/ I wouldn't mind so much but it's just shit that there is no checkpoint at the real final boss. *edit* also, godammit! I just saw a you tube video of the part of the boss battle I'm on and I think it's from the Wii version as it has Gamecube like button promts on it and it seems like tha annoying bit where you have to dodge projectiles, isn't even in it, just skips straight to one on one fighting and then the sonic bit with no repeated fighting inbetween >< they should have made it like this in all versions. >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnWrwgQMiTI
  8. The standard headset is fucking terrible for singing I find lol but yeah any reputable Mic works wonders, even better if you have a mic stand.
  9. Imo Rock Band Instruments have far better build quality, the Guitar obviously is good on GH but I prefer the RB one... the drums on GH look cheap and the pedal slides around on the floor when you use it :/ RB Drums though have a place to put the pedal so it stays there and the RB2 kit has a reinforced metal pedal, so RB wins on instruments. RB is defintiely the superior game too, with GH there are no goals as such you just play through the setlist and thats it, the rest is customisation, GH:WT got pretty old pretty quickly for me whereas RB2 I am still playing through, plus the setlist on disc is better and better DLC so yeah it's pretty much a no-brainer. :p I would wait a few more weeks and get the new RB2 instruments though as they are improved over the RB ones, plus I know about the price but once you get into it, it really is worth it.
  10. Weather Man... lawl. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/478263
  11. House of the Dead - Overkill Sonic and the Black Knight Tales of Symphonia 2 And thats it for Q1 on Wii for me... looking to the future though, I DO WANT Fragile. Oh and Monster Hunter 3 of course.
  12. Agreed, I got a pair of CX500's for about £20 and they were excellent and still are but well... then I got these off Play when they were reduced from £69.99 to £17.99 for one day and well... I haven't looked back since. http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3438214/Shure-SE210-Sound-Isolating-Earphones/Product.html
  13. ^^^^ Very true... so in some respects they are right to keep things under wraps so as not to get peoples hopes up as it would cause more of a negative impact if a real killer game was announced and then a few months later was cancelled for w/e reason, still at least we know that it's out there now and because it's so high profile Nintendo won't simply can it, they will most likely take what Factor 5 have made, salvage what they can and then build more stuff on top of it, or give it to Retro so they can work their magic on it.
  14. Actually it's their latest one lol I know it won't be anywhere near as good as Cast of Thousands <3 but I do like elbow and figured I'd get their latest when it was cheap and now it is so yeah... *edit* just realised you were talking about songs used in Sonic games and not elbow lol and yeah I agree to a point but I also do like Crush 40's music used in some of the recent Sonic games, not in a serious way but in a it's so cheesy that it's actually awesome way though I much prefer the music that was used in the 2D Sonic games, maybe they will do a mixture of both in the next one to keep everyone happy.
  15. The end result of some recent internet buyingz... Pokemon Ranger 2 - £17.49 elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid - £4.99 Sonic badge(s) - Circa 1991(ish) aquired a good few of them which I'd be willing to use in selling or tradingz.
  16. Lol thats both amusing and wrong on so many levels.
  17. Damages : series 1 Series about a young woman who goes to work for a top law firm and gets heavilly involved in a high profile case which puts her and those around here in danger, lots of twists along the way and it keeps showing you snippets of how it 'ends' and then going a few months back, then with each episode it's weeks, days hours... and even though you 'know' how it ends you want to keep watching to see how it went from being rather subdued at the start to the warped end. I can't really explain it much more without ruining stuff and it's just one of those series that you'll only appreciate once you start to watch it, but once you've seen the first episode you'll want to watch it to the end, theres a second series coming out soon too which I now can't wait for. 8/10
  18. ^^^^ I lol'd... the lyrics couldn't sound any different and even if they did so what... it's not if it hasn't been said on the radio before, then again this is America we're talking about >> personally I'd rather not hear the song on the radio full-stop but thats just me, Womaniser was bad enough... I had to change station at work today when that track came on to save my ears from possible bleedage.
  19. Lost in Translation I really like that film and not just because Scarlet Johansen is in it well ok mostly >> but seriously I really like the way it all pans out, the film isn't really deep as such but it's just really enjoyable to watch how things devleop as the film goes on, it somehow manages to hold your interest the whole way through but I have no idea why... apart from the aforementioned 'reason' of course.
  20. Placebo...
  21. Yeah it was an offer where when you originally bought the hardware you got £50 off software lolz, useless now and most of the better games don't sell for less than that each. >>
  22. Wanted a Pal version one of these for ages, now I finally have one. Just gotta get some games to go with it next... >> *cough*Chaotix*cough*
  23. Hmm k... was just a suggestion, following Jordans hint though why not go for the 32" from the W series? http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/5537641/Sony-Bravia-W-Series-32-32W4000-HD-1080p-Freeview-Widescreen-LCD-TV/Product.html Sure it's over-budget but comes with 3 years warranty and you know you'll get what you want with a set like that.
  24. *Takes a Bow* thanks Dyson : peace: hopefully we will have more Muse soon one way or another, which reminds me... I want to know more about when they plan to release their next album other than the currently vague "2009" date, it's like we're being Ruled By Secrecy.
  25. Meh... we've had some good weeks for dlc but some have just been merely filler, I'm reasonably satisfied with the DLC but there is still a distinct lack of Muse >> yeah we have two tracks but would I like some more? Yes Please. An entire album would be Bliss but failing that even a track pack would leave me Feeling Good either way Muse dlc is definitely Overdue and Time is Running Out but it's not too late for Harmonix to Sing For Absolution. :wink: Anyway I guess it's filler for now, hopefully I may find some Unintended song to download which may be a pleasant surprise, we shall see.
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