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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. You were missing 20 MUSE songs? for shame! lol actually which ones Dyson? I'd hate to know that I'm missing any :/ I have all their major albums + Hullabaloo so yeah if there are any rare B-sides or something left to get I'd love to know, afterall there isn't such a thing as having too much Muse imo. :p
  2. The Bends is a quality album, worth it for Fake Plastic Trees alone as for In Rainbows, I'd urge you to listen to it a few time after you've listened to some of their older stuff, I find that in doing so (personally anyway) their latest album is easier to appreciate and actually quite rightly so as it's a decent album and lol don't worry, it didn't click with me the first few times I listened to it but now it does, gonna listen to it again tomorrow. ^^
  3. Truth spoken : peace: I've been listening to them a lot recently, to all their albums and while their best albums are easily The Bends, OK Computer and Kid A as far as consistency goes; I have started to warm a lot more to In Rainbows, it's very different in style from the rest which it's better and worse for i.e I prefer older Radiohead tracks mainly but there is something about their latest work thats decent but in a different way. My favourite tracks from them are Fake Plastic Trees, Paranoid Android, Karma Police, No Surprises, High and Dry, Creep, Kid A, Treefingers, Idoteque, 2+2=5, Myxomaosis, A Wolf at the Door, Pyramid Song, You and Who's Army?, Knives Out and a few more besides which I can't name off the top of my head atm. But yeah they are quality imo.
  4. Sonic Shorts : Volume 5 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/484130 Funny collection of shorts with awesome credits, don't forget to click the Penguinator at the end. :P
  5. Save feature is great, you just press the back button, go down to save, done! and it saves the exact state, simple. And if you're referring to the Streets of Rage achievement Cube, yes it's just play the first level three times, once with each character.
  6. Meh... LBP on PSP could be good I guess but I'm not buying, allready had and sold the PS3 original which while fun strangely didn't keep me coming back for very long. Motorstorm I never liked and never will, Assassin's Creed I'm not bothered about either, I bet it'll be the same broken game ported across, obviously good news if it's not though. Rock Band Unplugged, intruiging? yes... but it's just gonna be a heavilly skinned version of a game that allready exists most likely allbeit with some of the success of the home console version translated, great for people who love the PSP rhythm action games but what about the tracklist? out of the ones listed, the only artist out of those listed that I only even kind of like would be Blink and only then when I'm in the mood for it lol what would be better is if you could when in range of a PS3, stream all the tracks to the PSP version and play those, which would negate the need for any DLC and make up for what will probably be a massively dissapointing tracklist. I hadn't been using my PSP much of late, hence I sold it to someone who will hopefully get more enjoyment out of it than I did, anyway at least all of the above games are all good news for people who enjoyed the originals but I'll stick with getting a DSi when it's released thanks. : peace:
  7. Sonic 2, two players, defeat first boss = Phantasy Star unlocked.
  8. Thats all we needed to know really, a good d-pad is what the 360 has been crying out for regarding games like SFIV and arcade titles, as for the 6 buttons, what's not to like? it's exactly like the Saturn pad was, which is awesome imo my order for the pads fell through as I ordered them off eBay >> but next month I'm definitely gonna pick up one of those pads at least, or wait till they start making another batch, we shall see.
  9. Was I only person who didn't like Braid? I played the demo and was underwhelmed. Anyway I might get the Ninja Gaiden II add-on depending on what it contains, that game pwns so much. ^^
  10. I was gonna order one of these from Play.com but the only trouble is if the DSi still has units with dead pixels like the previous two DS's did... on the launch of the DS Lite I went through no less than FIVE DS Lite units, I checked them before putting down any payment in Game and they ALL had dead pixels, so they then refused to open any more of the boxes and I got one from Woolworths in the end which was fine. It's a bigger problem if I order a DSi from Play though and it then has a dead pixel because it probably won't be an easy return, on the other hand I don't actually want to go down to Game to buy it lol I hardly ever shop in there now, meh we shall see. :/
  11. It's still an excellent collection, and yes they didn't include Sonic 3 + Knuckles on the collection because they will want to release it on XBLA in a more lucrative fashion, but at least we will get it eventually and it will have the full 200G of achievements (at least) that it deserves plus the multiplayer bit will probably be online, that was good fun back in the day. ^^ Also did anyone notice that next to the Sonic 3 screenshot on the back of the box they made a typo and put 'Sonic 2' next to it? I shit you not, pretty shoddy if you ask me but no matter... the collection still seriously owns and I hope they make more based on Mega CD / 32X in the future.
  12. Nah Seth is easily the most annoying he's basically a cheap character that just copies the moves of the better characters in the game. :/
  13. I'm motherfucking loving this fine fucking game completed the standard cut last night and I'm gonna tackle the Directors Cut today, the boss difficulty doesn't bother me, sure it tells you where to shoot but you would figure that out anyway the first time so it doesn't matter and they still take a while to kill so they are only as easy as the speed you can kill them in really. Unlimited ammo? fuck yes love it, limiting the ammo would have made the game a bit more sedate tbh, it's a game where you can pick your favourite weapon, blast the balls off of Zom... Mutants! (don't use the "Z" word) and generally have a blast and thats what I love about it, even with unlimited ammo it's likely you will still die on the extra difficulties so the real challenge is making it through without dying and keeping your score intact and not halved, easilly the best light-gun game on Wii to date and the best light-gun game in years on any console Imo.
  14. Doink! (U)Achievement Unlocked) ( You own! ) : peace:
  15. I've loved that track since hearing it a good while ago, that track is fucking epic win : peace: the rest of the album is awesome too.
  16. This be a Creme Egg for those who have not seen one of these 'elusive' beasts before... Bullsheeet! the above image was aquired by googlings it.
  17. I've got this pre-ordered, but I'm not gonna expect much of it except being a repetitive button masher with an epic scale and gorgeous visuals, that was hopefully I won't be disapointed when I find out that it's better than I expected. Bare in mind that I haven't played any of the other games in the series. Though I do have a fully BC USA PS3 so I may pick up the other two main games cheaply nearer release.
  18. Left 4 LOL http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/482831 Pissfight!
  19. Lets hope thats enough time for them to implement Motion Plus then.
  20. This will be a big seller and a big deal for some but the original for me wasn't quite as amazing as it could have been tbh aside from the obvious "zomg! Nintendo and Sega characters in the SAME GAME" thing but after that it's just a collection of mini-games, some work and some don't, it was flawed but fun. Hopefully they will make use of Wii motion plus for this sequel but I'm yet to see any evidence that they won't just simply rush it out to coincide with the actual Olympics.
  21. Oh yeah, I'm not denying it'll be a big seller and a big deal for some but the original for me wasn't quite as amazing as it could have been tbh aside from the obvious "zomg! Nintendo and Sega characters in the SAME GAME" thing but after that it's just a collection of mini-games, some work and some don't, it was flawed but fun. Hopefully they will make use of Wii motion plus for this sequel but I'm yet to see any evidence that they won't just simply rush it out to coincide with the actual Olympics.
  22. So whats the BIG exclusive then? it's 2 days after the magazine is out so it can't be anything amazing... Oh nm it was just the new Mario and Sonic game. >>
  23. Just wanted to second this, a good start to what will hopefully be a decent conclusion to the excellent first season.
  24. But that means no achievements or anything... missed opportunity much? if thats actually happening then I don't give a damn about it anymore because that will officially mean they will have no need to bring it to XBLA... so I might as well just play it on my Megadrive or Wii. :p Fucking... instant... download! : peace:
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