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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Hmm? so if you join someone elses game, you lose any progress on whatever current file you had open? and all your inventory? Fail... >>
  2. I did wonder about that, thanks for the tip, oh and props to you for beating Professional mode.
  3. On my second playthrough now, just doing a speed-run on Amateur, over halfway through with about 2-3 hours play time, need less than 5 hours for the infinite rocket launcher. :wink:
  4. It's not exactly dumb, she reacts to whatever is in her inventory at the time, so in that situation I would hold onto the green herb, make her pick up the red herb and THEN give her the green herb; the A.I might not be perfect but there is a simple, logical pattern that it follows, once you've got that sussed she becomes very useful indeed. Question - I've just started Pro mode but it's pretty damn hard what with the '1 hit and dying status' thing so I was thinking of blasting through on easy mode really quickly to get the infinite rocket launcher, isn't that what you did HoT? So my question is this, even though I started a 'New Game' on Pro, can't I just use chapter select and do all the game on easy that way? I noticed each time of your best attempt is recorded so as long as I do it and they all add up to less than the time required to get the Infinite Rocket Launcher then I should still get it yes?
  5. Hmm if I remember correctly...
  6. Just finished this for the first time on Veteran mode, loved pretty much every minute of it. A quick question for those who have completed it... Is all your inventory carried over no matter if you start a new game or chapter select and if you say... started a new game and then played a chapter further on than you are in that new game does it save over it seeing as you only have one save file?
  7. This is why I'll always prefer playing Sega games on my Multi-Mega, though if you want to get a Mega Drive and Mega CD they don't go for a huge amount, probably less than this small plug and play unit with actual physical games and controllers too. As for region locking... I could always play American and Japanese cartridges on my PAL Megadrive with no problems at all.
  8. I'm playing this on Veteran for my first file, call me mad but I like a challenge. :P
  9. I prefer my Sega Multi-Mega but for just playing Megadrive games thats a damn good unit for it's size and nice value too.
  10. Meh... I don't see a problem, the game is still quite hard on Veteran and Capcom were silly enough to leave such a possible exploit in the game so I say it should be exploited, I discovered it when I was playing through and of course I took advantage of it, even with the extra ammo it all gets spent and you end up scrabbling around for more eventually no matter how much you have as you can only carry so much. Anyway if it really is a 'problem' I'm sure Capcom will patch it somehow, so if anyone wants to take advantage of the 'glitch' do it now I'd say, I only did it a few times as I wanted to carry on and play the game 'cos it's really enjoyable but you could potentially do it endlessly if you could be bothered... >>
  11. Worth it, Do it, Won't regret it... simple as.
  12. Was planning on maybe cooking something different today but then I spotted that there were eggs in the fridge that needed using up so... Scrambled eggs ftw! some people like them runnier but I like them just cooked and with a splash of milk, they also taste nice (and you get a different texture) if you use a small amount of cream instead of milk though.
  13. I've played so far, most of? the first chapter... I loved Resi 4 and this is... well a retread (there is no avoiding it) but with bigger setpieces etc, the co-op orientated aspect while a very welcome addition when playing with another human does kind of segment the gameplay when playing alone as Sheva's A.I wanders between helpful and non-responsive, while it's true that you can call her to your side (which you will do frequently) that doesn't stop her from getting killed from time to time and creating moments of frustration. Also the whole thing about you're not 'alone' anymore making it less scary, to an extent maybe but the atmosphere is still there, it might not be 'true' survival horror like the first few games were (whatever that is) but it's more action-survival-horror just like Resi 4 which is both it's biggest strength and it's largest weakness depending on your viewpoint (but people who don't like the 'new' style can always play the older ones) Imo though it is true, if you loved Resi 4 you will most likely still like Resi 5, a lot. Putting it simply, bar the inclusion of co-op gameplay, it's not as revolution, merely an evolution but a highly welcome one it's excellent to see them try a new angle with proper co-op gameplay (yes I know Resi 0 had you controling two characters but it's not quite the same) I'm not sure if they will keep the co-op aspects for the next game though, or if they do it will be done with a serious overhaul once again. Anyway with all that said, I am still really enjoying it so far, the visuals and sound are spot-on, the controls while 'clunky' work as well as they always have and it's reasonably well paced for what little exploration there is in the way of deviating from the main path, thouroughly enjoyable so far and I would reccomend it, just don't expect the earth from it. Oh one thing I forgot to add though, I love the quick select feature in the new inventory, one of the better 'small' additions to the game Imo. ^^
  14. S'true, I despise the ones who blast it out of the crappy quality speakers on their phones >> fortunately it doesn't bother me as much as it used to, noise isolating headphones ftw.
  15. I'm really hoping that this arrived for me today, if not then *shrugs* tomorrow, but just would be nice...
  16. Hmm HotD:Overkill may seem initially shorter but there is still a reasonable amount of stuff to unlock, admitedly RE:UC probably has better longevity with extras etc but I find the experience of HotD:Overkill to be superior due to it's execution and that it only needs the Wii-remote to play, once you have one holstered inside a handcannon the game really comes into it's own. Plus the unlockable dual wielding mode owns.
  17. The trailer is fine, though it doesn't quite show enough. Sam's prediction - it will sell fairly. People bought Mario Kart in spades and Excitetruck in reasonable amounts, this seems to combine elements of the two which will divide sales and fanbases, therefore it will sell reasonably but not terribly Imo.
  18. Packing... >> what is this shit Play? send it naow! (please)
  19. Exactly... RE4 only came to the Wii because it was a port of the GC game (last gen) and the pointer / Wii controls made sense, I always assumed I would need to buy the next installment on the 360 though as it's a series that takes advantage of the more powerful hardware available at the time for it's new main installments.
  20. StickDudeKillingArena4:EX http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/486157 teh lolz.
  21. HOTD:Overkill is superior to RE:UC in almost every way, so I would advise getting that and picking up RE:UC cheaply at a later date.
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