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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. The PSN used to be slow for me, until the recent update, but yes I think it's to do with the PSN tbf because XBL is a lot quicker in my experience, but as I say, the recent update has improved things a lot.
  2. Oh... haha fair enough yeah I played and loved the original and I really can't wait for this sequel.
  3. The Disney Collab* http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/513249 *oh yeah, warning... maybe don't watch if you don't want beloved childhood memories of classic Disney moments scarred because some of it is kinda OTT, some of it's funny though so if you like random 'humour' then give it a watch.
  4. How about a title that harks back to the 'Golden Age' of gaming... Universe Of Illusion
  5. It's true! I see the AV and it's subconscious! sorry
  6. Paj' PC is messed up atm so there is no chance of that atm, have some patience, these things happen and I'm sure things will be sorted soon-ish...
  7. So it's definitely 100% confirmed as a Wii exclusive? excellent, it'll be interesting to see how this project progresses and I really hope that it turns out to be a truly amazing title.
  8. Ok then... leetpants,that's exactly what I thought lol I was just saying that i don't care about the lack of advertising because this is just what always happens when Nintendo have an excellent third party title to promote, they don't advertise it enough. However I know that it will be an amazing game if the original is anything to go by, and yes Zechs I did play the original, not only that but I reviewed it and a damn fine game it is too and yes I agree that obv it will benefit from IR controls, I was never disputing that or the potential quality of the game... I've just become apathetic towards Nintendo's unwillingness to spend on advertising for games like this, that's all. But that won't stop it being an excellent title, though it would be nice if more people would buy it when it comes out I think we all know that this is going to be one bought mainly by the hardcore gamers who have wanted this for a long time. Dante, thanks for the excellent pics/scans keep up the good work.
  9. Meh I don't give a damn... I'll buy it on whichever format manages to host the best version, though it'd be better as a ground-up Wii exclusive obv.
  10. I think I'll just focus on finishing Tales of Vesperia before TOS2 comes out, because I still haven't finished it... >.>' Then maybe after that, booting up my 'complete' TOS file and earning some more grade to transfer over.
  11. System Restore nullifies all updates that were made after whichever point you choose, for example... find a restore point for the day before you did all this and your PC will revert back to a state where all of that effectively didn't happen but you will still have any files etc that you may have saved after you did all this because it just targets updates etc not user-saved files. Hope this helps.
  12. So a new pokemon game then?
  13. S.C.G

    DJ Hero

    In short - Activision, as a company are cunts, buying out companies and laying people off, they seem to like playing 'god'... I wasn't completely sold on DJ Hero but after hearing this I'm not sure I would buy it purely because it's like condoning their actions, plus their CEO or w/e - the guy who wants to push up prices etc - is an arsehole. Bleh, Activision used to be a reasonably decent company that published pretty good games, now look what's happened to them.
  14. Neither are, there is no MGS5 because neither star Solid Snake... though having said that, MGS3 starred Naked Snake, who is in MG:PW as Big Boss so... that is more like 'MGS5' in that respect but MGS:R stars Raiden yet it bears the 'Solid' prefix. But yeah, still... there is not MGS5 as such, just spin-offs and semi-sequels.
  15. Lies... Sega Superstar Tennis is an enjoyable title with some really nicely designed and horribly addictive minigames to boot, but with that said it is only worth the £5 that it can now be picked up for.
  16. This is my new obsession, I'm riding high upon a deep depression
  17. 83 but fuck that, not gonna play it again. Should have gone to KFC...
  18. World of Illusion > All... seriously and that's coming from someone who loves Castle of Illusion as well. Special mention also goes to Mickey Mania of course though but I felt that one relied more on gimmicks and the initial 'OMG!' factor, however the 'Steamboat Willie' level was genius.
  19. 'Twas me *raises hand* I'm guilty of mentioning the 'R' word... I was only being half serious though and wasn't trying to spark a huge debate or anything. There see? Anyway I've contributed now so... and... As for what type of horse, I'd be a Rapidash 'fo 'sho... Fire Blast ftw or Epona for epic wall/valley jumping skills. :awesome:
  20. I can't help being sceptical sometimes, anyway I've tried both approaches now so... Anyway here's another one... 'I'm a horse because I'm stubborn, people keep taking me to water but they won't make me drink it'
  21. *shrugs* Just a general article expressing a view, just as I was... I'm an athiest yes, does that mean I think I'm superior? no... I was just trying to illustrate how silly this whole thing is - yes I get that it's just a bit of fun - and a lot of things in religion seem silly to me hence yes I went there, now I know religion isn't silly to a lot of people and probably neither is this thread so live and let live, I'm not trying to start an arguement, 'jus sayin' is all. Anyway fuck this... 'I'm a currant bun because I'm a bit of a fruit, a little bit doughy and I have a short life-expectancy*' There, that wasn't so hard... is everyone happy now? :p *'expectancy' = my own view nothing more, just in case that gets misconstrued.
  22. w/e... it's still relatively positive press for a game trilogy that deserves more widespread coverage than it has received thus far.
  23. Forgetting to use your apps? there's an app for that... 'Remind Me! - never forget to use your apps ever again! only £1.37 from the app-store.
  24. It's hardly ruined, just putting a bit of perspective on things is all, people are free to post what they like so...
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