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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I buy CD's from anywhere and everywhere! some I get for sometimes literally pennies on eBay, others I've acquired by importing and the rest are generally from Play.com - mostly when sales are on - or from indie music stores whenever I happen to be near one.
  2. Oh wow, after listening to that I can't wait to hear Life's Too Good in full, I bought all of their albums because I managed to get most of them for literally a few pounds, score! Also Gling-Glo only cost me the equivelent of about £1 or something daft because I bought it as part of a job lot of rare-ish Bjork promo CD's one of which contains nothing but Army Of Me remixes and the rest were cover-mounted ones I think but from a good few years ago, seemed like a good buy to me anyway.
  3. I felt like listening to some Bjork today but alas I'd allready listened to her entire solo discography but as I was flicking through albums on my MP3 player I realised that I had Stick Around For Joy by The Sugarcubes - a successful band that Bjork was in before she went solo - and I fucking loved the whole album. So many quality tracks with decent beats accompanied by some vibrant vocals from Bjork plus some rather random lyrics, it all seems to come together in an eclectic mix of excellence. On the whole it's a very nicely produced album with a nice crisp and clean sound to it, I'll definitely be listening to their other albums at some point, not to mention Gling-Glo.
  4. Well as long as they get rid of the "IN-DE-STRUCT-IBLE!" theme tune then it'll be a marked improvement.
  5. She may sing so sad it makes me blue. When she starts singing, you'll be stuck to your seat as if by glue
  6. I never heard of her before, what does she do? She sings songs, far more beautifully than me or you
  7. *hugs* sorry to hear about your car Raining.
  8. I'd class it as being condescending so you've every right to feel offended Imo. --------------------------------------------- This topic has veered waaaaay off-course now... I suggest either everything that can be said on the matter has already been uttered and the thread can be locked or we turn this topic back around pretty sharpish and stop with the needless mud-slinging.* *I don't include everyone in this statement but you know what I mean, this kind of thing happens way too often. Evidently...
  9. Personally, I would fucking love it if the game turned out to be Pokemon Snap 2, it won't happen but hey w/e either that or I wouldn't mind another battle simulator but done right this time, with online and those excellent mini games from Pokemon Stadium 1&2 I used to love playing 'Run Ratata Run!' XD ah simple times...
  10. Do you want to date my avatar? She's a star General Pepper can't wait! Shall they meet in a bar? Who is that woman anyway, any relations to Jimmy Carr? Joanna Newsom, no relation and hotter by far
  11. ... No way am I paying full price for this, I'll stick with SFIV ty, I don't play it often enough to warrant purchasing an upgraded version with a few tweaks and new chars etc.
  12. Pokemon Platinum £15.99 Gonna get myself a Shaymin!
  13. Anyone up for some firefight right now? or a bit later on tonight?
  14. Do you want to date my avatar? She's a star
  15. haha same thing happened to me but with a Chieftan! I was not best-pleased... still pwned him though, just.
  16. Ah right, June 2010 for Pal release then... I might buy it on/for my birthday if that's the case, still either way we have a rather long wait.
  17. Fair enough : peace: just the 80GB quote irked me somewhat because I thought to myself 'who has 80GB of music in mp3/wma format on their PC?' because that would be what... 1000+ albums worth or something. Though yeah, if someone had illegally downloaded that many albums then that would be a rather extreme violation of music copyright/theft.
  18. So good that you said it FIVE times? ---------------------------------- Halo 3 ODST Satisfying yet short single player compaign, rather enjoyable while it lasts, feels a bit fresher but overall it's mostly the 'same' Halo. Multiplayer is where its at though, the second disc is fantastic if you haven't bought all the maps allready and even if you have, it's nice to have them on one disc, plus the Firefight mode on the ODST disc seems pretty well put together. 8.5/10
  19. While it's true that we don't exactly 'need' music in our lives, the thought of living without it is pretty terrible tbf... as it can make stuff like car/bus journeys inifinitely better than the boredom enducing fests that they are otherwise but I don't think people should have to 'go without' it as such, I mean maybe use Spotify until the albums can be afforded? that way at least you can still have music at home on your PC just not on the move, unless you can get spotify on your mobile or w/e. Danny, do you listen to a lot of music? because that quote suggests that you don't... 80 gigs? I buy quite a lot of music and my entire music folder - minus the 8GB iTunes folder - comes to only 12GB, now I admit I still don't listen to as much music as some do but still a fair amount - 200+ legally purchased albums - so 80GB is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I get your point.
  20. That's just Live... the tempremental beast that it is, I've had that kind of thing happen once or twice while playing I believe, all is fine now though, also i find that changing the search criteria helps so that you only play against people who have a good connection/ PING since doing that I haven't really had any/many problems.
  21. Ah so I'm not the only one then, a mass Tales of Graces orgy is called for then upon its release... The 'DS thing' is a downloadable mini-game.
  22. No I was as sober as a judge Proven by the fact I effectively ate some fudge My opinion on the matter will not budge
  23. Yes I did and I get that... and either way I agree it is still theft - in my eyes also - so w/e but there is a difference.
  24. Ah right, I did wonder... because most of the time it seems like there is an invisible wall there to them as they don't walk inside, it's just the Brutes/Chieftans that seem to, for me anyway.
  25. ... apart from the bread bit stealing a loaf of bread is actual theft of a physical item, infact fuck the bread, lets say the item is a CD - aha! see what I did there? - now if you stole a CD from a shop then that would be actual theft of music, well moreso the disc that it's pressed onto but still. But downloading music isn't theft of a physical item though you are still stealing the music that would otherwise be pressed onto a legal disc and sold in shops so yes, it's copyright theft and still 'wrong' to a degree as bands do make a certain amount from CD sales, granted it may be a lot less than they make from Gigs and Merchandise but it's still something and for every person downloading a bands album illegally then they are losing out on a little bit of profit each time which still must add up. Now I've 'aquired' a few tracks before but to see if I like the artist(s) and then I've actually gone and bought the CD's... if I hadn't listened to them beforehand though then I might not have bought the CD, mostly I just use spotify etc though so there is no need to actually acquire tracks but just stream them, if I like the tracks I buy the album, if I don't then I won't buy the album, simple and no crime committed it would be better if more people used spotify etc to listen to instead of downloading but we all know that filesharing will be around forever most likely so it won't happen but w/e... and as much as I'm not trying to justify it, there are much worse problems in the world so people shouldn't make out that people who download illegally are bad/evil etc because often there are reasons for them doing so, it doesn't make it right but this world is far from perfect and illegal downloads should be the least of the worries that that authorities should have Imo.
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