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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Todays listen? Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails it was the first time I'd listened to it on my recent player and it served only to further enhance the stunning quality of the album that's allready present. Everything about it is so finely tuned, perfectly paced and just generally fucking awesome one of my favourite NIN albums without a doubt.
  2. Yeah but... am I missing the point here because I thought this was essentially still Resi 5 just with an extra chapter tacked on at the beginning? so after that chapter it'll still be the same 'retarded crap' thereafter ne?
  3. Face-ache and Twatter I'll pass on thanks, just give me Last.FM scrobbling via the 360, that'll at least be semi-useful.
  4. *walks in* *looks at the scans* *sigh* *walks out*
  5. Daft Punk - 14 I'm a Firin' ma lazer! - 2 I think we have a winner...
  6. Aerodynamic... it just sounds so much better than Jump Up which does nothing for me sadly, Aerodyamnic has an excellent beat throughout however and a really nice little guitar hook partway through which I love.
  7. Each to their own... hearing stuff on the radio doesn't change my view much though, for instance if I like something the first time I hear it or if a song I know comes on the radio then I'll still like it no matter how many times it's played... but if I find a song annoying right from first play and then it gets played to death, I'll still hate it and this only increases with each play. Anyway I can't exactly avoid the radio at work as I'm mostly at the mercy of w/e station is put on, sometimes it just gets turned off in disdain/protest by me though if theres a genuinely god-awful song on the deserves to be silenced in order to preserve the hearing/senses of all in close proximity.
  8. Big yes, but big doesn't necessarilly equal good, I found it pretty annoying myself but maybe that's because it's overplayed... ...nope, it's not just that, I simply don't like it much.
  9. Exactly, and that's why it's a great, fun, little album.
  10. Not for me, I liked it on first listen, liked it more upon second listen, loved it by the third time, played it a good few times over a week or two annnnnd now hardly ever... :/ I agree that it does have a longevity issue but it's fun while it lasts.
  11. Hands is a brilliant, fun album that you will no doubt listen two a lot for a week or two, after that though maybe more scarcely... Hail To The Thief is an excellent album that you'll maybe play once and then come back to it every now and then, but you'll probably get more out of it in the long run... So it just depends what kind of album you are after, hope this helps.
  12. It is a bit, the first time you watch it but it's really enjoyable I found.
  13. Nice buy! I'd say Ghost In The Shell is easily the exception to the rule, you might not think/know if you like it but generally most people who watch it end up loving it, I certainly did, I've got both the first and second Gig boxsets, both are very decent indeed.
  14. Why split these states, when there can be onlllly one! Because having multiple states is much more fun! But these wars, they can't be won!
  15. That's just too disturbing for words... funny though.
  16. DK64 - it's just not DKC... enough said. Perfect Dark Zero - it plays fine, has a reasonable multiplayer but the extra characters and the main story blows spectacularly. Nights : Journey of Dreams - the kid parts of the game were abysmal and the central hub was boring as fuck. Sonic Unleashed - Werehog... ffs why? Starfox Assault - on-foot sections, while not terrible, don't deserve a place in Starfox unless they are done right, which isn't possible, Fox should be in the fucking clouds not on the ground. Resident Evil 5 - Co-op is fucking legendary, single player sucks so hard in comparison to Resi 4, Capcom can do better! Metroid Prime Hunters - technically it's a damn masterpiece, but in terms of story, variation and boss fights it just lets the series down. Super Monkey Ball : Banana Blitz - Seriously Sega, get the next one right for the love of god, less mini-games that are fun to play = better than loads that are shit, plus the control method? on it's side would have been a better control scheme, luckilly the new balance board incarnation will solve this but ffs if you're gonna include and alternative control scheme make sure it's the right one! That's all I can think of right now, plus I'm raging too hard at the thought of the above games to type right now! Raaaaaaaaaargh!
  17. Meh I don't give a shit about the advertising, the game will be amazing, myself and anyone on the internet who have been following it will buy it and everyone else - casual scum etc - will miss out on a brilliant game. 'And so the circle of life continues...
  18. Ah that'll be the prints underneath the Garbage poster, I did actually notice them, but didn't say because I couldn't see exactly what they were, nice to know anyway.
  19. Well aside from your good self of course, I can see, the shirt - duh - which looks good on you btw, Tegan & Sara print, Garbage poster in the mirror reflection, another poster I can't quite see what it is on the back of the door, something wall-mounted that's written in... Arabic perhaps? and is that a Batman buckle you're wearing? That's all I see atm.
  20. Loving the bear, an awesome buy Chair.
  21. Why split these states, when there can be onlllly one!
  22. To a degree yes, but there are four different Sony music technologies crammed into the player I recommended and they really do make the difference, but yes, the true quality only really shines through with a decent pair of heaphones.
  23. Chronologically... no, sort-of as it happens but more, I pick whichever I feel I'm in the mood for? but with a vague sense of which order they go in, I'll be listening to Abnormally Attracted To Sin last obv though about the fans burning their cards and disowning her... sounds a little OTT to me as it's still a good album, granted nowhere near Little Earthquakes standard which I absolutely fucking love along with Under The Pink but I mean it has its merits, The Power Of Orange Knickers being one of them. As an artist though, so far I really like her... a lot, she has a lot of decent songs/albums and her main talents - vocal and piano - are exceptional, I'd like to see her live one day so let me know if yourself and Chair ever plan to see her again because I'd most likely join you if it's feasible etc she seems to put on a rather good performance judging from videos/your opinion of the gig you attended.
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