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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. It's a decent 'catchy' tune, nohing more... one of those songs that tends to stick in ones head for a while, until it's in there so long that you want to forcibly remove it by any means necessary. Overall though there's nothing wrong with it, it's a harmless, fun song that doesn't take itself seriously at all.
  2. Lol no... I tried holding a Dual Shock 3 and a Wii Remote in the other and it's just... uncomfortable, DS3 does not equal a nunchuk, this is just lazyness by Sony. I'll wait for the inevitable Natal port of this thanks.
  3. I don't think they will... hence I've recently bought them in PS2 format and I will play them both before this comes out.
  4. Lol brilliant... ------------- Seriously though, there's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, just don't go overboard/alcoholic etc.
  5. So no more Lily Allen albums? Can't say I'm that fussed and her quitting it probably a good move tbf... whether she meant it or not is another matter, because as you said Eevil she is indeed 'full of shit'. ------------------------------------------------ RE: Radiohead, I didn't download their album but instead chose to purchase it in physical form and it was worth every penny, it took me a little longer to fully appreciate it though in comparison to their earlier albums but it really is brilliant and it's a shame that they didn't make as much from it, this is probably why they are now only releasin EP's for the time being but it's probably for the best, for now I guess.
  6. In the river flowing, parted by a trout Flows a pile of sauerkraut With nothing to say, my lips I do pout
  7. People can tell the difference yes, but there is a good middle-ground... buying Jeans when they are in the sale, I got a nice £40 or so pair of Wrangler's for about £20.
  8. Oh that shit, nothing important then... hmm so I've just started playing this, on the second level? I think... a bit confused as it seems that I'm playing as a different ODST trooper now... but ok... it's enjoyable anyway, sufficiently different from Halo 3 but in a good way.
  9. Oh cool, so no codes to register or shit like that? nice, also does anyone know what the update was for today? nothing major seems to have changed...
  10. Are the achievements stackable on difficulty? How do you 'sign up' for the Reach Beta once you've got ODST? Does the second disc contain every single bit of Map related DLC for Halo 3 to date? What year is it? Who's the Spartan? Arrrrgh! *head implodes* Any answers to random questions appreciated, kthxbai.
  11. So your name's Laura, you're Male and have a fixation with tattoo removal cream? - according to the blatant advertising in your sig - ok then...
  12. Mahoosive Congratulations! Congrats Hannah! you should be proud of your awesome self, because we all sure are. *hugs*
  13. Nice one GP! My lastest purchase... Yep... I caved in but oh well I got it for the equivelant of about £20 so... *is happy*
  14. Wait... so the whole point of this Resident Evil 5 re-release is to add motion control support? that's cool and all but... they can patch Little Big Planet so surely they can patch Resi 5? ... Also I'm assuming this new re-release will come out on the 360 as well for when Natal launches? I've gotta say that assuming Natal works exactly how they have been saying it does then I'd rather play it with that rather than with something that is essentially a more advanced copy of the Wii Remote but we'll see how things pan out.
  15. Have you listened to YS? i'd highly recommend it.
  16. Fair enough then... either way I reckon I'll enjoy it mostly but obv not in the same way as YS because that album is so beautiful that it's almost beyond words. But yes, I admit I'm curious to hear what her shorter tracks sound like and seeing that I've got the CD on its way to me for free now I really can't complain.
  17. I got a bowling ball in my stomach I got a desert in my mouth So I feel a lot of pressure in the south Where a man lives with the surname 'Louth'
  18. It's been a Pretty Good Year for you I hope and I wish you A Perfect Day that's lit up and All Neon Like. Happy Birthday Paj! Here's a Trion of videos for you...
  19. I got a bowling ball in my stomach I got a desert in my mouth
  20. I love the album too just that... their earlier stuff is much better to me overall and I agree on Starlings but it's also why I love the track, such an awesome start reminds me of how Biffy Clyro started off their last album Puzzle it's quite an effective method. And I would nominate Unnatural Selection but I don't want to get rid of Hurt by NIN which is the only track I'd maybe consider changing even though I love it... Hounds of Love and Switching Off I shan't change for love 'nor money though as I adore them so.
  21. Hehe yep it's moments like that which make the game so much fun to play.
  22. I'm liking your way of thinking Dyson though I still feel that for number two Unnatural Selection would do much better, still your call though and kudos on the Elbow track, it's one of the best underrated tracks on that album Imo along with The Fix which I love.
  23. Oh god... you used to be able to get those! I had them when I was younger and yeah, that second pic is pretty much an accurate representation of the joy experienced upon consumption of them.
  24. *nods* we fucking rocked that shit! right to the very end... "ensuring complete, global saturation... Raaargh!" *piercing sound* You Are Dead! Lolol ahh fun times...
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