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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Hmm has anyone had the following error happen to them? Error CE-34878-0 Mine happened while playing The Last of Us there was no disc eject though or anything like that, incidentally it's the first time I've saved video's on the PS4 so could be related? Just curious anyway as my PS4 has been fine up until now.
  2. So... Billy and/or Rebecca plus hopefully Claire paired with either of those two - an all-female Resi cast would be interesting - plus an unknown character who has never appeared in any of the games thus far. I'm stumped... have any of the characters ever referenced family members who we haven't seen but could make them a likely candidate?
  3. The whole game... ...I'm not hoping to finish it before Friday though so it's fine. :p
  4. Have you got to start/finish the first one too? I need to start it again because I lost all of my PS3 saves a few months back. Not that I got that far, but still.
  5. Ordered and paid for! But just the Day 1 edition, there's no way that I'm going for the collector's edition for this one as the Ludger Kresnik figure, pocket watch compact and Rollo Metal case clearly isn't aimed at me nor is it appealing. :p For the first game the Milla Maxwell edition was different because the figure that came with it was pretty damn good. In any case the Day 1 edition seems to come in a steelbook case at no extra cost so that's a win in my book : peace: Now I just need to start Tales of Xillia again and finish it.
  6. In the meantime? Based on the sales of The Last of Us Remastered I'd certainly say that it's a possibility, I'd certainly buy them again! Speaking of, I've still got TLOUR to finish. : peace:
  7. Uncharted 4... ...upcoming in 2015. You're welcome. : peace:
  8. If this comes to PS4 then I'm all in! : peace:
  9. Well at least you tried Ike and now you know, nothing worse than not knowing. : peace: Online dating isn't really going that well for me lately, matches are either far away, nearby but not interested or 'this account no longer exists' which is really helpful... I've been taking on board all advice from here as well, I'm just going to take it as being a case of as @Daft said... 'Online dating doesn't work, until it does' and keep looking while at the same time possibly opening myself up to looking in real life as well if the opportunity arises. : peace: For instance I've always said to myself 'keep work and home life separate' but I do think there may be a possibility of a few people at work 'liking' me yet I've always either shrugged it off or tried to tell myself 'no' especially since the one time I actually tried to ask someone out from work it really didn't go well at all... we get on a lot better now because of it though which is both odd and nice.
  10. Just a repost of what I bought in the Car Boot/bargains thread but still... I finally have a copy of Grandia II which only cost me £2 so I'm pretty happy with that. Also @Happenstance there's a whole lot of 'Win' in that one photo, always nice to see someone building up their retro collection. : peace:
  11. I'm pretty pleased with this week... Grandia II, Ratchet Gladiator and Ratchet & Clank 3 All complete, in fantastic condition for £6 I'm really happy because I've got a few more games for my PS2 collection and I was actually after Grandia II because I've never played it.
  12. A new pre-order approaching!
  13. S.C.G


    This demo... is horrific! I've just got to the part where...
  14. I must admit that is the one 'flaw' of the gamepad if you just want to use it as a second screen while you play with the pro controller... where do you put it? I'm fortunate enough that my setup includes a desk in front of me so it's easily solved but not everyone has a desk in front of them, especially if the Wii U is in the living room, so your only option then is to find a suitable surface or prop it up on your lap I suppose because as Ash said, putting it in front of your TV screen is hardly ideal. #firstworldproblems
  15. I'm almost ashamed to say that I own not one but three of the worst games ever made on the same format... Behold! the unholy Triforce that is the Zelda cdi games! (image not mine) I say almost ashamed because although the titles are bad they actually have become rather valuable over the years so they are nice collectables but terrible games.
  16. Amen to that. : peace: #DemiseoftheTombRaider :p
  17. Even if this is an actual exclusive I still won't buy an Xbox One, not even for a sequel to Tomb Raider which is a really fantastic game. It's simple... if Crystal Dynamics really want to make their money on this game then they'll bring it to PS4 as well. : peace: Well it's the only way they'll be getting any of my money in any case, the same probably goes for a growing number of PS4 owners on this forum too which surely outnumbers the number of Xbox One consoles which is why I find it so hard to believe that this will stay a genuine exclusive, we'll be seeing this game a mere few months after it's 'initial' release for sure. ---------------------------------------- After reading the above post, maybe not then... oh well, I won't be buying any more Tomb Raider games in that case. :p
  18. This is truly terrible news... I don't even want to accept that this has actually happened. I have to though... this sucks! R.I.P Robin Williams My condolences to Miss Zelda Williams and the rest of the family. Just so awful. I need a drink... or several.
  19. Happy Birthday! Esequiel I still associate your name with that awesome Goldfish avatar you used to have (I'm sure I didn't just imagine it all those years) In any case... I hope you're having an awesome day! : peace:
  20. So true... I'm not sure but I know it's one of the reasons that I play videogames more than I do anything else entertainment related such as TV etc, I tend to only properly sit down and watch one programme a week if that. At times like this I am grateful for my backlog of games across all formats.
  21. Place your bets now!
  22. True... but the pacing could be better.
  23. Well... admittedly it's unlikely at best as Nintendo seem to have enough of a job convincing us that we need games that incorporate one gamepad, let alone two. :p But I was just thinking along the line of if we were to suddenly get dual Gamepad games next year then surely that would be the best time for a Gamepad redesign? Hopefully it will have become cheaper to manufacture by that point as well, especially as a slimmer version would use less plastic. : peace: This is how it works in my head though, who knows what this would translate to in Nintendo's Land... ...they'd probably make it bigger then halve the screen size and stick a Gamecube controller in the middle. Reggie : 'We've listened to the fans and are now delivering the controller that you want!' Fans : 'Err... we didn't ask for any of this' Just give us more games!
  24. I was only half-joking. The gamepad could be slimmed down though to coincide with whenever Nintendo decide to let us sync two gamepads to one machine. : peace:
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