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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Wow, that's awful. I'll only ever play the original release now that I know this, the new music is terrible in comparison.
  2. This basically... :p I do miss the days when you could just hand in a CV at Tesco and you were still in with a chance of them actually looking at it, I was fortunate as I just handed my CV in to the member of staff who was greeting people on the door at the time, I was polite, said I could work any hours and would be grateful if they'd pass my details on; they did... I'm still there over ten years on. Perhaps not my intended career choice but it is a part-time job which I'm still grateful to have. All I can say is to just put yourself in the role of the customer service assistant where the customer is always "right" - amongst other things sometimes - and that you're just doing your best to serve them, which usually entails giving them what they want - where possible - as the clue to everything in the questions - to an extent - is in the role you're applying for, though you'll probably find the questions are similar no matter what position is being advertised. : peace: I'm not trying to be clever here, just illustrating the way in which they want you to think, it's all about playing the game as it were. :wink: Anyway I wish you all the best Eddage I really do, chances are though you'll end up finding something better though even if it might not seem like it right now. I've got to ask though... What do you really want to do if you had the option to? And... What's stopping you? I often ask myself the second question a lot and usually resign myself to the usual way of reasoning which is, I'm earning some money in a part-time job and I enjoy what I'm doing in my spare time.
  3. Well I for one am not surprised... Activision, so what did you expect? :p Of course they will hold back ten of the maps for COD4 multiplayer and then charge you for the rest, this seems obvious as it always comes down to money. Don't tell me that anyone actually expected better of them? The entire game is being remastered at least, just some maps will be paid for DLC, if you really want them... then buy them, if you don't then do not buy.
  4. Thanks so much to everyone for yet another amazing Super Smash Bros. Tournament! Easily the craziest one yet! It was great being in everyone's company over the past few evenings as well, I really enjoyed it. : peace:
  5. S.C.G


    I don't drink very often these days... ...but when I do I tend to drink Doom Bar. It was originally a local ale but you can get it in a lot of different places now, it still tastes pretty decent and I would recommend it.
  6. What do you think the future of film holds? Great potential which I hope will become realised, film has already come so far but currently a lot of the focus seems to be on sequels and reboots still, I think in order to think bigger these days, you've got to think smaller by which I mean more independent cinema. What are your predictions for future films (in terms of content and box office)? Hopefully more of a focus on films which have both substance and subtlety to them, explosions are nice but emotion can be just as powerful. What will be the "next big thing" (a la 3D) in the film industry? Who knows? A lot of it seems to be going towards 4K on the home cinema front so perhaps there will be a new era in 3D sound or perhaps cinemas will go full VR in order to mimic what may well be happening with the technology in the home space; plenty of possibility. Will the comic book movie genre really go the way of the Western? By that do you mean that it will become as popular and spawn just as many films as Westerns once did? Quite possibly, there seem to be a fair few of them around these days. What's the next big movie genre going to be? Reality... or parts of it, many films have already taken us so many years into the future but what about the here and now? Though that doesn't really translate to a genre I suppose so I'll just say that Modern Day Espionage/Spy Thrillers will become big; but if you mean the next genre as in one which hasn't been invenyted yet... pass. Which of the upcoming planned years in film do you think could be the highest grossing? Anything with Super Heroes or Star Wars attached to it, so with that in mind I'm going to say that Star Wars Episode IX will likely be the highest grossing film within the next few years. Will Fox and Marvel ever come to an agreement? I don't know much about the situation but if the money is right then possibly? Will Star Wars go on for the rest of time? Absolutely, so long as it remains profitable... will it remain as popular though in the eyes of fans if we keep getting more sequels though? That's the real question. Will we ever get another Police Academy film?! Never say never...
  7. Call of Duty - Dead Space - Halo edition! Might actually be reasonable though, for a Call of Duty title... For the record I really enjoyed the first Modern Warfare, so I may be buying for the remastered game.
  8. I've had to endure the circle of hell you speak of once on a visit to that Ikea store... that's definitely one time too many in my lifetime. (I wish I'd known of the hax at that time) Nice kitteh pillow though.
  9. It's strange, I tried this a few times but couldn't get it to work. Does it only work once - ever - or once per month? I click the brick which scrolls to the top but my Mii who is standing in front of the coin boxes is never holding anything yet I try clicking a few times anyway just to see. Unless you need to click your Mii over 100 times or something.
  10. It's just as well that I didn't delay the review any longer to coincide with the much-touted January update! :p Speaking of which, the game itself is very much worth picking up as it is. N-Europe Review Indeed I hear that the game is outstanding and worthy of all the praise it has received thus far. [/shamelessPlug]
  11. Great fun last night, good to see we are keeping the usual PROFESSIONAL!!1111!! standards at an all-time high. Also, I haven't played Super Smash Bros. in ages and it most certainly showed last night :p let's hope that I can perform a little better tonight in the For Fun! category. I can't wait.
  12. Forget that! Get into contact with customer service explaining the situation, you were only trying to do a good deed, there's no way you should have to pay that... besides they will surely be able to check your account to see that you haven't used it since, you definitely shouldn't have to pay that. Why on earth does it cost £400 a year to have a premium LinkedIn account anyway?
  13. Wow, 40% off Capitan Todd? Sign me up!
  14. On my way, switching my Wii U on now and changing discs, back in your box Star Fox!
  15. Wow, those are some crazy numbers... if that's accurate then those are some impressive sales for Sony. I wonder how much the eShop made in comparison... Also though, it does say "The whole of PSN" so how many of those were PSN subscriptions in order to enjoy the online and plus titles? Yet even with that it's still impressive, mostly well deserved as well, PSN is pretty decent - when it stays online - and the store in particular is nicely put together. : peace: Not that Nintendo's is terrible, far from it but they do have some catching up to do in that department.
  16. I don't regret paying £24 for it, at £16 though people are definitely better off getting the physical copy as that's cheaper than digital now surely? Or not much in it anyway... :p I have played this, it's good but I always end up playing it late at night, so usually just tackle a few challenges before turning the PS4 off, but I never move onto the next challenge until I get the golds.
  17. GameCube X2... At launch the GC was £130 so £260 sounds about right to me. Cheaper than the Wii U but around about the same price - perhaps a little more - than current machines on the market. This is of course for a home console... for a portable? £195 of course! (GameCube and a half) :p Those are my predictions, let's lock 'em in! : peace:
  18. Very nice selection I don't have any of those titles, I'm also happy Watch Dogs was fake but that's mainly because I have zero desire to play it... which will likely never change, even if it ever does become free.
  19. Cheers for the mention, I just happened to be checking my inbox at the right time, so nabbed it then came straight here to spread the word just in case. The e-mails were sent out five minutes ago so hopefully there will be plenty of time for people to pre-order this one.
  20. N-Europe Presents VC Weekly #374 @Glen\-i you know you want to. :wink: (Plus I'd love to hear your feedback as you're well-aquainted with the series) For what it's worth, I can see myself wanting to play more of the games in the future. Check inside for the verdicts.[/size][/b] Enjoy! : peace:
  21. I doubt Atlus will censor Persona 5 in the same way. This has more to do with the game being on a Nintendo platform and it being associated with an established Nintendo franchise which as we know has recently had its latest entry censored but for good reasons in that case. In this case, it's maybe a bit over the top but then there must be reasons, if this is how it has to be to secure a certain age rating then I guess that's how it has to be, possibly Nintendo passed the buck because they didn't want to deal with the fallout which will likely come from this, who knows? I'm confident Persona 5 will be safe though due to it releasing on the Playstation platform, if not then we really have reached a new age of censorship in videogames in addition to other media and in our daily lives as well... in which case things will only get worse. Either way, I'll still be buying both games. : peace:
  22. I can't say I have personally but I've always got the impression that they may well be reasonable titles in some cases, just about worth those sales prices but not worth investigating once they go back to full price, the discounts might as well be permanent for them... there's so much on the eShops as it is.
  23. What is actually included for purchasing software in order to get gold points? I had around 40 gold points at the start yet I've bought a reasonable amount of things from both eShops... is it only retail titles? I thought it was everything and then you'd get awarded the points at the end of each month, perhaps I'm due a load in a weeks time. Also, I'm at 990 Platinum points... When it states you get 10 points for visiting Nintendo.co.uk is that the coin that you find next to your Mii at the start of each week or is that for something else? I'm sure I've done all the weekly missions I can - excluding Miitomo because I can't get it - but it's so annoying to be just 10 points away, bring back some of those god awful surveys which we can fill out from a PC Nintendo, normally I wouldn't asl for them but come on... I've got to wait another week in order to get Twilight Princess Picross now.
  24. Wow, and all for a bargain price of two to three times the RRP! I think it would be better to wait, pay a much more reasonable £40 and not run the risk of getting banned for playing it two weeks early. Still though, how does this happen? If word gets out from the shop(s) which broke the street date, those places could be shut down, they probably won't be... but it's possible.
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