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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. So now that my account is all linked up to My Nintendo I understand that Platinum points can be gained by accessing the shop amongst other things. Does this mean it's just for the web-based shop or do I now get points from just checking the Nintendo eShop on the consoles as well? I'm just trying to work out how I can get some points without the help of Miitomo which I won't be getting as I don't have the time, technology, or inclination for it currently. Also the fact that there is a numbered amount of downloads for the My Nintendo Picross games is beyond ludicrous... I quite liked the idea of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Picross but not when so many barriers are put in place to reduce the chances of you obtaining it. While I approve of Nintendo moving things forward with regards to accounts, things need streamlining a bit further yet it would seem.
  2. So what do I have to do in order to get 1000 Platinum Nintendo points needed for this? I seem to have 220 so far, Miitomo isn't an option as I have no way to run/play it so... I guess just buy more VC games and stuff like that?
  3. I've heard reports that this doesn't run on Bluestacks, if there's a workaround then I'll try it out but otherwise I don't think I'll be partaking in Miitomo for now.
  4. I'll keep my PS4 version pre-order *for now. *Until launch day.
  5. No idea on the site in question, but for the sake of just over five pounds, you might as well stick with the physical release. : peace:
  6. For a first post - indeed a first thread - I find this to be an excellent example. Welcome to our humble yet well-established forum @kettunen also, N-Europe is a lot like the Hotel California... you can check out any time you like but you can never leave! Now that's out of the way, onto the subject matter! So you are in your Thirties and you've never beaten the original Super Mario Bros. well that's OK, I've recently entered my Thirties and I've yet to fully complete a single game from various long-running series including *Castlevania, **Final Fantasy and even ***Fire Emblem! On the subject of games needing to have a certain "Resonance" I completely agree, if I'm simply not feeling anything from a title then I really struggle to continue with it if the game fails to grab me on any level. Then on the other side of things, you need to have something which motivates you as well I feel, titles like Zelda are good at this as you have these amazing adventures to go on in order to complete your quest; on the other hand you can play certain titles you were really fond of back in the day, yet you might not enjoy them quite as much but certain things keep you going such as the promise of rare items... I touched on this with one of my favourite games of all time in a recent Throwback Thursday article which you might find interesting... http://www.n-europe.com/features/throwback-thursday-15-phantasy-star-online But enough of me plugging stuff from our esteemed home page which you're quite possibly already familiar with and back to the topic in question! It is certainly still possible to beat games legitimately, this seems like a silly statement perhaps because of course games can be beaten as that's the whole point but these days with Restore Points on the Virtual Console in particular - which I'm more than familiar with in my line of work, perhaps too much - they are an ever-tempting alternative to just ploughing through the old-fashioned - and still the best - way, though I must stress I tend to use them more on titles I have legitmately beaten in the past so if I need to get through something quickly for a review, they have their uses. Certainly by using these modern tools of convenience you can test out various theories so they are interesting to play around with, as for getting to the end of a difficult game though I think it certainly helps if you are inclined to finish it because the motivation is still there and always has been from the start but there has to be a point for certain titles where you are merely just learning on particular section just so you can get past that "one bit" but once that obstacle has been overcome I'd imagine in most cases the game would become fun again, for a time... until the next trial. I wish you the very best in your quest though, indeed I look forward to hearing about it in this thread as I'm sure many of our other forum members will and I hope that we will witness many more engaging threads just like this one from yourself in the future. : peace: Anyway, back to the Mushroom Kingdom with you for now as it needs saving! Remember these key pieces of advice told to us through various games over the years... It's dangerous to go alone - so check back on the forum if you desire advice or just a break - Never give up! Trust your instincts! - wise words indeed which I'm sure many of us live by - and of course... The princess is always in another castle... until she isn't and you've beaten the game of course. :awesome: *Well there was Lords of Shadow but that really doesn't count for much of the series. **Again I would say that Crystal Chronicles on the Nintendo Gamecube really doesn't count as it's more of a spin-off. ***Though in fairness, we didn't really gain wide-spread access to this fantastic franchise until little over a decade ago but still... ample time for me to have potentially finished one!
  7. If the disc is... less than perfect, you'll need to clean it, try with a dry cleaning cloth first, then use a disc wipe or something similar remembering to clean any residue left from it. Your disc should read fine after this there are more drastic methods for if you have a really deep scratch on the disc but I wouldn't recommend them unless the disc surface is really bad. Though I would imagine the disc is in perfect condition isn't it? If so... and if it starts doing the same thing with other perfect condition games, then I would fear the worst for your Dreamcast. Certain games might just have issues being read by your DC's laser though, could be as simple as that, I don't want to worry you for no good reason but I just thought I'd share my experiences. : peace: Tonight I ended up playing some Street Fighter III Double Impact as I replaced a non-working disc with a working one so I could sell my double of it, needless to say though I ended up testing it thoroughly which involved playing through the main mode as Ryu from start to finish... you know, just to make sure. Great game and an excellent replacement for Street Fighter V on the PS4 which I'm not touching until more content becomes available.
  8. I wouldn't be so sure... We don't even know what the NX is yet. It's like me saying... "The NX will be better than anything Playstation VR has to offer" A ludicrous statement with no real basis. At this stage... let's just hope that both turn out to be successful in completely different ways, that's what is surely in the best interests for the industry as a whole. : peace:
  9. Finally! Starfox 64 will be mine. I have Lylat Wars on the N64 and Wii Virtual Console version. True I do own Star Fox 64 3D on the 3DS which is amazing in itself but, to play the original game, with its original name and at its intended speed on a big screen AND decent sound? Priceless! Barrel Rolls will never be the same again. :wink:
  10. Aside from the actual visuals and animations which look fine - I think, hard to tell really - to me the whole thing just looks like a waste of time, you don't battle the Pokémon then? You just try to catch them... with Pokeballs which cost you real money? Am I missing something here?
  11. Precisely... Dean might finally get to play his copy of the game again, or possibly even for the first time? Rejoice! : peace: Not that I can talk... I have my own copy of the game, which no one has borrowed and I still haven't finished it! What's my excuse? Eh? EH? eh... oh yeah, reviews and stuff. But still, I'm going to buy the 3DS version as well! In order to make the tower of games that I never seem to play - except for once in an angry moon - even taller still. At least the limited edition comes with a compass watch, so I can at least watch all the time I don't have to play games tick away... Soon... I will get back to playing Hyrule Warriors and many other games on a regular basis, soon! At least this version is portable which will help. :awesome:
  12. The Third Man - There's no point me trying to explain, just watch it : peace: I believe it was recommended to me on this forum, so now that I've seen it, I'm recommending it back.
  13. Hmm I ordered Roy the same time as Ryu and ROB... No "Okey Dokey!" confirmation for Roy for some reason though, I definitely pre-ordered in time, complete mystey as the other two arrived plus Pokken and the controller.
  14. My copy arrived along with the controller, I haven't had a chance to play it - busy for a while yet - but did anyone else pick up the pad as well? It's better quality than I expected, I mean it is Hori so it was bound to be good but the d-pad and buttons feel pretty decent on it.
  15. I don't know why you'd pay more to have guard as a download but it's nice to have options, First Print and the T-Shirt - which doesn't look *that bad surely? - for me. : peace: Although on reflection, I'd have been happier if the shirt was like the hat with its design... or just the hat instead, oh well, don't need the amiibo, not paying £80, simple as that. :p OK, maybe it does....
  16. RIP Paul Daniels I'll always remember him from when I was growing up, this is a great shame that he's gone, always seemed like a decent person to me, plus those facial expressions... priceless.
  17. No cables? No worries! :awesome: You'll just have to wait and see... Also that's not awkward at all, just that I have this week off so I will at least check for you, I'm mostly free again most of Monday in addition to Tues/Weds so sorting out posting of it is no issue. Indeed, I may be going to the Post Office once or twice this week from selling a few bits and pieces anyway, so if you PM me your details anyway, chances are I can even send it to you before you get paid if you're eager to get playing again? The level of trust here on N-E is strong so it's no problem - I've posted stuff this way on here before I'm sure - plus I've known you for how long now? Happy to help anyway.
  18. You're most welcome Josh would payday be this Friday? If so then I'll see if I can check the status of the PS2 slim consoles I have tomorrow at some point - right now I'm writing up a certain article which will go live in an hour or two with any luck - as I'm sure I can find you a replacement, if it's just the console you need with no leads - as presumably the ones you have work fine - then it won't cost that much at all, I'll be cheaper than eBay at any rate plus you know, N-E staff member discount and all that. :p We'll have you playing Klonoa and Parappa again before you know it!
  19. Is it a faulty PS2 slim or do they all do it over time? I ask because I have PS2 slim consoles, though I haven't used it that much apart from the odd hour or so here and there. If it turns out to be the fault of your PS2 slim then let me know and I can send you one of mine as a replacement if it turns out that you need one. : peace: Indeed I just did a quick search and it seems that it's down to the ribbon connector catching on the actual disc as it spins round! You can gently push it out of the way but apparently you need to be careful not to break it according to video guides... well I learned something today. Anyway my offer stands either way but I hope you manage to get it sorted one way or another, can't have your PS2 wrecking your games or leaving you not able to play them!
  20. All this talk of Lex Luthor reminds me of the times when NGC magazine was around... :p
  21. By all means, I hope that all of you who are adopting the hardware on day one enjoy it, I just don't quite feel like it's worth investing in for me personally at this point in time. : peace:
  22. N-Europe Presents VC Weekly #371 Mega Man Battle Network 6 The final chapter in the enjoyable yet completely superfluous Mega Man Battle Network series! Check inside for the verdict. Enjoy! : peace:
  23. Closer to £700 all in.
  24. Personally I'm still not convinced by any of it. I'll wait and see but at this point, nothing will make me want to part with that amount of money on what could quite likely be the next gimmick rather than the future. There's nothing wrong with being cautious towards unproven technology, just as there's nothing wrong with being excited about the possibilities it might bring with it. : peace:
  25. More than the cost of the console is too much, I'll stick with playing games on my HDTV for a while longer.
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