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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Quote of the day! I'm happy this remake is coming out though, I have the original but I never got to play it so... I'll probably buy this version and maybe play it this time.
  2. Available to pre-order now on the Nintendo Store.
  3. Same, shamefully I've barely read all of the game books I have but I'm hoping to put them all in a more permanent place when I'm finished sorting out my room so that I'm more likely to read them more often.
  4. @Hero-of-Time @Happenstance @Josh64
  5. Oddly that was the first way I tried to get into the Odyssey and then I just assumed that was the normal way to enter the ship. I didn't know it was considered "a secret to everybody" kind of thing. Wasn't there something similar you could do in the Super Mario Galaxy games?
  6. Comm Error on Lunar Colony.
  7. Nah, they couldn't afford him.
  8. Or so-called "Treeple Aaayy Gamez!" [/JimSterling] I think the Switch will do pretty well as a solid middle-ground, it has the unique hybrid nature which is good for multiplatform indie titles (assuming the ports are good) plus it will get some decent third-party titles which have come out on current gen systems and by the look of it some pretty good ones too while avoiding a load of those controversial titles which have been plagued with the aforementioned gambling simulaton and/or microtransactions... it's a good compromise, especially with the stellar first-party support. Because of this, I don't mind buying the odd season-pass for some games which really deserve the support on Switch, I'll likely pick up the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 one, so long as the extra content doesn't break the game again or in different ways after patching out the existing issues. What the Switch definitely needs now is some decent organisation on the eShop, some more concrete plans on the online/accounts front and some new Virtual Console games we haven't seen before when the service hopefully launches next year.
  9. Did I overhere talk of Sega Megadrive games, retro consoles and image quality? While I've been in the process of clearing out and sorting my games collection in addition to helping make some space at home, part of it has lead to me going for upgrading most of my video cables. I'm going to be installing an RGB Scart switcher so that I can at least connect the consoles which can display RGB natively without modification, so far that's going to be... SNES - via the official GameCube Scart cable Saturn - again with an official cable Megadrive - using a cable from Retro Computer Shack Playstation/2 - from an official scart cable I know that I can use my Retron 5 for a lot of game consoles but chances are I'll be using that more for capture and probably GameBoy/Colour games, while GBA games will of course be displayed on the GameBoy Player attached to my original GameCube via component cable, with the audio going into my AV receiever which is the main reason I haven't gone for any extra processing boxes as there is some upscaling already done on that via HDMI passthrough for any other consoles which just use composite, which won't be many after I've upgraded. Storing games is becoming more challenging as well, especially when you just want to take out a title and play it, so for things like my GameBoy/Colour/Advance collection, I've gone for some of those acrylic racks with five tiers (two of them) which are intended for make-up (of all things) but are perfect for displaying the cartridges so that you can see the artwork and just pick one out to just play at a moments notice. Yep, it's fair to say that the My Life In Gaming channel on YouTube has had more than a few hours of viewing time from myself, I watched their videos on game storage, video editing setup and of course, the RGB Masterclass which has been a real eye-opener for me and you can be sure that I'll be popping into the thread more regularly as things slowly but surely move along and it should mean that I'm able to make more content for the main site in time I'm hoping; which is something I really want to get back into soon, particularly reviews. Oh and I found a load of Megadrive and Playstation games I'd had in storage boxes recently as well, so I'll be going through those at some point, a few gems in there in addition to a far few sports titles but it was nice to find them all the same.
  10. So, I might as well just keep grinding in the first "Open" area without doing any quests until December 22nd then? I hadn't planned it this way, I did want to play more of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 by this point, I've just been busy organising my games. At this rate though, it'll be my joint-Christmas game along with Super Mario Odyssey. Not that grinding is a bad thing in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 mind, I'll keep going until Nia is "knackered!"
  11. Yes! Let it cooooook! Also, by the time it comes out, I might even have time to play it now... maybe.
  12. I don't know about offers but if you see a 200GB card for £50 then that is definitely a good deal. I've got a 200GB card for the Switch and due to careful management of games such as going for mostly physical titles where possible - which I believe you're going for as well - I'm making it last as long as I possibly can, while I don't want to get into deleting games on my Switch I just tend to make sure that there are only games I really want to see on there, so I'm trying to go for zero shovelware... which is easier on the Switch seeing as it seems to be curated very well bar a few titles and I hope it stays that way. I'm still rocking 1TB on my PS4 but I only download the Plus titles when I want to play them, I may well start deleting games on that platform at least being that it's simple to do and reverse if needed thanks to the library feature. As for Xbox One... I've got 2TB or 3TB overall storage, it's all good... for now, until there are more backwards compatible Xbox titles. Hopefully with careful management, I won't be buying any more game consoles now for a few years until the next essential upgrade comes along which I reckon will be from Nintendo but I'm sure we'll be OK until at least 2020 I hope. (It's crazy to type that, I remember games in the 80's / 90's setting games in the years 2020 + and thinking woah, that's so far in the fuuuuture, man!)
  13. OK, let's give this a go... Street Fighter II - The original game, has eight playable characters and four CPU controlled characters, not the fastest running version but it's solid. Street Fighter II Turbo - Faster speed than the original, new special moves for almost all of the characters apart from Guile and the four Grand Masters. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers - Four new playable characters, enhanced visual and audio elements in addition to roster balancing. Street Fighter III - The original game, has eleven playable characters, the gameplay introduces abilities from both the Alpha series and Darkstalkers, you can also parry. Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact - Two brand new characters (Hugo and Urien) Yun and Yang from the first game also became separate characters, Akuma returns, new specials, roster expanded to fourteen characters. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Chun-Li returns, plus four new characters (Makoto, Remy, Q, and Twelve) giving you twenty characters, new stages, endings and voice actors for certain characters and general balancing. Obviously this is quite a simplified list of changes so it won't go into the smaller changes but these are the basic documented differences between the major versions of SF2 and SF3.
  14. I'm mostly going for physical but I would still advise getting a 200GB Micro SD Card as they are a reasonable price and you get a decent amount of storage for it too. https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/262-2894649-8575609?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=SanDisk+Ultra+Micro+SD+200GB+SDXC+UHS-I+Memory+Card+up+to+90+MB%2Fs They've gone up a bit, I got mine when they were cheaper and more readily available but it's still worth it.
  15. Just imagine... in a Nintendo Direct if it got announced and had Link again as a guest character, perhaps Breath of the Wild version of Link this time. And then someone from Nintendo says... "Remember this?" *trailer rolls of Soul Calibur II for GameCube* Boom! Virtual Console launches with GameCube games with Soul Calibur II leading the line-up.
  16. Nah, it's cool... I understood you completely. You need to have the right controller with the best D-Pad or an arcade stick for Street Fighter, so for yourself this is probably PS4 or PC as I'm guessing that's what your arcade stick works with? For me, I'm lucky enough to own one of those Hori GameCube controllers with the larger D-Pad and SNES-style layout plus I picked up a second Hori Arcade Stick for Switch in a sale so I'm set. I likely won't play it in handheld mode unless we get a Joy-con with a proper D-Pad so it'll mostly be played on the big screen here as well. I'm excited to play through a load of these Street Fighter titles, it's been a while since we last had a port of the first game on Wii Virtual Console.
  17. I'll be getting this but just the Switch version. Gotta have a Hori D-pad or my arcade stick(s). This is a fantastic collection which deserves a place on any gamers shelf regardless of format. I'm guessing that I won't be playing my prized Street Fighter games that I have on the Dreamcast and Saturn very much anymore though... ...at least there's the dozen other Capcom fighters which will keep me going back to those formats at least. It's a fantastic time to be a gamer right now, Capcom are knocking it out of the park once again, redeeming themselves somewhat across the formats.
  18. I obviously still can't get over the fact that it's coming out so soon! In related news, during my clearout of games, I finally found my long lost copy of the original Monster Hunter on PS2... I think I'll give it a play sometime soon.
  19. While I'm not too bothered about upgrading to any newer systems which would require an entire TV upgrade to get the most out of, it's good that there are noticable improvements available for setups which allow it; personally I thought the game looked very nice indeed at even 1080p as it's such a leap forward for the series. As for the gameplay, well I was pleasantly surprised to find that it plays just like Monster Hunter but even better than ever thanks to the numerous improvements which have been needed for some time, most notably the more open area feel which creates features massive, cohesive maps which feel even bigger due to not being held back on a technical level as with previous games which required the areas to be on seperate screens... it's something fans of the series have just had to deal with until now, even though I will probably miss diving between screens when at low health and there's a fireball coming directly at you which you would have been able to dodge by changing areas, also allowing you to heal before rushing back in. Being able to get back to base camp easily is nice, I suppose that's just like having a Farcaster always at your disposal though I'm not sure if it works when you're in battle? I didn't use it myself but I do know that it's there. I've completed all three quests solo anyway... I think that's all you can really do for the extra items which carry over into the main game? Obviously I could go off and look for the Rathalos which I might well do as I saw a video where a team of hunters went after it, killed the Rathalos with minutes to spare and then went after the main monster, finishing it off just in time as well; it all looked suitably epic just as is the tradition now with these kinds of hunts when you have a team who know what they're doing. Role on JANUARY 26th as I'm sure that I'll be playing a lot of Monster Hunter World when it releases.
  20. Translation... "Hey Guys, fucking guy got arrested in my pub and the guys made them close so I decided to go to the other pub and I got there I couldn't feel my fingers were... *gives up* I'm so drunk, woooooooo! Fuck you guys!!!!!111111" Or something to that effect, It's got to be close though, right @martinist?
  21. Just got home, hopefully I'll be around just after 10PM.
  22. The simple answer is: You don't. I mean, if you are selling the Wii U then as far as I know you can system transfer to another Wii U and then sell it but I'm guessing you're selling it and then not rebuying it again? It really is simpler to keep the console, someone else will be able to explain it better than I can but it's pretty convoluted from what I understand so unless you're prepared to lose your downloaded games I just wouldn't sell it unless you're sure that you won't want to play them again. I'm pretty sure the games are tied to your account in some way, unless you delete just the account, the games are on there and then whoever makes a new account on there can just claim your old games or something, if that's what you meant? I'm not sure if that's possible and my head hurts just thinking about the whole process. The sooner Nintendo announces its long term plans for digital content for the Switch - which has to happen at some point - the better.
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