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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Cheers for the shout @Glen-i It's my week off work so I very nearly, almost, kinda forgot. But I'm on it now so I'll be there, GameCube controller in hand.
  2. Nintendo Switch Arcade Stick Pro.V Hayabusa Down from £139.99 to £99.99 on the Nintendo Store. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/nintendo-switch-accessory/nintendo-switch-arcade-stick-pro.v-hayabusa/11543155.html An excellent arcade stick, well worth considering. (works with PC as well)
  3. Champions pack and Guardian amiibo is back, Nintendo Store, Black Friday Sale Gogogo! https://store.nintendo.co.uk/offers/black-friday/back-in-stock.list
  4. Nice. I've been trading in stuff to CEX from my collection for months now - just PS2 games mostly, nothing too rare - and from the first lot I tended to go for £100 worth of new PS4 games I didn't have plus a collectable Wii game but then I thought, while that's all good I decided that for any future earned credit I would go more for collectable games etc that I possibly wouldn't justify buying otherwise. So if it was me then I would go for the rarer games, get something you will play and that will keep hopefully its value as well. I decided to go for boxed Nintendo Game & Watch units which are nice to have, can be used from time to time, a lot of them don't come up for sale at CEX very often and they will likely keep their value or go up in years to come. But equally you could go for N64, SNES, Playstation, Dreamcast titles or whatever and actually get a decent amount of playtime out of them as well.
  5. I got my e-mail earlier today and I'm pretty impressed with just how much they managed to save. Not only do you get your posts - which I haven't properly checked out all of yet - but you get all of your screenshots and also images of your Mii with the various expressions plus icons for all the of the games which you posted in the community of providing you played the game or used the application. (I think) It might be good to see how many game icons we all have between us, I'll probably even end up using some of them for certain game boxarts for the site as they are seemingly around the right size and are decent quality too.
  6. It's a decent option, at least they didn't alter the artwork on the physical boxes presumably so that if you want to maintain that nice, cohesive red & white colour scheme on the spines of your Switch titles, you can... just remove the cardboard sleeve and all is good. Out of interest, how many physical Switch games are people up to now? (If you're collecting)
  7. That amazing controller got me through most of Wulverblade, it really is exceptional for 2D Switch titles which don't require more than one trigger button... or the minus button because select remaps as an extra "B" button for some reason, but other than that it's perfect.
  8. Then two bonus rounds of Baby Park to follow just for giggles?
  9. So... four rounds of Baby Park to the death then? It'll be quick and painful! Or just start again I guess...
  10. Seconding this...
  11. An instant modern classic in my eyes. n-europe Review Wulverblade is well worth picking up if you like a side-scrolling Beat 'em up with a challenge. It's exclusive to the Switch for a while longer as well, I reckon it's a title which will grow in popularity over time. Let me know what you think, enjoy!
  12. Copy, the URL (just like you did) then paste it directly into the reply box and it should autoconvert (like it has now) really not sure why I didn't work for you though? Either way, this is literally the next video I had planned to watch, so I'm going to right now!
  13. I'm sorry to hear that Joshi you know where I am if you want to talk about it.
  14. No I haven't finished the game yet, I just came here to post this...
  15. From personal experience... "The Hori one seems to be good enough that it doesn't melt..." They should put that as an official endorsement on the box.
  16. For what it's worth, I went with the Hori/Official stick on screen protector and it has been fine, no problems at all and it doesn't affect the visibility or the touch screen.
  17. @Glen-iI got disconnected on every battle in the first GP and the first race of the second gp and whatever happens, I'm going for 100% attendance.
  18. Awww yeah! In-Ba-ttle GP-1 Race-1-and-2... COMMERROR!, COMMERROR!, COMMERROR!,COMMERROR! (and Race 3) I'll-try-in-hand-held-mode. just-in-case...
  19. I don't often go in for betas or demo's... ...but when I do, it's for a Monster Hunter title.
  20. +1 for @bob Overwatch arrived in the post and I've just now sent the cash, an excellent transaction.
  21. Pretty much agiven but it's good to hear this regardless.
  22. Interesting... Don't you need a Wii which has very early firmware in order to run the FreeLoader which will let you run the game though? If so then I won't be able to play it on my main Wii console but... I did pick up a second hand one which might not have been connected to the internet as regularly. I'm assuming you need to modify the Wii anyway in order to apply the patch so this is probably a moot point. Unless you're talking about running it on Dolphin? Which I have zero experience with but really should investigate.
  23. I don't know about £30 for both but I'd buy Overwatch on PS4 from you for £10 if that's a genuine offer.
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