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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I'm finally here, performing for you If you liked the rap, then I'm happy too
  2. 2017 resolution. Play more GameCube games. Yeah, that went well... I thought the Switch would have Virtual Console games by now including GC titles so I neglected my actual GameCube but in fairness it's the Switch's fault. 2018 resolutions. Write more reviews. I was ill in the Summer and in some ways I don't feel like I really recovered though I did manage to cover a few large reviews which I was pleased with in 2017. This year though there will surely be more reviews for Switch titles and possibly retro consoles, which ties nicely into... Optimise picture quality. RGB scart for most of my old consoles because I'm fed up with the lousy picture quality on certain machines and not being able to easily have them set up ready to play, which brings me onto... Sort stuff out. And there's a lot of it to sort through, 2018 will be the year of buying less stuff, selling/giving away/getting rid of things I don't want or need and only keeping the best of my collection which I'm damn lucky to have in the first place. More importantly, I'm still living at home, my parents aren't getting any younger and they need as much of their house back as possible, so I'll be sorting out loads of stuff, not just my own but any general clutter in the house which needs to go, it really is time to sort it all out so I've got to stop making unintentionally stupid decisions and focus on what matters. Make a career out of gaming. It's fair to say that I put a lot of time into games, I still enjoy reviewing and will continue to do so, it would be nice to also make some videos as well though about video game topics which I haven't figured out yet, they may end up on N-Europe (I hope) my own channel or a mixture of the two, it will take a bit of figuring out but it's what I want to do and if I can make it at least semi-sustainable then all the better; one thing is for sure though... I'm going to have fun doing it. There's no way that I'm going to get another part-time job in retail unless I really have to, where I am at the moment isn't bad at all, I mostly get on with everyone and I enjoy helping people where I can by just talking to them and trying to be positive where possible... but it can be really draining, as all jobs can be I suppose. And finally... Play more GameCube games! (for real this time) I love the GameCube, it has a special place in my heart, I officially joined this place when it was Cube-Europe I believe, the console has quite possibly my favourite controller (which I still use on my Switch) and some of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
  3. Thanks for the races in Mario Kart. That's all I can really join for but I enjoyed it.
  4. I'd be interested in all of the extras pictured please Bob. Quite a lot of that I don't have, some of it will be put to good use and some of the other guides my brother will likely be interested in. It will be cool to have that GameCube launch video again, I'm sure I had it but can't think what happened to it plus that blue DK64 case is something that I've wanted for a while. Let me know how much you'd like for postage when you get a chance and I'll PayPal you the money, I think you have my address from when I purchased Overwatch from you, let me know if you need it again though. Cheers for this.
  5. I would most certainly be interested.
  6. More letters and less full stops. That's just how I roll. See you all at 8PM
  7. Wait, Mario Kart 8 racing is happening tonight? Hmmm...
  8. 1. Buy a PS4 with a copy of Monster Hunter World & PS Plus 2. Join the N-E Brotherhood 3. Happy Hunting!
  9. So, that didn't happen... I should really finish this thoroughly enjoyable game. #2017YearOfTooManyGames
  10. Ever since you've changed your avatar, I can't stop reading everything you post in the voice of Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 now. Please tell me I'm not the only one... @Hero-of-Time @Kaepora_Gaebora? So for me the above post was something like... "This 'as bin goin' on for days now. It was annownced on the Nintehndoh site, in the news section of yor Switch, and repourted on various web-sights. If you've actually tayken a look in the Ey-shop you could've sin loads've games on offer. Perhaps the offers don't intrest you, but it should've bin obvious there was a sale goin' on." I'm totally fine with this. Also, there seem to be a good few games on sale currently but I probably won't buy too many, I would have bought Axiom Verge already but I want that physical edition.
  11. Best thing we ever did, went from sub-par speeds of less than 2Mbps right up to... *checks* 75Mbps
  12. Available to pre-order now. (despite the first game being digital I have pre-ordered this but I'm not intending on making a habit of it)
  13. Quote of the day! I'm happy this remake is coming out though, I have the original but I never got to play it so... I'll probably buy this version and maybe play it this time.
  14. Available to pre-order now on the Nintendo Store.
  15. Same, shamefully I've barely read all of the game books I have but I'm hoping to put them all in a more permanent place when I'm finished sorting out my room so that I'm more likely to read them more often.
  16. @Hero-of-Time @Happenstance @Josh64
  17. Oddly that was the first way I tried to get into the Odyssey and then I just assumed that was the normal way to enter the ship. I didn't know it was considered "a secret to everybody" kind of thing. Wasn't there something similar you could do in the Super Mario Galaxy games?
  18. Comm Error on Lunar Colony.
  19. Nah, they couldn't afford him.
  20. Or so-called "Treeple Aaayy Gamez!" [/JimSterling] I think the Switch will do pretty well as a solid middle-ground, it has the unique hybrid nature which is good for multiplatform indie titles (assuming the ports are good) plus it will get some decent third-party titles which have come out on current gen systems and by the look of it some pretty good ones too while avoiding a load of those controversial titles which have been plagued with the aforementioned gambling simulaton and/or microtransactions... it's a good compromise, especially with the stellar first-party support. Because of this, I don't mind buying the odd season-pass for some games which really deserve the support on Switch, I'll likely pick up the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 one, so long as the extra content doesn't break the game again or in different ways after patching out the existing issues. What the Switch definitely needs now is some decent organisation on the eShop, some more concrete plans on the online/accounts front and some new Virtual Console games we haven't seen before when the service hopefully launches next year.
  21. Did I overhere talk of Sega Megadrive games, retro consoles and image quality? While I've been in the process of clearing out and sorting my games collection in addition to helping make some space at home, part of it has lead to me going for upgrading most of my video cables. I'm going to be installing an RGB Scart switcher so that I can at least connect the consoles which can display RGB natively without modification, so far that's going to be... SNES - via the official GameCube Scart cable Saturn - again with an official cable Megadrive - using a cable from Retro Computer Shack Playstation/2 - from an official scart cable I know that I can use my Retron 5 for a lot of game consoles but chances are I'll be using that more for capture and probably GameBoy/Colour games, while GBA games will of course be displayed on the GameBoy Player attached to my original GameCube via component cable, with the audio going into my AV receiever which is the main reason I haven't gone for any extra processing boxes as there is some upscaling already done on that via HDMI passthrough for any other consoles which just use composite, which won't be many after I've upgraded. Storing games is becoming more challenging as well, especially when you just want to take out a title and play it, so for things like my GameBoy/Colour/Advance collection, I've gone for some of those acrylic racks with five tiers (two of them) which are intended for make-up (of all things) but are perfect for displaying the cartridges so that you can see the artwork and just pick one out to just play at a moments notice. Yep, it's fair to say that the My Life In Gaming channel on YouTube has had more than a few hours of viewing time from myself, I watched their videos on game storage, video editing setup and of course, the RGB Masterclass which has been a real eye-opener for me and you can be sure that I'll be popping into the thread more regularly as things slowly but surely move along and it should mean that I'm able to make more content for the main site in time I'm hoping; which is something I really want to get back into soon, particularly reviews. Oh and I found a load of Megadrive and Playstation games I'd had in storage boxes recently as well, so I'll be going through those at some point, a few gems in there in addition to a far few sports titles but it was nice to find them all the same.
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