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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Well, after recently setting up a second vertical display just for shmups, from the ACA NEO GEO titles I can recommend the following titles... Aero Fighters 2 Alpha Mission II Blazing Star Last Resort I've reviewed at least one of them as well, so please feel free to check this out for a more detailed look at Alpha Mission II n-europe Review ACA NeoGeo Alpha Mission II Also, from the Switch eShop thread... I hope this helps.
  2. I've been curious about this so I finally did a little bit of research... It seems that if you pre-purchase it now - buy the whole game in advance - then you get a code for the digital version of South Park: The Stick of Truth for free, now? I think. But if you wait for the physical version, then the code for the digital version will be in the box. I know it's for free, which is nice but, I wish they had just made a physical budget version of the first game for PS4 and Xbox One as I would have bought it by now just so that I could have both games in physcial form, on the PS4. For that reason, I'll be holding out but if we ever get confirmation that it's not happening, then I'll just buy the PS3 version the next time I see it cheap and pick up the new PS4 game, when the offer expires, or it's cheaper or if it comes with the code anyway then sell it or give it away. I'm just particular with the way I collect games, if I can get it physical then I will. I would say your best bet would be to pre-purchase the game digitally now so that both yourself and Ine can play the first game before the second comes out. You are going digital, right?
  3. Besides, if Capcom had just released both games on Switch Game Cards then there wouldn't be so much of a problem, I'd have even considered buying both games again on Switch but as it is, the PS4 is now my Resident Evil gaming machine of choice seeing as I own all physcial available Resi titles on it. Yeah, this still doesn't help those who are going digital only I suppose but then, this is why I bought a 200GB Micro SD card and have reserved it for digital only games or games which are likely to be digital only for the forseeable future, so that the space should last a long time, certainly longer than if I was to have digital versions of Zelda, Mario Kart 8 DX, Arms, Splatoon 2... etc on it. It's going to be fun to see what happens with LA Noire... that was a three disc Xbox 360 game if I recall correctly... should still fit on a Switch game card though. Anyway, these titles are a good fit for the Switch, I just wish Capcom had made more of an effort on the collection front, I'd have loved to have both games in seperate cases with an optional slipcase to go over both. Could have even made it a lenticular...
  4. I'm buying it! I've got some time off next week so hopefully I'll even get to play it soon but how long will the demo take me do you reckon? Three hours? Seeing as it's the start of the game, it would make sense for me to put in a bit of time soon I guess.
  5. Looks like I'll be popping into WH Smiths in a weeks time then.
  6. That's neat to hear. But the cost of a 400GB card is nearly as much as a Switch! I'm happy with paying the £50 I managed to get my 200GB card for, at least for the forseeable future.
  7. Truck Racer for PS3! Hell yeah!
  8. No worries, yes I guess it is a lot of responsibility owning your own cat, ours is a family cat so not my sole responsibility but I do tend to make sure she's fed quite often and watch out for her when I'm at home. Getting two from the same litter would definitely be a bonus, I'd have thought. Yeah, if you don't have much space for a litter tray, it can be tricky... we were just lucky to have the downstairs toilet really, not sure what to suggest but the guest bedroom might be your best bet, not ideal though I suppose but there's always some compromise to owning cats it seems. I would definitely make covering up the sofa a priority, especially if it's nice and new... a rug might work, our cat loves anything like that though she doesn't mind the laminate floor in the hallway/kitchen either... they're contrary creatures. Working from home is a great advantage when it comes to looking after cats, what's trickier is trying to get work done while the cats are trying to get your attention, though it might be alright. Pass on the holidays, as I'm not sure what you could do there... perhaps they could become your new travelling companions as well? You and Jim could take one each in your hand luggage, it'll be fine... probably. On a serious note though... if you do go on holiday, definitely double and triple check your suitcase before you leave if you have cats, because if they are full of soft clothes then well... you might find you're over your baggage allowance by a specific cat-size amount by the time you get to the airport.
  9. OK, let's just paws for thought for a second... Two cats can work quite well, if they are already familiar with each other - say if they both come from the same Cat's Home for instance - then that could work but if you get one and then try to introduce another, just be careful how you go about it. As for the angle of two cats being too much to handle, well... there is that, but as long as they get along and providing your house is reasonably "cat proof" - a term which is a bit of an oxymoron for any house which has a cat really as if there are places they can get into, then they will - then you'll probably be fine so long as you have the time to look after them, if there is at least one person at home for at least a good few hours in the day then that should be fine. Litter trays... get two, one for each cat if you can, we keep hours in the downstairs bathroom as it makes life easier, buy really solid litter tray liners as Cats will tend to shred them as they dig around a lot, as for Cat litter... Catsan I guess? Don't bother with a Cat bed unless you can get one cheap, chances are they will want to sleep on either the sofa or the bed or a cushion or... anything soft which is stationary for long enough. Cat food... if you're lucky they will settle on one brand of cat food, if you give them sachets for their main meals, cat biscuits in a seperate bowl plus a few treats every now and then, that'll probably work out but each cat is different. Scratching posts are useful, don't expect them to last very long though and even then they might go for carpet - if there is any - or the sofa if it has got "clawable" material. Vets... yeah... get the cats microchipped if they are likely to wander off I suppose, injections if they are likely to be off out mixing with other cats and you may want to get them speyed/neutered if you don't want kittens. A lot of responsibility, yes... but they are worth it, anyway I wish you both the best of luck and I hope some of this information helps. Also, don't forget... payment in the form of cat pictures, in this thread please... kthanksbai.
  10. All the best nightwolf. I'm glad to hear that everything went well and here's to your hopefully swift recovery.
  11. So long as they are in spoiler tags, then yes. Otherwise, I'll just avoid this thread until I've finished, I should have it finished by the end of the Bank Holiday weekend with any luck.
  12. I really hope not but you're probably right. I keep warming to the idea of having all of the Yakuza games in the series available in boxed, physical form in my PS4 library so that I can easily get into them. If it happens that the PS5 will end up having native PS4 support then, this would be less of a problem though I suppose but I was hoping to not have to buy any more consoles for a good while. The way I see it, is that if these titles continue to be released in enhanced form on the PS4 then it would make the most sense to start with Zero and then play all the games Chronologically being that the remakes seem to have enhanced engines based on the later games.
  13. Excellent, release it over here along with Kiwami 3, 4 and 5 and I'll buy them ALL on PS4 and finally play the series.
  14. No idea, but if anyone wants to put a shout in this thread when they start the Super Mario Odyssey coverage, that would be greatly appreciated.
  15. My copy from ShopTo arrived yesterday morning, I started playing it after 8PM last night, finally stopped in the early hours of this morning, well... only 2am so not too bad. I was only playing it on and off but I think I made it to chapter 5 and I'm really enjoying it. I hope your copy comes soon @Hero-of-Time I'm sure it'll arrive today with any luck. That reminds me, Jak & Daxter code is live from today, so get that redeemed as well.
  16. Nice demo, shame they had to put their banner right over the health meter but good coverage in any case. I'm at that impatient stage where the game could arrive right now and I'd jump right into playing it, I've seen enough video footage to confirm that it's probably going to be amazing. Anyway, only half a year or so to go...
  17. That trailer though. I love that Nintendo are still showcasing unrealistic Switch meetup/playing scenarios, NBA in the Locker Room, Minecraft at the Bus Stop and of course Skyrim on the Tube because we can't forget that Skyrim is coming. It's nice to see that games which aren't out yet are being leveraged too, Mario & Rabbids for one plus having Super Mario Odyssey right at the end with Cappy spinning out of the screen to the end was brilliant. Overall though, even I can't deny that the trailer conveys people from all backgrounds enjoying the Switch so it more than does the job it sets out to do. Even though Milk from 1-2 Switch is still one of the most hauntingly disturbing/simultaneously hilarious mini-games I've ever witnessed.
  18. Oh yeah, that reminds me... If anyone wants a Free code for That's You! then let me know, because I'm sure as hell never going to play it. I know it's free for PS Plus at the moment, but maybe when it isn't, someone might need a code or perhaps for someone who doesn't have PS Plus? It was inside my copy of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and my first thought was... "I didn't ask for this, it's not even mildly related!" Anyway, if anyone wants it then just give me a shout... in the meantime, I'm off to play some Uncharted for a bit.
  19. GoGoGo!
  20. So... Shenmue III release date of 2020 then? At least then it would be in time for the series Twentieth anniversary. And before then, we could have the HD remasters of Shenmue I & II while we wait for the game to be polished/finished. I still have faith that the game will be excellent when it's released but... it's going to take a while, so it's a good job I'm happy to patiently wait for it, we've waited this long so what's a few more years?
  21. I thought as much... it may go up again following this annoucement. Microsoft would do well to tie in the Xbox One backwards compatability of it in time for the release of this new title or just before.
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