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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Out of interest how much did you want for Mario Kart Double Dash (plus Zelda collector’s edition)? I'm pretty sure my brother has been after it for his GC collection. Also, what is the box condition like on Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer? I have a copy of the game but I was possibly looking to upgrade, obviously priority should go to anyone else who really wants it for their collection though. If you could let me know on those two though please Moogle that would be appreciated, also I'm guessing you're not looking for trade? Just that if you were, I might have been able to trade you for other games as I'm in the process of clearing out a bit myself. Thanks in advance.
  2. So yeah... maybe a couple of hours or so spent on the demo, I don't even know if there's an "end" to it... (is there?) I totally bought the game anyway... ...but it's still sealed, because Metroid arrived so you can blame Samus returning as my reason for not progressing with Monster Hunter Stories. And that's a damn good reason too I reckon! Anyway, it's the next 3DS game I'll play because from what I did get to sample from the demo (so far) I've enjoyed a lot so I definitely won't let this game become a "Quest Failed" it's just that I'm clearly not prepared for it yet, but I will be... in time.
  3. Now officially approved. (That's two cups of tea AND a cup of coffee which have fallen victim to this high quality game now) Glad to hear you got everything, I'll be waiting on my amiibo for a while probably as they are going to be shipped from Amazon Germany with any luck. Well the good news is, you don't have to open your keyring if you don't want to, in fact that's partly why I opened all the contents of mine for the article, so here's just the keyring pic in case you hadn't seen it... It's nice enough but you're not missing out on much. I really love the Samus Archives soundtrack CD though which I was blasting through my speakers while putting together that article, really nicely arranged. Right, back to hunting down more Metroids!
  4. For what is sure to be the best league nights ever! Loving the track selection there @Dcubed I should have known. Liking the N64 theme as well @Sméagol My theme was more a case of NES, SNES, N64 and GC... I know Mario Kart wasn't on the NES but Excitebike was so there's the tenuous link!
  5. I heartily endorse this event or product. "The S.C.G.T Test" is unaminously approved. Likewise... "S.C.G.Cof. Test" is also approved pending testing. Enjoy it Adam! We'll have to compare our finishing times at the end of the weekend. (I'm nowhere near finishing... yet but I'm just pre-empting as I plan to spend the last weekend of my holiday playing this and I'm sure you'll be doing the same this weekend... I hope)
  6. Metroid: Samus Returns is indeed pure gaming gold confirmed thanks to this one simple test... I just looked to my left to find a stone cold cup of tea, completely untouched after looking up from my New 3DS XL after an hour or so. On the upside though, I'm really enjoying it and I hope that it arrives soon for everyone. If it had not been for my Legacy Edition which arrived from GAME of all places - never thought I'd be thanking GAME for delivering on release day! - then I'd be in the same position. Maybe there were just so many orders for it? Even so though... they usually manage to get all games out for either the day before or launch day. *goes off to make another cup of tea* (hopefully I'll get to drink this one)
  7. Hello Aya & Ico. So cute! I can tell you're going to have a busy weekend with those two Ine as they'll be keeping you on your toes. I'm sure it'll be the best though, they both look really happy. Hopefully the settling in goes well.
  8. My copy of the game turned up in the form of the Legacy Edition this morning. So I decided to take a few pictures while I was unboxing it all... Metroid: Samus Returns Legacy Edition Enjoy! I'm off to finally play the game.
  9. They quite often group them together when they can but it depends, usually if you've ordered them seperately then they will come seperately but they might choose to bundle them. Either way, I would look out for two small to medium sized boxes which will likely arrive by the same courier. I hope they all arrive safe and sound. The amiibo were sold out by the time I got round to ordering so I had to go with Amazon Germany in the end, no shipping info from them but I'm hopeful they will turn up in a few days.
  10. We'll be awaiting your return at 2am in...Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!! You can let us know how good the film hopefully is, how your day went and of course don't forget to sign off with... "Fukc Yoou Guyzs!!1 annnd yerr maas too!" Otherwise, we'll just be disappointed. Never change martins.
  11. I even played the Japanese version as well for a short period of time when it had been partially translated, sadly it was when I had my old PC... I have a newer PC now which would have ran it fine but it's just not viable any more, it's a shame because if we did get a proper localised release then I would play it. To be fair though, if a HD version of the original PSO got released on the Switch then I would be on it instantly. Anyway, it's cool... I guess, I always have the GameCube version which is the main one I'll keep going back to for as long as the save file on my memory card exists.
  12. I'll vote for Battle Stadium on Players Choice to make up for it. Yay! Balloon based balance is restored!
  13. Sorry about that... but at least double SNES Battle OK... I deserved that.
  14. Sneaky Nintendo... making them available at Dinner time, just got back to see them still there thankfully, got them individually and seperately, the set to keep boxed. It seems they restocked on some of the Zelda amiibo really briefly at the same time as well. Well either that or just the Ocarina of Time Link amiibo is available... right now! Go, go... go?
  15. Regular edition with T-Shirt dispatched from Nintendo Store UK. Limited Edition from GAME still awaiting dispatch though. It looks like I should be playing it tomorrow either way though hopefully, just that Nintendo seems slow on the dispatch with this title for some reason. Usually games from them arrive the day before release but anyway, launch day it is!
  16. Well on the almost SEVENTH anniversary of this very thread being created... ...it's only fitting that I post this I suppose even though it pains me to do so. Apologies in advance to those who will check this for bumping the thread. If anyone wants me, I'll be playing the original PSO on the GameCube, offline.
  17. I only changed my signature and avatar really recently but I'll probably keep them the same for a while... probably. (still feeling the goodwill from Sonic Mania... review coming soon) Or change it back to a Metroid theme again once I start playing Metroid:Samus Returns... Anyway, enough of all that... welcome back @j7.2 it's good to see you around again! So you're living in Hove now? Nice, one of my brothers is currently living there, well... has been for a couple of years and is possibly moving soon but still, I've heard it's a nice area. Please do let us know your PSN when you get settled with your PS4, I haven't been on it that much but I have a backlog of games for it so it's only a matter of time before I'm on it more, well... inbetween all the Switch games that is, I hear you on the PC stuff though, loads of good stuff on Steam. I can't believe it was way back in 2009 that I went to the N-E Meat... I remember meeting you and many other members of the forum and I'll never forget it. I've still got that same jacket I was wearing on that day as well, a little worse for wear now but it still fits so I'm loathed to throw it out, I might put it through the wash though soon during my week off, hopefully there'll still be some of it left... the reason I mention it as I'm sure you commented on it as it was new when I wore it to the meet as some of the fibers in it sparkled in the sunlight, just something I remembered which stuck with me all these years. TL:DR... It's really good to have you back Jay!
  18. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 new trailer with release date (2 mins) Super Mario Odyssey new trailer & annoucement (8 mins) Arms update right now (2 mins) System Update - new features (3 mins) Kirby's 25th Anniversary (5 mins) A load of indie games releasing... right now (5 mins) Virtual Console either releasing soon or... never (5 mins) Platinum Games Switch re-releases & Surprise Annoucement (ScaleBound?) (3 mins) Amiibo (will we tax you £30 or £300 with the amount of new figures) (2 mins) Secret of Mana collection localised for Europe (2 mins) New Joy-Con controllers featuring a proper D-Pad (If VC is happening) (5 mins) Oh and one more thing... Super Smash Bros. Switch with new challengers Yooka and Laylee (and Shovel Knight) (3 mins)
  19. S.C.G


    Hold that thought at least until tomorrow night at 11PM UK time... we might get a release date by then or soon after.
  20. NES and SNES mini Double pack? (just like Nintendo used to do but with SNES games) Calling it now.
  21. Excellent... *Tentatively clears "schedule" for Wednesday evening*
  22. Well, after recently setting up a second vertical display just for shmups, from the ACA NEO GEO titles I can recommend the following titles... Aero Fighters 2 Alpha Mission II Blazing Star Last Resort I've reviewed at least one of them as well, so please feel free to check this out for a more detailed look at Alpha Mission II n-europe Review ACA NeoGeo Alpha Mission II Also, from the Switch eShop thread... I hope this helps.
  23. I've been curious about this so I finally did a little bit of research... It seems that if you pre-purchase it now - buy the whole game in advance - then you get a code for the digital version of South Park: The Stick of Truth for free, now? I think. But if you wait for the physical version, then the code for the digital version will be in the box. I know it's for free, which is nice but, I wish they had just made a physical budget version of the first game for PS4 and Xbox One as I would have bought it by now just so that I could have both games in physcial form, on the PS4. For that reason, I'll be holding out but if we ever get confirmation that it's not happening, then I'll just buy the PS3 version the next time I see it cheap and pick up the new PS4 game, when the offer expires, or it's cheaper or if it comes with the code anyway then sell it or give it away. I'm just particular with the way I collect games, if I can get it physical then I will. I would say your best bet would be to pre-purchase the game digitally now so that both yourself and Ine can play the first game before the second comes out. You are going digital, right?
  24. Besides, if Capcom had just released both games on Switch Game Cards then there wouldn't be so much of a problem, I'd have even considered buying both games again on Switch but as it is, the PS4 is now my Resident Evil gaming machine of choice seeing as I own all physcial available Resi titles on it. Yeah, this still doesn't help those who are going digital only I suppose but then, this is why I bought a 200GB Micro SD card and have reserved it for digital only games or games which are likely to be digital only for the forseeable future, so that the space should last a long time, certainly longer than if I was to have digital versions of Zelda, Mario Kart 8 DX, Arms, Splatoon 2... etc on it. It's going to be fun to see what happens with LA Noire... that was a three disc Xbox 360 game if I recall correctly... should still fit on a Switch game card though. Anyway, these titles are a good fit for the Switch, I just wish Capcom had made more of an effort on the collection front, I'd have loved to have both games in seperate cases with an optional slipcase to go over both. Could have even made it a lenticular...
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