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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Worst 'music' ever... Audio Yeah I've never really been a fan of 2D Sonic, I loved the 2 Adventure games though, so I'm willing to give 3D Sonic a chance; but I'm still a bit hit and miss on the series it seems.
  2. Twilight Princess is so boringly, predictably Zelda though, Ocarina of Time v2. For that reason it is not a template to follow... well for me at least. Zelda needs to be something new now for me to buy it... and a Wii U.
  3. I'm currently being a bit let down by Sonic Generations. Played the first 3 levels (well first one is great), they're ok, didn't really enjoy Chemical Plant though. I absolutely cannot stand the 'music'... it's not even that it's just noise in the loading screens though... why... why is it there? I'd rather it was just silent! Also the hub world is a bit strange and the controls you have to use to enter a level/talk to a character... again why? Not really sure I want to get into customising my move set either or whatever it is, in a Sonic game I'd rather it was just all straightforward. I thought Colours was good, this seems a bit broken and a step back, so I'd like to see the next game back on track.
  4. Line-up revealed?
  5. I really am in the minority of loving Skyward Sword! (I still want all these changes for the series, have for some time, but I still loved the game we got)
  6. No thanks Sony (nice try), I'm going in spoiler free!
  7. Any word of February's Plus games?
  8. FROGGY!!!!!
  9. I just didn't like the plasticy/rubbery/plasticine whathaveyou look of the visuals. Haven't given the game ago.
  10. OMG they should have totally made the stuff they showed for Zelda during the credits as a playable unlockable chapter for completing the game! Was a bit disappointing there was still no Sheikah tribe in Skyward Sword, as an origins story there should have been, and makes you question whether Nintendo have just written the 'tribe' out of it? When you first see the Sheikah in Skyward Sword I thought it was more than one helping Zelda and got quite excited, but nope turned out to just be Impa on her lonesome again! Still waiting on that Nintendo, so get it done!
  11. There is another side to remakes, and that's allowing a new audience to play them. There might be a lot of Wii owners who joined with the Wii and have never played Wind Waker. For them Wind Waker HD should absolutely blow their mind!! And if it makes them pick up more Wii U games and maybe even a 3DS then it's great for Nintendo. Having said that those users need to have made the transition from Wii to Wii U. Not sure how many are doing that. But personally having got a PS3 last year I do enjoy HD remakes... whilst I'm yet to buy any, I'm constantly considering the likes of Shadows of the Colossus, a game I never got to play. I think for this reason they're very worthwhile!
  12. Actually you're right, it is a bit Blue 'Dragony'... didn't like that look at all.
  13. If you Pre-Order the PS3/PC version at Shopto you get the original Bioshock free via a download code.
  14. I think he means a universal way of switching to the Gamepad for each game.
  15. Yeah still the same Wind Waker Link, Toon Link is just more rounded looking and a bit less cel-shaded.
  16. Just had the thought that Link look a bit more like Smash Bros Toon Link in this remake than WW Link.
  17. What d'ya mean?
  18. Possible Actors/Voice Actors talk and speculation.
  19. This was a new thread started today though with no real news to go on.
  20. Exactly! Even the Gamecube had "Hold [whatever button] for 60Hz Mode".
  21. Can't imagine a 'realistic' Four Swords as that doesn't have Adult Link.
  22. So I guess the see-thru Yoshi is the equivalent of small Mario, then eating an enemy acts like getting a Mushroom? Audio
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