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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. haha ;)... that's great to hear Danny!


    Bit of a quiet time for the WiiU at the moment, but yeah Myself and Hero-of-Time fought hard for this new forum structure; with General Gaming allowing people to get into interesting discussions more, a bigger variety of topics, and to act as a bit more of a middle ground between General Chat.


    Hopefully a few more will migrate down from that board too, and hey, if you know anyone else who might want to sign up!

  2. Yeah it's still too much for me tbh. Once there's a decent £199 Premium bundle, I'll think about it then.
  3. I liked to think at the end of TDKR that Gordon Levitt was gonna step into the Robin/Nightwing role anyway and Batman was always left open for Bruce to return, or at least help JGL's character train/get to grips with taking over from him as Batman one day. I'd love this to happen too. Bale's Batman + Cavill's Superman in the same film would no doubt it would be a HUGE draw for the Justice League Movie, and having 4 actors in it that the general audience already recognise (Bale, Cavill, JGL, Hathaway) would be a really strong start, and make the film far easier to establish the new characters, and spend less time on character setup.
  4. Inspired by @Dannyboy\-the\-Danes post... I wondered what everyone might class as their Greatest Achievement in Video Games?... What task have you sunk hundreds of gaming hours into? What level have you replayed over, and over and over, and over.... and over. What has had you throwing your controller at the TV screen... only to sit back at the end of it all and never felt so proud of yourself!! We're talking collectables, unbeatable times, difficultly levels, 100% completions etc. N-Europe... GO!
  5. haha, Never. Come on, you could have used that post to start a 'Your Greatest Achievements in Gaming' thread, or a new 'Goldeneye memories' thread or something. More members need to get involved with the gaming boards, and bring new members with them! :p
  6. Are you sure? Primary Objectives: Protect Natalya: Completed Disable Goldeneye satellite: Completed Destroy armoured mainframes: Completed Post about in Gaming Boards: Failed
  7. Smash Bros vs Marvel! Samus vs. Iron Man, Fox vs. Rocket Racoon, Captain Falcon vs. Captain America, DK vs. Hulk!
  8. I've barely seen him in this.
  9. Watched Cloud Altas last night. Very enjoyable film, but also quite different from the book. This is good in a way because you can still really enjoy the book after seeing the film as it expands on everything much more. Some of the character transformations across storylines were incredible!... you literally had no idea certain actor/actresses had played some of the characters; until they showed you them all during the credits! Others however were a bit strange... as in they tried too hard to get the same actors/actresses into some of the stories. The most notable was having the Chinese actress play a non-Chinese character in the 19th Century story. Tom Hanks was a little bit questionable throughout I thought. Ben Whishaw I thought was fantastic! The only storyline that I thought the film did as well as the book was Timothy Cavendish, the others fell a bit short; particularly The Luisa Rey Mystery, my favourite part of the book. But if you haven't read the book it wont matter; the stories are all really enjoyable! On the whole they did the film well, despite having to change a lot of things and even miss out certain characters and story-points entirely to get it to work in the close to 3hrs. Would recommend!
  10. It's completely overhyped and over-rated IMO. Personally I think Craig has already done a much better Bond in Casino Royale, and there are other Bonds that are much more enjoyable too.
  11. I seem to have just found this whilst happening to go to the Shin'en website; I think it's just been announced today! Looks amazing, more Shin'en magic! More pics: http://jettrocket.shinen.com/2/?media
  12. I think we know they'll support it for another couple of years, but I wonder how many exclusives it will still get as opposed to downports. Wonder what the games are he alludes too. Rumour has it that GT6 will be on PS3 because of the install base, and to give the likes of Drive Club a chance to grow and take off.
  13. Razia out, Bianchi in..
  14. When I edit a post and click save, it doesn't return me to the updated post, it stays on the edit page... but if I refresh the save will have gone through.
  15. US Release Date of October 8th... the PS3's big swan song? (still Puppeteer etc... to be dated though) New Trailer
  16. Trailer coming on Monday (if it hasn't already been mentioned).
  17. Seems to be him smashing out of The Shard.
  18. Surely the changes they've made to the camera are just a natural progression and advancement as technology continually improves. I don't see it as copying Kinect at all, in anything but the form factor having gone more that way, but then Nintendo started that form with the sensor bar. The EyeToy certainly came first and I just see this as an evolution. It's funny, I wasn't sure what to make of the touchpad... until it suddenly dawned on me I was using one on my laptop as I was thinking this! :p It could be a nice addition, but I can't really imagine right now how you'll use it with the buttons/sticks, it seems a bit of an awkward placement.
  19. I'd imagine High Voltage Software need all the money they can get tbh! They started making some very strange decisions after Conduit 2, I'd imagine they're not in a great place right now.
  20. Yeah that Venom teaser I posted on the previous page mentioned they could go the Harry/Venom route. So I guess in a sequel we could see Venom and Green Goblin team up. Or maybe even Spidey and Venom team up against Green Goblin. They might want to differentiate Venom quite a bit from the last version given how bad it all was.
  21. @Grazza, Ahhhh yes Bad Influence, just Youtubed it and remember it now! OMG yes I'd forgotten about that! Used to do the exact same thing!... except because it wasn't all that long, sometimes it would slightly change time or something and you'd record random midnight TV! :p
  22. It's only £1.99 though atm.
  23. It was all about BITS for me! Alongside gaming magazines, enjoyed it back in the day [before the internet blew up] for gaming news, previews and videos.
  24. *YouTube's Stacking* OK, another one to add to the watch/to-buy list.
  25. At @RedShell... worth starting a High Score thread in Online Gaming?
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