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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I think one we've all wondered about! :p http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/v3fcvl/pop-fiction-episode-33--nude-raider
  2. Probably all the bloom.
  3. I really would likea new Dino shooter, just to add a bit more variety into the genre again. They've always promised so much and largely under-delivered in the past. Lush thick foliage to track through and beautiful landscapes.
  4. Photobombing Wildlife Style! ;D
  5. hah! The picture's changed! :p
  6. Should have been called Kiss My Face, or Jurassic Park! (ok well they couldn't do that), but still!
  7. Now that's how you do a trailer!
  8. Tbh I've thought this probably would be Vettel's year... Newey getting to develop and evolve last years car for this one was always going to be ominous!!... But I'd LOVE to see Kimi and Alonso in the fight! Looks like the 2013 McLaren, could be the 2012 Ferrari... although at least Ferrari seemed to be able to understand what had gone wrong last year, where all McLaren are saying this year is that they're somewhat lost/not understanding the car. What a difference a day makes! Watching an interview with Button yesterday on the Sky website he couldn't wipe the grin off his face feeling positive arriving after testing! Today it's the usual balance problems reported over team radio, and negative demeanour in inerviews. I could never be a Button fan.
  9. Really pleased to see Lotus having a good Friday after a troubled/lack of running in Winter. They seem competitive straight out the box too, so am happy! Red Bull seem to be the ones to beat this weekend atm, with Lotus/Ferrari/Merc in a tight pack behind. McLaren... hmm, who knows what's going on there. I think it's really strange that Lewis was really hyping the MP4-28 up after he'd left McLaren... he said he knew that car was going to be amazing several times, so what has happened?... Either he didn't know what he thought he did, or as soon as he announced he was leaving the team McLaren started developing the car around Buttons?... and really I'm not sure Button is the guy to build a team around... but then what choice to McLaren have now. Also why they decided to go with a new concept car in a 'year of evolution'... and especially after a strong car last year I just don't know!? I'm a bit concerned by Gutierrez! I think he could be this years Grosjean; one to watch out for and steer clear of at the starts! Also Caterhams... why have to changed to a less good green this year? :p
  10. It's not that surprising, it was probably finished when we got the trailer.
  11. I feel sorry for anyone wanting to view this thread with a slow running computer. :p
  12. £19.99 at GAME.co.uk
  13. I had to give it a try at that price!
  14. Just bought one myself! Worth giving it a try! :p
  15. Apparently the T-Cam on Car1 will now be Black instead of Red. Also...
  16. Scanning being better than co-op is questionable! And surely in co-op Player 2 would just take the scanning role instead!?
  17. I still think GamePad features are a really hard sell through adverts.
  18. I find the PC like 'loading' progress bar on the GamePad particularly annoying! :p Why not make it something fun out of Lego bricks or something!
  19. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. Though I'll very occasionally through in a Dinner instead of Lunch, or a Tea instead of Dinner, because I'm JUST THAT CRAZY.
  20. They should put that on the box.
  21. Yeah it went on a bit didn't it! :p Kimi and Seb make those Press Conferences watchable/bare-able... talk about same old boring questions! Webber's one was a bit awkward.
  22. Also have they removed some of the 'Nintendoness' from the game?... At the end of the IGN Video Review where the guy gets kicked in the nuts... wasn't that where there was a Zelda fan-fare in an earlier trailer?
  23. IGN Review/Video Review - 8.0 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/03/14/lego-city-undercover-review Positives include Humour, characters, open world. Negatives were mainly, inconsistent framerate and long frequent load times... sometimes well over a minute and several within the case of a few minutes. Oh and lack of co-op compared to all other Lego games, especially given the GamePad. Actually having just finished watching the video review I'm actually a bit surprised it scored that high! :p
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