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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I was looking for advice on Shoes.
  2. Nando, download The Unfinished Swan, I think you'll love it and there's nothing like it.
  3. Personally I think it would be better for people to get into the habit of making threads for eShop games when they're announced, and the eShop thread be used to keep track of updates, sales etc...
  4. RUN Forest RUN...
  5. Can you give some examples Fused of the games you're talking about?... eShop games can be discussed in the eShop thread or have their own thread. I've also recently started a thread for discussing various kickstarter projects in General Gaming, as these span across all console/gaming devices and may or may not get released depending on how they do. Likewise feel free to start threads for individual kickstarter projects in General Gaming. What Indie games aren't being covered?
  6. Goodbye Wiimote, it was nice knowing you.
  7. I've got the PS3 version on my Amazon wish list at £8.50 or something! I'd go for that. This will surely come out at full price, then bomb and fall in price fast.
  8. What were you expecting? :p
  9. If you can move your hard drive across, 12GB is £160 at Amazon. EDIT: Forget that £142.85 at Shopto, plus plenty of other decent offers.
  10. That's weird... I'm sure there are a lot more DLC tracks available?!... I was on PSN the other days and thought all the remaining tracks had been done? The reason I didn't buy the PS3 version was the shortage of tracks, but I'm gonna download it on Plus now that I've got it.
  11. Oh yeah also the new intro still kinda implies Lewis is at McLaren! :p
  12. Good because I have some PSN credit to use up and £7.80 is a steal! Need to sign up to my 1yrs membership first though.
  13. I presume you don't pay the Plus discounts back when your membership expires!? :p
  14. Thought it might be nice to have a thread to discuss various Kickstarter Projects, especially as they can sometimes span a wide range of gaming devices! Also because they are beginning to turn up in various other threads on this forum, it would be good to have a place for them to go that's perhaps more appropriate/concise. If they're big enough projects they can of course have their own thread in this board, which is more preferable anyway... like the Shenmue III one... or we can thread rip them into their own threads. But this thread can be used to help bring others to peoples attention, or even just to discuss your thoughts and opinions on them... ... or for projects you'd maybe like to see! So the thread is here as and when it's needed... go for it!
  15. So it sounds more likely Thanos may heavily feature / We'll get a backstory on him to keep it out of Avengers 2.
  16. Yes! been waiting for this... Season Pass for me! Why don't they say FREE instead of 100% off! :p
  17. I thought Suzi did a great job for her first show and especially in what turned out to be a difficult F1 weekend of changes! I agree @Murr she did seem nervous, but that's to be expected. She's got experience from MotoGP and I think give her a few races and she'll be in full swing. I thought her Intro video was great too... nice to see the humour carrying over from previous years; I'm sure they'll be able to come up with a few opening sketches for the likes of Monaco. @gaggle64 I'm not sure about the new intro yet, seen it a few times now and the CGI bugs me, as it's not very good. But it's better than the 'boxes' intro of the last two years; just seeing more F1 history is always great, and I do like the run up the 'Champions Wall' that the intro ends with!
  18. @Rummy If you still have a Wii, you can currently get £50 Credit for it on Amazon Trade-In, to take off the price of the Wii U.
  19. Well that was just perfect!!!!! What an opening race to the season!
  20. There was no annoying "DOC-TOOOOOOOOOR"
  21. Thought it might be nice to have a thread to discuss various Kickstarter Projects, especially as they can sometimes span a wide range of gaming devices! Also because they are beginning to turn up in various other threads on this forum, it would be good to have a place for them to go that's perhaps more appropriate/concise. If they're big enough projects they can of course have their own thread in this board, which is more preferable anyway... like the Shenmue III one... or we can thread rip them into their own threads. But this thread can be used to help bring others to peoples attention, or even just to discuss your thoughts and opinions on them... ... or for projects you'd maybe like to see! So the thread is here as and when it's needed... go for it!
  22. Only current Plus game I'm interested in is F1 Race Stars and maybe Motorstorm, as I'll probably buy Infamous 2 instead (can then keep it indefinitely, plus save HD space). Here's hoping for a good April!
  23. Deserved HDYT tags. :p Really up for this series! Great vibe off the trailer too. Really looking forward to something different/a change from the previous characters and sameness.
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