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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane Are you sure the head-ache in your neck, isn't neck-ache? :p ... But yeah was running up stairs a few weeks back and slipped down one twisting my ankle... gave me a bit of a sick feeling and also gave me a bit of a shaking/shivering fit. The Body is weird sometimes.
  2. Gametrailers Review - 9.3 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/3th2ir/luigi-s-mansion--dark-moon-review "I did it!" IGN Review/Video Review - 9.3 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/03/21/luigis-mansion-dark-moon-review
  3. I know right! Also today would have been Senna's Birthday! Happy Birthday Ayrton!!
  4. Drivers Press Conference
  5. OMG what a relief!! Makes you wonder why on earth they even bothered releasing those screens! The actual characters are looking a lot better, love the white eyes, but still yet to see new close-ups of the characters. The fighting and combat system actually looks really good and a lot of fun! Wonder how the game will work outside of multiplayer? AI turtles, or will you be the only turtle on screen?
  6. Are you supposed to be able to see Yoshi on the roof at 0:12 (and at 4:40 too)!!? I always thought it was meant to come about as a complete surprise upon getting 120 stars. I certainly never did!
  7. Don't think there's a thread for it in Other Consoles actually. I'll move it there.
  8. Not coming to Wii U unfortunately @gaggle64
  9. Cheers man, 64bit version it is then. EDIT: Forget that, the 64bit version causes my laptops wireless connection to cut out! 32bit version it is!
  10. I hope I'm not just talking nonsense here!? Basically I was going to install the free 64bit version of AutoCAD on my laptop... But then I realised, what if other computers are using the 32bit version of AutoCAD?... would the files not open? Is it just a better idea to install the 32bit version of AutoCAD on my 64bit laptop instead? Thank you N-E.
  11. The reason for our planet being known as Mother Earth has been discovered!...
  12. Looking at that I was like 'what's the joke?'... there isn't one right? It's just been written like a meme for no reason.
  13. The GT Invisible Walls Panel talk Lego City, from the start of the latest episode... http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/o22h0t/invisible-walls-multiplayer-on-trial
  14. That is absolutely gorgeous!! I mean this looks just like the artwork! And I love the one of him holding the bow! £150 is a lot to ask though, considering what else that could buy you... especially with new consoles etc. around the corner.
  15. Wouldn't you be disappointed playing Uncharted 1 after 2?
  16. It's a great game, I loved the characters; played it a few months back and need to move on to the second soon. Considering it can be found for under £10, and can probably be traded in for £5 or so, I think it's well worth playing.
  17. No but why buy MGS4 first? Get it NOW!
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