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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Driver Press Conference
  2. I did a quick F1/Pope Photoshop and sent it to the driver (Heikki's known for putting out his own car fire). He retweeted it and my twitter's gone rather crazy! :p
  3. Wouldn't you? :p
  4. @Serebii your predictions are becoming as good as Pachter's!
  5. The only reason I bring it up is because he had his shirt off cleaning up after his fall, and there's only one bullet hole. They made a point of it, not me.
  6. I just found it really weird, because it full on blew him back off the train into the air... it wasn't as if he stumbled backwards and over the side. I presumed it was the bullet he was cleaning up... and when he took the shards in for analysis and they were found to be 'whatever'... I thought Naomi Harris was going to turn out to be a double agent or something with these bullets... but no... this was the previous guys bullet. ... And all signs of hers completely vanished from the film.
  7. @Aneres11 I don't agree, but it's personal opinion. I just didn't overly enjoy it. What clichés are you talking about, because I'd say it had way more than Craig's other two because of all the nods to previous films. One thing I thought it did successfully was bring back the 'badguys lair' in a non-naff way. I also thought bringing M, Moneypenny and Q back was well done (even if Bond did outsmart Q) for the films moving forward; that was exciting. But I didn't really enjoy the story a great deal.
  8. But what was it that brought all these people to the cinema to watch it? Because it is average, you can tell that when you walk out having seen it. Hype can only have an impact on the opening couple of weeks, after that word would have got around to others less bothered, to maybe just wait for the DVD... but instead ticket sales just kept going!
  9. Yeah but to become the UK highest ever grossing film... If a Craig Bond film was gonna do that, Casino Royale was the better film to do it. And that's just Bond films!... there are countless better other films.
  10. I'm honestly completely bemused by this! Yes it's 50 years of Bond... but that's not something that's going to make people who don't usually watch the films go and see it. So were there mass repeat viewings?... I doubt it because I actually don't think it's that good a film come the end, to warrant it. And for this same reason I can't see how word of mouth could have done it either. I can only genuinely think Adele had something to do with it. But as Bond songs go it's pretty standard. Also on a personal not I didn't like the Skyfall titles. Too dark. --- *SPOILERS* Question: Where did Moneypenny's bullet hit him? Because despite it blowing him off the bridge, they only ever show/focus on him having the one bullet injury.
  11. I think they've done a good job of making the suit look alien. Actually, is the suit Kryptonian and found in the Fortress, or does I differ?... cause in Smallville doesn't his mum give it to him? Can we get a thread title change? :p
  12. It should come with a special pen and a wipe clean front, so you can fill them in.
  13. If McLaren do strike up an engine deal with Honda in 2015... would we inadvertently get the Marlboro Red/White McLaren back!? Also lol :p And...
  14. Two crappy new colours. YELLOW DAMMIT!!!
  15. Here come the Collectors Editions............................................... The 5th Freedom Edition (available exclusively to GAME in the UK and Gamestop in Ireland) • A Sam Fisher figurine (24cm) • A steelbook case • A 96 page graphic novel, Splinter Cell Echoes® • Single and Multiplayer Co-op maps: Dead Coast and Billionaire’s Yacht • Unlockable digital items: 5 pieces of gear: Gold Goggles and Amber Goggles, Ghost Boots, Armored Boots and Tactical Glove; 5 suits: Elite Digital Ghillie Suit, Spy Suit, Mercenary Suit, Upper Echelon Suit and Eclipse Suit; 5 Weapons: VSS Sniper Rifle, M1014 Tactical Shotgun, HK 416 Assault Rifle F40, Pistol and Crossbow The 5th Freedom Silver Edition (available exclusively to Uplay) • An exclusive Silver Sam Fisher figurine (24cm) • A special steelbook case with silver finish • A 96 page graphic novel, Splinter Cell Echoes® • Single and Multiplayer Co-op maps: Dead Coast and Billionaire’s Yacht • Unlockable digital items: 5 pieces of gear: Gold Goggles and Amber Goggles, Ghost Boots, Armored Boots and Tactical Gloves; 5 suits: Elite Digital Ghillie Suit, Spy Suit, Mercenary Suit, Upper Echelon Suit and Eclipse Suit; 5 Weapons: VSS Sniper Rifle, M1014 Tactical Shotgun, HK 416 Assault Rifle F40, Pistol and Crossbow Yes, it's pretty much exactly the same as the above package, but you get a silver Sam and silver finish steelbook. The Ultimatum Edition • Special-Ops Digital Watch • A 24 page Splinter Cell Echoes Graphic Novel • Single and Multiplayer Co-op maps: Dead Coast and Billionaire’s Yacht • Unlockable digital items: 2 pieces of gear: Gold Goggles and Ghost Boots, 1 Suit: Upper Echelon Suit Upper Echelon Day 1 Edition (Exclusive to Game in the UK and Xtravision in Ireland) This Day 1 edition includes - • The Dead coast single player and coop map • A pair of gold goggles • The legendary Upper Echelon Suit • Early access to the HK 416 Assault Rifle • Elite Digital Ghillie Suit And finally if you pre-order the game through Amazon.co.uk: • The Dead coast single player and coop map • A pair of gold goggles • The legendary Upper Echelon Suit • Tactical Gloves • Early access to M1014 Tactical Shotgun Rediculous! :p
  16. Damn I've missed Vanquish, Limbo and Sleeping Dogs?... I should have used that free trial sooner. Like you I'm not fully convinced by Plus Nando... but I've decided I'll probably use it for the games I'm not sure about buying but would like to try... as in those games I just listed.
  17. Heavy Rain is actually £10.85 at Shopto. I've recently completed it and I'd definitely recommend it Nando! There are so many great games in the Playstation Essentials range now!!!... http://shopto.net/search/?platform=&newsearch=essentials
  18. Thanks! I sell some, but no I don't make a lot of money off them. I sold quite a few of the 'Leave Me Alone I Know What I'm Doing' t-shirts. Sometimes I think I should look into costs for making them myself and set up a website... but not sure I could do that for the iPhone cases.
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